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Everything posted by tom95521

  1. Previously named Space. Just a couple of transitions with rocket boosters to move the slides. It turns out animating a cone of ionized gas and mach discs is not that easy. Not for your normal slideshow. 16:9 Demo Rocket1Rocket2_demo.zip Rocket1 rocket1.zip Rocket2 rocket2.zip Thanks, Tom http://youtu.be/t6a0u0pNHDA
  2. Simple pan down bounce with speed control. Feel free to modify. If you post new version back to forum please reply to this topic and increment number so we have revision control. This might help with forum searches and avoid confusion. 16:9 demo (3 MB) Bounce.zip Transition (works all aspect ratios) Bounce1.zip Thanks, Tom
  3. I thought the Tegra 3 was fast. Tegra 4 will be super fast. Amazing specifications. 1080p @ 120 Hz. 4K video. PTE video slideshows will be smooth as silk. Tegra 4 Tom
  4. Hi Lin, Your tutorials are always educational. I notice it says comedy category? I didn't see a more information link? I guess if people need to know they can always google picturestoexe cube. The audio could be a little higher at least on my macbook pro but I fixed by plugging in my external USB speakers. Thanks, Tom
  5. For my space slideshow I want to visit distant planets but I need to tackle this problem first. How can I make a realistic rotating globe without using a movie or animated gif and not having the option of using displacement mapping? What I am trying to do is create a rotating globe from a mercator projection map of the Earth. Slide 2 splits the Earth into upper and lower hemispheres with +/-30 degree rotate X transformations. I think slide 2 does look better than slide 1. Now I want to split the Earth into 4 quadrants by adding 30 degree Y transformations. I'm guessing it will require more masks maybe with zones like in slide 3? I'm hoping Lin or someone else has an idea. I know the easy answer is to use a movie or gif loop but I would not learn anything. Thanks, Tom earth_transformation.zip
  6. I can't find it in version 7.5. I use it to create videoplayer poster images (static image before video starts playing). Anybody else know where to look? From PTE 7.0.7 Thanks, Tom
  7. Create custom template. Insert text object. Insert text template. Text template is not inserted into custom transition. Text template is inserted into text comments for new slides. Maybe text template is limited use in custom template editor and should be removed? If text template applied to custom transition then text would probably only show briefly on screen? Thanks, Tom
  8. Three different types of curtain transitions. No masks, just red and black linear gradient rectangles. Video and exe in the folder. I welcome any improvements since I'm not a graphic artist. 16:9 format Curtain Transitions Update: 2012.12.27 Added versions 10-15 various types of transparent curtains. Included Curtains 1-15 into zip file with .exe demo. Curtain1-15.zip Thanks, Tom
  9. Just testing the powerful new custom transitions we now have in version 7.5. I am looking forward to trying other member's transitions. All my transitions are in 16:9 format since it's compatible with my digital camera HD video and HD output video. Just 3 art easel transitions (no masks). Art Easel Transitions Thanks, Tom
  10. Playing with custom transitions. Trying to create a crude example of an animated mask. I don't have Photoshop installed on any of my computers so I can't try using a textured type brush so you have to use your imagination. It would be much easier if we could use animated gif masks or even movie masks. Animated Mask Thanks, Tom
  11. This slideshow is using DG's Slice1 and Slice2 custom transitions. HD version available. Thanks, Tom
  12. and post your custom transitions here? It would be easier to find them in the future. What do you think? Thanks, Tom
  13. Dropbox has a new sharing feature. I am testing it with just a few multimedia files (video player and image player) to see how it handles all the different mime types. I wonder if it supports web pages? . More testing required. I like it so far. Tom's Test Share I created goldfish.exe in 2007 before PTE supported video. We were all experimenting back then. Interesting. It looks like they are using an older 5.10 version of JWPlayer for their video player app. Dropbox is spreading out to Ireland. Thanks, Tom
  14. A new feature in 7.5 is custom transitions. Apparently we can create and share custom transitions. There are many interesting transitions I see on web pages that I would like to use in PTE. Do you think it is possible to create these types of sophisticated transitions without creating a template? Samples (Use Chrome or FireFox to see animations) http://tympanus.net/...pment/Slicebox/ http://demo.tutorial...shutter-effect/ From http://artatm.com/20...web-developers/ Thanks, Tom
  15. When source video in PTE is not converted with PTE converter the audio is silent (mute) on DVD. I can PM Igor a sample mp4 video with AAC audio that does not work unless converted by PTE to AC3. Let me know if you want the sample. This only happens in Windows 8 in my testing. Thanks, Tom
  16. When I select Create MPEG2 option it creates 2 files: file.m2v and file.wav. It seems the files are not multiplexed into single mpg file. In PTE 7.0.7 it creates single mpg (mpeg2 file). Tested using: Windows 7 64 bit lenovo ideapad i7/nvidia 660m Windows 8 64 bit macbook pro Thanks, Tom
