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Everything posted by foto1

  1. Wow that's a huge bummer! Seems odd. That a very simple thing would be tossed out. The true best of both worlds would be to have the pan and zoom available and the manual mode as before. I have tried it using the menu bar. I figured that much out. To have to start then pause when you don't want to have the menu bar shown at all seems "rinky dink" I hope that it will be reconsidered before the final version comes out. Seems simple enough just put it back on. PTE 4.48 needs the new upgrades to continue it's success but not at the cost of losing good BASIC functions. PTE is headed towards becoming good professional grade tool. I hope it continues in that direction!
  2. Where is the setting in v5 for running a manual slide show? It the 4.48 you just unchecked the [] Display each slide for:. That is a very valuable feature. I hope it has not been left out. Thanks
  3. It is not that the program can not go and find a file to display. The link I put on the slide is not getting saved. I am just saving the work as a project. It's a work in progress. I have not saved it via "create" choice. I am losing work from one work session to another. If I make buttons with the button maker so far they have been there to edit next time. Thanks!
  4. I have 4.48. I am using the hyperlinks as menu buttons. I used the space bar to get the size of button I wanted to use. This way they would be invisable hot spots. It worked okay last week. I have reinstalled but without removing the old program. I did not want to lose weeks worth of work. If this is not going to work this way can anybody tell me how to make invisable buttons another way. Many thanks for your help!
  5. I have installed hyperlinks in my slide program to use as navigational buttons within the program (go to slide # etc). They are doing mysterious things. Sometimes after I have saved my work, closed the program, then return later, and open the program they are not there! I am positive I have saved my work! Sometimes in preview mode the function still works but the hyperlink will not show so that I can edit it to give it a different function etc. What is happening? I have reinstalled the program and it is still happening. Thanks
  6. I need a mpeg video player that will show SAMI captions when present. I need it to be small enough to distribute on the same CD. EMAIL direct, if you please. THANKS
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