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Everything posted by tom95521

  1. Hi Mick, 8.0.2 has a newer DVD burn engine than 7.5 but you are having the same problem with iso and imgburn. Also since your DVD discs work with 7.5 the disc media is not the problem. I thought maybe your videobuilder was set to NTSC instead of PAL. If it is a specific slideshow that will not publish to DVD it might be something about the images or audio that is not being converted to mpeg-2 format. Maybe try a simple slideshow with different images and no music and see if that works? Strange problem. Tom
  2. Hi Mick, What version of PTE? PAL or NTSC? Tom
  3. You could convert your image(s) online. I would probably not upload personal information but for flowers etc. it should work. http://www.cmyk2rgb.com/ Tom
  4. You might try another web browser. I sometimes have problems saving with Google Chrome. It is a 2 step process for me in Chrome. It works in IE saving one time.That does not explain the black bar at the top of the screen (I do not have this problem). In Google Chrome Save as web page, HTML only Save again as web page, complete Tom,
  5. Apparently it's a common problem with certain Nvidia driver versions and Windows 8.1. https://esports.geforce.com/forums/topic/622432/geforce-drivers/windows-8-1-nvidia-327-23-on-gtx-690-always-starts-3d-vision/ Here is what I would do (no guarantees it will fix anything). 1. Try Control+T or Control+Alt+Insert to disable the warning. If that does not fix the problem then I would 2. Disable Stereoscopic 3D in Nvidia Control Panel. If that does not fix the problem then I would 3. Make sure I have the latest driver for my operating system and graphics card. http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us Tom
  6. I think understand the problem now. When you add images of different resolutions it changes the zoom %. I think Igor would have to change his code to % of current image instead of original image. I thought putting the image inside a frame might work but it does not seem to make a difference. Version 8.0.4. Tom I forgot that you can rename .ptestyle files to .zip and then unzip. It looks like the .pte source file is doing an absolute scale which might be the problem. object KeyPoint1:KeyPoint Time=0 Origin=SlideBegin Opacity=100 Angle=0 ScaleX=208.333344 ScaleY=208.333344 Position=0,0 CenterPos=0,0 AngleX=0 AngleY=0 ZPos=0 end
  7. Hi Dave, I must be missing a step because it seems to work for me... Original.ptestyle Tom
  8. If you are creating a video DVD by creating an ISO image using videobuilder you should be able to create a 4.7 GB data file. NTFS supports TB file sizes for data. Maybe your bitrate is too high or you do not have enough temp file space? Does it fail when creating the ISO image or fail when you try to burn the image? Can you open the ISO file using http://mpc-hc.org/ ? Tom
  9. I did not know this option existed until Lin started this thread. Is anyone using this method of changing audio files? Tom
  10. I think the most difficult part of PTE port to the Mac platform has already been completed. That is the PTE viewer application. The editor would need to be ported to the Mac. If they use a cross platform application framework like Qt that would help. I wonder if there were a Mac version of PTE could it create a Windows .exe slideshow? Igor hinted at a possible Mac version in this recent post. Do you create Virtual AVI "P.S. The new video output will work more reliable, and this code will be used in Mac version in future. We'd like to discard old rarely used options which difficult to rewrite." Tom
  11. A simple style that cycles between colors. It might be good for title background or a border around an image. The color wheel gradients created in Pixbuilder Studio. 16:9 style Colors.ptestyle 16:9 source colors.zip Thanks, Tom Latest version. Colors wheels are now in a rotating frame. Still learning. 16:9 style Colors2.ptestyle 16:9 source colors2.zip
  12. I might be the one who submitted this as an idea and suggestions topic a long time ago. It's great for beginners that just want to add a bunch of images and music and make them end together. It's not for advanced users who want to to sync the transitions to the music. Tom
  13. Hi Lin, I can verify in version 8.0.4 when you replace the audio file the time duration does not change as displayed next to the file name and so the fit all slides does not work. Thanks, Tom
