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Everything posted by tom95521

  1. Hi Jean-Cyprien, Very nice and smooth. I forgot to add inkjet stop start animation to the paper! There should be 2 styles, one for color laserjet and one for inkjet. Thanks, Tom
  2. The frame within a frame seems to fix the portrait to landscape rotation. It needs further refinement. Feel free to improve, Thanks, Tom epson_printer_rotate.ptestyle
  3. Hi Lin, The paper ejection and shadow look great. I'm going to keep playing with portrait printing and rotating to landscape. I vaguely remember something about a frame within a frame to rotate 2 axis simultaneously. I think it had to do with the wireframe sphere many years ago. Thanks, Tom
  4. Hi Kieron, I think the printer either needs to use masks or the bottom section is split into a separate object so the paper can hide between printer layers. Currently image rotation is a problem that I find difficult. When I try to rotate the image after exiting the printer the left side is raised before dropping down. I think it is because rotation is 2D. I guess the easy way to solve this would be to print in landscape mode instead of portrait. I think most printers use portrait printing. Thanks, Tom
  5. I am trying to make a printer animation with photos ejecting from a printer, rotating on the table, and then filling the screen. Having trouble making it look semi realistic. Any help appreciated. Thanks, Tom epson_printer_Oct25-2018_9-02-40.zip
  6. Hi Lin, I think the slideshowclub.com software might work if there was a new section for transitions and styles. People could like/vote their favorites so the best would show up first. If not then a simple webpage like https://archive.slideshowclub.com/ would work but it would require someone maintain it. I know TheDom had a site with templates for sale but not sure if it was profitable. If people shared the PTE source files I think it could be copied by others. I know Igor is busy with getting the v10 beta ready so it might be awhile before it's implemented. Thanks, Tom
  7. Hi Dave, Another great animated style. There are so many great ones to choose from now. I know Lin has a slideshow with sample styles but I think we need a styles webpage with info, small video preview, and link to download the style. Thanks, Tom
  8. I think if you use unsharp mask in project settings/screen it overrides negative blur? Tom
  9. If you want to play around with 3D parallax you can upload a photo and create a depthmap (or use google photo LensBlur). http://depthy.me/#/ Tom
  10. This is not a workaround but you can currently copy single or all selected objects from the objects and animation window into other slides. If you open up the copied objects they are in text format. Not sure how a copied style would be different other than not having to open up objects and animation window. Tom
  11. I decided to go ahead and order the Ryzen 7 2700x computer from Costco. The security issues (spectre/meltdown/tlbleed) with i7 processors was an important factor. Should be here within 10 days. The 90 day return policy and 2 year warranty won me over. Tom
  12. Hi Dave, I am sorry. My mistake. I thought your video was using an AVI with MP3 compression. Your video was already using MP4 container with AAC compression. I renamed the .ptestyle to .zip and extracted to check. Always something new to learn... Thanks, Tom File Name: project1 (4).mp4 File Size: 969.7 KB Media Length: 00:00:30 Video Format: AVC 800 X 600 29.97 fps 6 kbps Audio Format: AAC 2 Channels 44100 Hz, 16 Bits 248 kbps
  13. Hi Igor, It's always difficult buying a PC because "next year" the processors will be even faster. I must decide if I want to wait for 7 nm Zen 2 next year. https://hothardware.com/news/amd-zen-2-13-percent-ipc-lift-over-zen Thanks, Tom
  14. My workstation is about 4 years old. Intel 4 core i7 4790K, 16 GB DDR3, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050ti 4 GB. Upgraded with 256 GB SSD and 4 TB hard drive. I'm thinking about buying a new computer and switching from Intel to an 8 core Ryzen 7 2700x computer. They seem to have fewer security problems (spectre/meltdown) compared to Intel. https://www.costco.com/iBUYPOWER-C-SLA300a-Gaming-Desktop---AMD-Ryzen-7-2700X---GeForce-GTX-1060.product.100430278.html I was wondering if anybody is using an AMD Ryzen CPU with PTE? Are you happy with the performance? Thanks, Tom
  15. If you create the video with a black slide and fit all slides to soundrack then publish as a custom MP4 you should be able to get the video file size smaller than the original WAV or MP3 file. The sound can be deleted or changed by opening the video Properties, Picture, and navigating to a different video. Tom
  16. Hi Lin, I think I understand now. That reminds me of when we were experimenting with rotating wire spheres with an image in the center. It's always amazing what you can do with PTE. Thanks, Tom
  17. Hi Lin, Do you mean changing the Z order of objects like the ball? I know in the past there was a suggestion to allow changes to layer order at keyframes.
  18. Hi Igor, Now the File List Sort Order in Settings is working. Thanks, Tom
  19. The update has been temporarily disabled while Microsoft checks out deleted users files. There is a new Nvidia 416.6 driver for 1809. https://www.engadget.com/2018/10/06/windows-10-october-update-delete-pulled/ Tom
  20. You can force the update now if you want. Everything seems to be working OK (including PTE). https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/get-windows-10-update-now,5831.html Tom
  21. I probably should have placed this under Troubleshooting forum. Thanks, Tom
  22. PTE 9.0.20 I thought the sort order was saved in settings (like Language) but it always defaults back to Name. I tried creating a custom project template with File List Sort Order set to Date but that did not work. I tried also tried saving as DefaultProject. I know this has come up in the forum before but I can't find the message. I always want to see the files that were recently modified when I use media. Tom
  23. Instead of hard coding a username and password for YouTube authentication in PTE maybe it is possible to use OAuth authentication where the client (PTE) redirects to YouTube for a token and YouTube prompts you to consent access from the application. It remains in the application until you sign out of YouTube within the application. It is very easy for the user to upload videos. https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/authentication Thanks, Tom
  24. Hi Judy, I agree. Filmora is a simple video editor but also has advanced features like audio noise reduction, image stabilization, and color correction. The action cam tool should be great for correcting videos before importing into PicturesToExe. I should have my Yi 4K in a few days and will test filmora on my videos. Thanks, Tom
  25. For a free video editor I use Garmin VIRB Edit. It is designed to add GPS overlay to videos but that is optional. You can import MP4 (not AVCHD) and JPEG files. It has a basic timeline with trim/split, rotate 180, and mirror (rotate/mirror missing in PTE). One nice feature is the speed conversion. If you want to do a change speed (post capture) to slow motion the range is 12.5% (1/8x) with timelapse/hyperlapse of 800% (8x). It also has a title generator, audio track, and a few basic transitions. It does not have image stabilization. I have used it on a > 1 GB file without it crashing. I just ordered a Yi 4K action camera so will be using the editor more in the future. https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/573412 I also use ProDAD ReSpeedR (not free). It does slowmotion/timelapse and image stabilzation. https://www.prodad.com/Slowmotion-Timelapse/ReSpeedr-V1-29772,l-us.html Tom
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