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Jerry S.

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Everything posted by Jerry S.

  1. Grecco, This was neat but I would suggest converting your photos to a much smaller resolution (maybe 100 to 180 KB each. This is a large program to download for such a short program. This software is great for experimenting. Enjoy.
  2. I really appreciate everyone's input. I plan to test out Photoshop as an alternative to IrfanView. I'll also keep in mind lowering the screen resolutiion if the slideshow gets jumpy.
  3. Greetings, I could use some suggestions. I took many sports action photos in HQ mode on my digital camera. The photos are in the 450 KB range except for a few non-action shots in a higher resolution mode at about 1100 KB each. I'd like to reduce them to about 100 KB for my computer slideshows. How should I lower the sports action photos down from 1000 KB and 450 KB to about 100 KB? I have IrfanView and have messed with the batch file settings. It appears I would have to lower the "quality" slider to get them to compress down to 100 KB. Will the quality be fine for computer slideshows still once the photos are reduced? This should help people with older computers so they don't have any problems due to large file sizes and lack of memory or processor speed. I will have a few mp3 music files playing also. The reason I used the middle range high quality setting was so I could give people the option of printing some of them at maybe 5 by 7 or a little smaller and have reasonably good quality prints (I haven't tested this theory yet by printing any). Any thoughts or suggestions? Jerry S
  4. RudiRe, Thank you very much. It was easier then I expected. I already did a quick test. Thanks again. Jerry S.
  5. Jerry S., the more specific you ask your question, the more specific I can answer it. The way you asked here, however, I just can give you this vague advice: Use <span style='color:blue'>PicturesToExe and all of its possibilities until you run out of a two months supply in coffee, booze and cigarettes.</span> RudiRe, Specifically; pop up titles like the ones on 'The Sting'. I'm new to P2E. It doesn't look like the background flickers like I believe it would if you just added a title to the same backgound on the next slide. Does it involve a lot of programming outside the usual options of P2E? I can understand you may not want to give out what you earned through numerous hours of hard work. Maybe it's too complicated to easily explain on this forum. Thanks, Jerry S.
  6. RudiRe, Thank you for posting the Jukebox. I really enjoyed your "The Sting" start page with the pop up photos and titles. I'd like to attempt something along those lines. I (and I'm sure other P2E users) would be grateful for some ideas on how you did it. Thanks again for your show.
  7. Jesse, I wonder...when you saved the registration key did you rename the file? This would explain why the file would not be recognized. Just save the key someplace temporarily like your desktop without changing the name. Hopefully when you browse to the location you saved it in when prompted it will work. Note: See Guru's response below. I forgot about renaming the extension to '.reg'. Do this too.
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