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  1. One area that I use the timeline and find it sometimes difficult is to match a slide to a particular point in the music. I have also been known to adjust the transition to fit the music as well. This requires the shuffling of all future slides sometimes in either direction, or just a shuffling of one. I only ever use the automatic fit to music duration as a starting point everthing else is manual. In fact I have on quite a few occassions editted the music to fit the slide show. So really my hopes are that being able to use modifier keys to control how the slides and transitions interact is important to me as well as being able to preview quickly just portions of the presenatation. Not sure if this description of using the timeline helps. One thing i have just found usefull was the TV safe zone so thanks for that.
  2. I still have the problem when opening object editor that it freezes. However i have tracked it to the Matrox G450 MaxView option. With this disabled the program is OK
  3. I new that would be to simple a solution really. I have tested the problem with new projects and old projects and the system reliably freezes. But thanks for that comment anyway.
  4. I have been looking at the problem of the program freezing, when i click on the object editor button. This problem does not occur on my laptop but does occur on my work and home workstations. the only thing they have in common is they have dual displays. The program freeze also occurs when I go to the full screen of file panel view.
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