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Everything posted by tom95521

  1. Since the forum seems to be slowing down (temporary situation I hope) I thought I might start a new topic. I am planning on buying a desktop PC (my first 8 bit 4 Mhz Z80 16K ram computer was purchased in 1980). I already have a few older Dells that I have upgraded with cheap 256 GB SSDs and run Fedora Linux. Linux is great for web/email and less chance of malware. I don't buy or build a custom built PC, just off the shelf Dells because they are less expensive and reliable (for me at least). Dell xps8900 Intel skylake i7 cpu 3.4 Ghz 14 nm Windows 10 64 bit 16 GB DDR4 ram 512 GB SSD program (extra) 4 TB Hitachi HD data (extra) ATI or Nvidia 4 GB graphics (although I think the newer integrated gpu works fine for PTE) 27" ips monitor (extra) The price for PC plus extra storage and monitor would be about $/€1,400. Anyone else buying a new PC? Tom
  2. I don't know if I would consider app passwords a workaround. Google has a recommended method for applications and devices to login. I doubt if it will change in the future. It's nice that google has put security before convenience. Usually it's the opposite and then people complain when their accounts are compromised. https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en Tom
  3. Hi DG, Last active yesterday so that's good news. Thanks, Tom
  4. Not seeing any posts by Igor has me a little worried. My hope is his team is busy programming version 9 or maybe taking a break from the forum. I'm just hoping someone has been in contact with him to make sure he is ok. Tom
  5. Hi, The short answer is yes, you will need a copy of Windows to use the PTE editor and create slideshows. You can create Mac slideshows on PTE. The current 8.0n version of PTE can run Windows on a newer model Macs using a Windows partition and Bootcamp software from Apple. If you want to run OS X and Windows at the same time then you will need a hosted hypervisor that creates a virtual PC for Windows on top of OS X. The two most popular are VMWare Fusion and Parallels. There is also VirtualBox 5 (free) that requires a copy of Windows and Wine (free) a Windows API emulator that does not require a copy of Windows. I have not tried the free software. I doubt the performance is comparable to Fusion or Parallels. PTE 9 editor that *may* be available for beta testing in late 2015 *may* run natively on either Windows or Macs. Tom update Nov. 10, 2015. There is also Codeweavers which is apparently an API emulator. They are working on Direct X 11, so it should work with Direct X 9 applications like PicturesToExe. https://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/search?name=picturestoexe
  6. There might be an easier way to embed videos in on your web pages. YouTube hosted, Vimeo, ... http://www.tommendenhall.com/test/ Your problem might be varnish web cache related. Apparently fixed in a newer version of varnish. https://www.varnish-cache.org/trac/ticket/1506 Tom Output from your web server. HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not SatisfiableServer: nginxDate: Sat, 24 Oct 2015 15:27:53 GMTContent-Type: video/mp4Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveLast-Modified: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 21:39:25 GMTEtag: 981f37cab04d5534994aab3a3836fc31X-Timestamp: 1424468364.36438X-Trans-Id: txc2594ae49c324f64b6856-00562ba379X-Fat-ttl: 86400.000X-Varnish: 477598845Via: 1.1 varnish-plus-v4X-Fat-Backend: swiftX-Fat-grace: noneX-Fat-Cache: MISSX-Thin-ttl: 86400.000X-Thin-Source: thin_dal1X-Varnish: 270398274Age: 0Via: 1.1 varnish-plus-v4X-Thin-Backend: fat_cacheX-Thin-Hints: last backend was fat_cacheX-Thin-Grace: noneX-Thin-Cache: MISSAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Range: bytes */0Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *Access-Control-Max-Age: 604800
  7. I can sometimes play the first video on the page. When I view source I can play the mp4 videos just fine. It looks like some kind of weird caching problem to me. When I hit F12 in Chrome to debug the page it (sometimes) has a http status code 416 error on a video which has to do with byte range serving (loading part of the video before playing). The page has some errors that you might want to fix. There are online html tidy sites that will clean up the code. https://validator.w3.org/ Good luck! Tom
  8. A better solution than JPG. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Better_Portable_Graphics Zoom in to see reduced artifacts at smaller file size http://xooyoozoo.github.io/yolo-octo-bugfixes/ Better animation than GIF http://bellard.org/bpg/animation.html Thanks, Tom
  9. I think you can just use Windows Explorer and drag the images into PTE? http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?/topic/16650-how-to-sort-images-by-recording-date-time/?p=114475 Tom
  10. I could not let this one fly by without a comment. Google Street View has probably produced the largest number of photographs in the world. Is Google the photographer? There is no human involved in the process. I assume Google owns the images/data so I think they could be considered the photographer, although by default they could be considered public domain. Tom
