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Everything posted by foto1
Brian, It had pics in it. I needed to get going. I have to give this workshop tomorrow. Did a system restore. Unzipped a backup from another drive. Have my staff all rewriting diferent chuncks. In the End I lost a a couple of days work. Saying this respectivly... I do not have problems with ANY other programs and memory. Just PTE. My business in imaging. I very often have gigs and gigs of files and multiple programs open and no problem. PTE will have memory problems when it is the only program open. Now I am doing save as after every new slide. Got to go. Thanks for your time. Dan
I did not just lose unsaved yesterday. I mean the project file , .pte Gone. As if I never it never Existed. Except for the appdata file. It think it only had photos in it. I can see losing unsaved work but the whole file seems odd. What should I do to get my machines mem back to par? thanks, dan
I did as you said with Pandora. Pandora does not find the file. It says no deleted files. This file was not deleted was it? It is just in the wrong place. Right? It is stuck in appdata. Am I doing something worng with Pandora? I have worked with it for several hours to no luck. Any other Ideas. I know where the file is. Nothing else can be done with it to restore it? (Wish I new before that Saving is not realy saving. ) Thanks dan foto1
It had been saved many times. The project is over a year in the making. I found it in the apps data. However it won't open. It is associated with pte6 but does not open. Any suggestions. Thanks
I was working a long and I got a message that Said "Out of Memory" When IO tried to save. I got a message that said Access violation. Program locked up. I Shut program with Task Manager. I expected to not have the work that was not saved. But that did not happen. The entire project is missing! Where is it!? thnaks. Vista PTE 6
Thanks for the suggestion. I do that already. I did not move the image. thanks, Dan, foto1
I am getting a lot of errors. I got them with 5.64. So I went to to 5.7. I get them there too. Sometimes the programs crash sometimes not. When it crashes as stated in earlier post the project completly disappears. I have included pics of the messages. OS=Vista Ram 3 gig CPU 2.4g dual core thanks, Dan, foto1
No, it was made in 5.6.4. on Vista OS If it happens again I will look there.
Yup, I looked everywhere. I think something must have gotten corrupted in the program. I downloaded 5.7 and started my project over from the begining. I have had no problems since the download. I think the weirdest thing about it was I was saving very often. When it crashed it blew away the file as if it never existed! Changed my SOP to saving every 5 minutes and backing up the file to external hard drive every five minutes. That should do it. I would like to know what happened. Thank you all! Gotta go, I'm 20 hours behind. Dan, foto1
The File is gone. Advanced Search did not find it. I was not doing create. I copied a slide and attempted to paste it. I need help to find the file. thanks
I was working along, I copied a slide and when I pasted it I got an error message and the program locked. The message said access denied and a few other words. The only thing I could do was use the task manager to close the program. I had been saving my work after the creation of every new slide. When I went to open the file after reloading the program the file was gone! I did a search for the everywhere for the file. It has been searching for 15 minutes. Nothing found yet. any Ideas? thanks, Dan. foto1
Greetings, Has anyone figured out how to make a function for the "Go to slide number..." where you can use it during a created show to jump to any number you wish? Example: You are on slide 10 and you decide would like to go back and review slide 4 so you click on the "jump to Slide #" button and type 4 and hit enter. Then you decde to jump ahead to # 15 you hit the same button and type 15 etc. I hope I typed my desire clearly. thanks, Dan, foto1 Vista PTE 5.6.4
Sorry I should be clearer in my post. My question is not how to make a menu. It is.. How do I format columns and rows - before making the menu. thanks
I would like to format some columns and rows of text and convert each entry into a hyperlink to a photo or document. Thus making it a menu. Does anybody have any tips for doing this quickly and easily? Thank you everyone for your patience of my naiveté.
I would like to try the magnfier utilitiies. Is there one where you can select an area and magnify it? Thanks
How would that work? These images are not in PTE at the time. PTE does not have tha manual zoom by user feature. If I could use PTE by itself I would. The picture needs to be zoomable by the end user. So for those photos I have a button that loads the picture on the screen with Irfanview. The idea was that they would view then close and they are right back in PTE. That is when they take it. They take it with Irfanview.