  17. Might as well include other part of this request before I forget - circular gradient. Not much use having a circle if you can't make it appear to have depth. Thanks, Tom
  18. Some of you may have been following my circle thread in ideas and suggestions. While testing I created a 30 fps and 60 fps video for my Nexus 7. The 60 fps appears to have a glitch when the circle is approximately at 90 degrees Y transformation (thin vertical line). I do not see it in the exe or 30 fps video. It shows up in HD video output either 1 pass encoding or 2 pass encoding. I guess it could be a bug in my 180 rectangle circle but it's strange it only shows up in the 60 fps video. Tested with Daum PotPlayer on my PC and also on Nexus 7. 20 MB circlefpstest.zip Thanks, Tom
  19. Very nice Jill. That is a very good demo. I was hoping to avoid using a mask since it might be nice to have many circles on the screen at one time and then apply a blur (PTE 7.6 high on wish list) like a bokeh effect. Maybe there is not such a performance hit as I think there is for masks. Thanks, Tom
  20. Hi DG, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to download and view before you removed it. I always learn something from your demo slideshows. I don't know why I didn't think of a frame to make the ellipse. It was early in the morning and before my first cup of Starbucks coffee. The screen aspect ratio is critical if you want to create a perfect circle, but it is another method to create an ellipse. During my circle testing I think I found a 60 fps encoding bug in 7.5 that I will post in the main forum. Thanks, Tom
  21. Hi DG, Not sure where you see a bear and butterfly. I probably should have used a simple gradient background instead of windows wallpaper. I think a PTE generated circle would be easier to change the color and also scale up/down with less noticeable jagged edges. I guess if I set the external editor it would not take too long but still not as simple as a PTE circle object. Also maybe you know how I could make an ellipse instead of circle by rotating an object in PTE? I was just wondering if it is possible? I thought by rotation off center it would create an ellipse but no luck so far. Thanks, Tom
  22. It would be great if PTE had a circle geometric primitive. I can simulate a circle by rotating object rotated 1 degree, then copying object, and pasting 180 times. It is a very accurate circle but PTE must rotate 180 objects to create. Zoom effect slower due to large number of objects that must be scaled and transformed instead of 1 object. Other method might be with use of circular mask but it would still be nice to have a simple circle object with lower computing requirements. Test circle created by rectangle rotation. Thanks, Tom
  23. PicturesToExe is all about displaying your photos and videos at the highest quality possible. The ability to create both Windows and Mac compatible slideshows is fantastic. Multiple import and export options. The font quality is amazing. The transitions and animations are smooth and accurate. Recently I created a simple Windows screen saver of the ocean from a short video captured on my digital camera and someone at work noticed it running on my PC and asked me for a copy. Then a few days later someone else at work noticed it running on his PC and asked him for a copy. PicturesToExe is for hobbyist and professional. The development team listens to feedback and continues to add new features. Highly recommended. Tom Mendenhall Arcata, California USA
  24. Hi, I usually burn video presentations with Ulead MovieFactory 4 instead of Nero Vision 4. I think it might be slightly easier than NV4 to create a dual data/video disc, since it's a single step process. I was going to buy MF5, but the download demo was corrupted so I didn't follow up on the purchase. When it's time to burn the disc, there is an option to add other files to the disc, including a data folder of your media. PTE5 can also create a single zip file of everything used in the project. When you are testing the data/dvd method, you might want to create a short video and use the nero image recorder option to create a nrg or iso image file of the DVD. Then you can use a free mounting program that will create a drive letter from the nrg/iso image. I sometimes use virtual daemon manager 3.47. Another one is slysoft virtual clonedrive. tom
  25. I'm sorry for your family's loss. Last year I made a pte presentation for a friend at work to take to her mother's 80th birthday party. The daughter had scanned all of the photos from her family's photo album. I printed out two pages of thumbnail images from Irfanview, and she numbered each image in the order she wanted them to play. Everyone received a copy of the DVD which had the pte source files (high resolution images) in a data folder in case they wanted to make prints, the pte .exe file so they could view a higher quality version on their PC monitor, and 15 minutes of video with soft music all on a single disc. It was really nice that her mother could watch the video without needing a computer. It was a huge success for such a small amount of money (a few dollars for the discs). I think the data including video was only occupying about 25% of the total disc capacity. tom
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