  11. Have your friends travel to either Alaska or the lower 48 and watch the slideshow. Make sure you describe it as educational. We have something called "fair use" here. Tom
  12. Drive in theater: They were gone around 1970 before I started driving. PTE 8 is what I consider to be a Ford Model T. It's reliable but has not changed in about 2 years. Some users are perfectly happy with this version. PTE 9 is what I hope will be a Tesla. A revolutionary advancement in technology. Tom
  13. There are many drivers and pilots who are perfectly happy using older vehicles. There are some of us who enjoy living near the leading edge of technology. They are the test drivers and pilots who enjoy pushing buttons. I think if you lived in California you would understand. If you had the choice of driving a Ford model T or a Tesla which one would you want to drive? Tom
  14. 2 things I would check. Overclock to 4.5 Ghz? Overclocking is pushing the hardware limits on device timing and overheating and can be unstable. Video encoding is cpu intensive. Graphics card driver? Is it he default driver or downloaded from AMD? Tom
  15. My slightly negative view on music is that for every great musician there are probably a thousand that are good but not someone that I want to listen to play. I blame it on the internet and high quality of sound recordings. I understand people enjoy playing music but after listening to Eric Clapton or <insert your favorite guitar player here> then it's hard for me to listen to anyone else play the guitar. It's nobody in particular that I don't like. It's just that I like Eric Clapton better. Tom
  16. I am hoping beta by the end of 2015. I think this was the last reply from Igor. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?/topic/18556-to-be-or-not-to-be/?p=123706 Thanks, Tom
  17. You can save the text as transparent png. Tom
  18. Just a simple style that adds small amount of rotation to the pan. Not a new idea. See rotational pan on this page. http://www.panolapse360.com/ Video https://goo.gl/photos/ceCxaxQCo9DnzF9v8 Thanks, Tom Update. I have a more realistic 2 facet mask version and working on a 4 facet X mask version of a rotational pan. Tripod Pan.ptestyle
  19. Thanks for your answers. There seems to be multiple reasons why HDTVs do not make good primary display monitors. The refresh rate and response time are slower and the pixel density for the same resolution is lower due to the larger screens which will make text appear fuzzy when viewed close. A computer monitor larger than 27" screen should be higher resolution than 1920x1080. So I will wait until my local Costco has a higher resolution display on sale. Thanks, Tom
  20. I want to buy a 1080p (not 4K) monitor for one of my desktop computers. All I need is hdmi (no vga or dvi). For the price of a 27" (69 cm) Samsung computer monitor I can buy a 32" (82 cm) Samsung HDTV. I have no idea what color profile(s) they both support. I'm guessing sRGB for both of them. The cost is about $200 U.S. dollars. Question. What advantage does a computer monitor provide compared to a HDTV. I think most LCD devices use LED back lighting instead of the older LED edge lighting or fluorescent light. Most newer HDTVs have mp4 USB player that computer monitors do not provide. Is it because of IPS? Is it because of refresh rate? Is it because the PPI is higher on the monitor (27" compared to 32")? The image quality looks identical to me. The stand on the computer monitor might be higher quality. As long as it does 60Hz refresh rate or higher it should be fine? Is anyone using a HDTV for their primary PC monitor? Thanks, Tom
  21. Hi Dave, I would like to be able to right click on the audio waveform in the timeline view and use an external audio editor to normalize audio level, reduce noise, etc. Since PTE 9 will be a 64 bit program the memory cache for audio should not be a problem. Thanks, Tom
  22. Hi, I'm starting to play with audio in both Audacity and Goldwave (currently discounted if anybody is interested) and how to use it with PTE. I know you can edit the audio file in the file list but it would be nice to edit when it's in the timeline. Related topic. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?/topic/18219-just-missing-the-function-to-call-up-external-audio-editor/?p=121532 Thanks, Tom
  23. Nice slideshow although I quit watching during the bullfighting. Audio quality was great. Maybe Audacity is good enough and I don't need Goldwave. Interesting how Vimeo seems to be better at cross fades between slides than YouTube. Less noise and pixelation. Thanks, Tom
  24. Another freeware app that does batch 1:1 crop with optional border is FastStone Photo Resizer. Supports large number of image formats. http://www.faststone.org/FSResizerDetail.htm Tom
  25. Hi, Thanks for the update. It will be a nice holiday present to play with a new version. Actually I am about a year from retirement and I hope to have more time for travel and photography. Thanks, Tom
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