  14. Hi Judy and Mary, Lin Evans has detailed instructions if you want to pan and zoom around the image multiple times. Thanks to Judy for the idea and Jean-Cyprien for recommending custom transitions to create the random effect. http://docs.picturestoexe.com/en/techniques/kenburns Thanks, Tom
  15. Hi, Welcome to the forum. Yes. They must have Intel Macs running OS X which is not a problem if their Macs are less than 6 years old. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple's_transition_to_Intel_processors I recommend you always use the zip option when publishing Mac slideshows. Then you copy the zip file to your dropbox folder. On their Macs they double click on the zip file to open and it creates a slideshow file with the blue PTE icon. Double click on the slideshow file to run. Mac file format is different for applications than Windows file format. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_fork Tom
  16. Hi Frans, That is a great idea. Thanks, Tom
  17. You can still send .exe attachments in gmail up to 25 MB by renaming the extension from .exe to .mdb (probably others too). Awhile ago you could just rename it to .zip but gmail scans inside .zip files now. Just remember to rename the extension on the receiving end to .exe. The best method is to do what Eric suggests and use one of the many file sharing sites like Google Drive, OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive), etc. https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6584?hl=en Tom
  18. Hi Eric, You must be using a different method of adding media. I have only used the Attach files option below the message window. Maybe you are using a different method. I can see my thumbnail images either logged in or out of the forum. Strange. Hope someone else can help, Tom
  19. Eric, I position the cursor on a blank line where I want the image added and then click on 'Add to Post'. I can easily change the order if needed. It has always worked for me. Tom
  20. 18 transitions to be utilized together to create random pan and zoom transitions sometimes called the Ken Burns effect. You can select all 18 transitions and import together instead of one at a time. Set the slide duration and the transition duration to be equal. Only tested in 16:9 format. pan_zoom_transitions.zip http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Burns_effect Thanks, Tom Also 4 tilt transitions for fun. tilt_transitions.zip
  21. Hi Judy and others, Here is my best attempt at creating random dissolve pan zoom transitions. The 2 limitations that I have noticed are slide 1 must be stopped during fade and also match the zoom and pan settings of the end of slide 2. Also the image zoom must be 110% so that a 5% pan and 5% zoom do not cause image to leave screen area. This allows zoom in from 105% to 110% with 5% pan. I could not figure out how to embed the custom transitions into a style so you do not have to load them manually. Maybe DG or others can figure this out. http://1drv.ms/1jbUR2c Thanks, Tom One other transition group I am playing with is 3D rotate X, rotate Y transitions just for fun.
  22. I think I have it figured out smooth fading between slides. The only limitation is that the previous slide (slide 1 in transition editor) must freeze while fading. Here is an example. I will add a pan/zoom combination next with source. http://1drv.ms/1n9f3Bs Tom
  23. Hi Peter, Yes. The zoom can be set so that you never pan outside the image. The problem I am discovering is how to get a smooth dissolve (crossfade) between slides. So far no luck. Thanks, Tom
  24. I think it is a simple slideshow with single image on each slide. The custom pan zoom transitions are applied to all slides. The reason custom transitions are being used instead of a style is for random movement. Problem: Current transition does not know the type of random previous transition (pan left, pan right, pan up, pan down, zoom in, zoom out, or both pan+zoom). I think that limits us to using a paused slide 1 during dissolve. Slide 2 can be moving during dissolve. I was thinking I might try 110% zoom images with 5% movement. The problem with my method is that zoom must always be applied (no pan only transitions) to make sure slides align. Maybe there is a better method? Template perhaps? Interesting problem. Thanks, Tom
  25. Pan and zoom together no problem. I think 10% is probably too much. I will try 5%. Still working on the dissolves since the slides are random I think each transition must fade at the end of slide 1 and the begging of slide 2. Might need help from JC or DG or LE or ? to figure this out. Tom
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