The PTE is left on a disc at their office. The PTE is shown on their computer. I am not there so they help themselves. If PTE had a manual zoom that could be operated by the user I would not have a problem. I can't make a show where I also show the image zoomed to a cetain point because the is no way to predetermin what the would want to look at up close. So I use the Irfanview. With it they can print copy or what ever else they wan t to do.
I need a photo/video viewer I can use with PTE. I want to use a button set to run application. Then I want the viewer to work just like Irfanview does for highlighting and area of the photo or document and zooming on it. I also want it to have zoom out function and a place to click that closes the program leaving me back at pte. I would just use Irfanview it works great. The highlight and zoom feature is exactly the way I want it. The problem is my PTEs are shown to lawyers and they steal my images! If I am not in the room they print them or copy them with the Irfanview! Can anybody suggest a viewer like Irfanview without all the printing, copying or saving? thanks
I am looking for Granot's wonderful site with pte utilities. When I go to his site I only see Dictionary translation software. Is the site still available? Thanks
I can't find it either - (Admin)After reading this topic we can suggest two features which can be implemented in the nearest beta of v5.00 1) "Stop at the end of a slide" option in slide properties window. In this case you can easily realize menu or waiting until user press Next slide key or button. This option will work only when "Synchronize slides and music" option disabled. Do i miss understand is this still coming or am I doing it wrong again? Thanks
What foto1 would like is to see is, [ ] Display each slide for: put in v5. What everyone has come up with is a workaround. To keep it that way would make the program unusable for those who just could not explain it to a client and have it be acceptable. Which leaves us with 4.48 which needs the fonts updated and the resizing and effect elements etc. that it will not get. Thank you to all who have been very Courteous re: my blunt approach to stating the problems I see. Let's hope [ ] Display each slide for: can be returned. without to much trouble by the programer. You are a great group of folks. The authors of the PTE are lucky to have such a GREAT family of users. Thanks to all again, foto1
I can only get that way to work if the nav bar is on. I do not want a nav bar. I want to use a menu like a menu. To have ot hit pause then hit my menu button then hit pause again, is a bit like adjusting the rabbit ears on an old TV... If you do this, and this, and this, and hold your arm out, and stand on one foot it works! You know what I mean? We are back to rinky dink. How in the world could I give this to a clint and say do all of this and it works, sort of. They will not understand or even bother. Simpler to put back what was not broken. Thanks
Thanks Al, This is what I have been looking for. However I am still missing a piece. Sorry. I set to 5k sec. I applied it to all exisiting slides. I enabled control with keyboard or mouse. I added a button on slide #1 and set it to go to slide #3 I closed the slide. I saved. I previewed. The buttton does not do anything. What did I miss. Thanks so much.
It's simple, I dont want it to go the next slide without me telling it to. The best way to do that is quite easy. Don't remove a simple function that already works and works very well. I need to be able to go from slide 1 to 10 to 13 to 555 and back to 13 on the fly. The way the program did it before is better. The way I see it. If I can do that, that is all I want to do. So far all I have heard does not work when I try it. I appriciate you candor, a good healthy discussion. When Pinnacle was 29.00 (years ago) it did what PTE does now. I've done video for 35 years. PTE is now a video slide show or call it a move slide show same thing. If it turns out that I am totaly wrong I'd be delighted. (somebody please show me) If the new version comes out without things removed that worked perfectly well, I would jump for joy! Lin thank you for patience me!
Nope. It is not all there. Those of us who would like to run the show with our own menu, not posible. If I can still use my own menus someone please make me delighted, show me. This runs like a movie. Before you could make somewhat professional presentaions on the fly useing self made menus. To have to start the thing then "time" hitting the spacebar to pause it gets those who want to have more control no control. It disables all othe keys beacuse you are in "pause". you canot go back or foreward. You cannot click on a menu item. Yes, you do want timing for the effects that have been added on slides even in the manual mode I am talking about. the effects are no less desirable in the manual mode. This new version should be called slides into movies beacuase that is what I see. If you want to make movies from your slides buy "Pinnacle" you will get 100x more effects, transitions and even a music generator for any type of sound you want. All with much less effort and money. Please do not think me to be rude. That is not my intention. I love PTE. I say these things with repect to you and all PTE lovers. In my opinion this is not an upgrade, it is change that has not been thought through. V5 is not ready.