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Steve S

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Everything posted by Steve S

  1. Thanks for all the complimentary comments. Sorry for the downloading problems. I've been discussing this with my server provider who assured me that it would be dealt with as a priority item. For a while everything was looking good but obviously there are still problems to be ironed out.
  2. Every email system has an attachment size limit. If your file is larger than that then there is no way that you will be able to attach it. It may be the same problem that is preventing you from uploading to your website. Ask your website host what the limits are.
  3. Patrick, I didn’t think about white becoming tiring on the eyes, it’s a very good point. I chose white because that’s the colour of my sketchpads. And the grey lines are the colour of my pencil. Maybe I shouldn’t have tried to be so literal. Ron, I had the end result in mind before I started and loosely planned out a couple of significant “stages”. After that I worked on filling in the gaps. It took a while to do as I just did a bit here and there when felt like it.
  4. Ron, Thanks for letting me know. I've had this problem before and it seems to be intermittent and something to do with my website host's server. I'll let them know.
  5. Here's a short presentation that I've put together for a bit of fun. Comments and constructive criticisms are more than welcome. Pheasant (right click, Save Target As)
  6. You can also click on the slide in the slide list or on the light box and press Ctrl + R.
  7. Gary, ... probably not. It's just that I try to develop a presentation that flows with the music. Stopping and starting the music will break the rythmn and destroy the effects that I've built into my presentation. This probably wouldn't be a problem with a collection of images that each stand on their own merit. I suppose that it all depends upon the style of presentation that you prefer.
  8. I do not to use the navigation bar because most of my presentations are synchronised to music and any manual operation of the slides will screw up my hard work and planning. On the rare occasion when there is no music synchronisation and I have allowed manual control of a presentation I still haven’t used the navigation bar, I just think it looks kind of crude in its present form. Using the mouse/arrow keys is a much better option as far as I’m concerned.
  9. Thanks guys for your time and effort, it is most appreciated. Obviously this needs a little more work.
  10. Thanks Ken, you're a Star. Now all I need to do is give my PC a good thrashing!
  11. I’m having a few problems with a presentation. I’ve uploaded it to my website several times but I can’t seem to get a decent download. The uploaded file size is exactly the same as the host file but when I download it I only get part of the zip file, and how much I get varies each time. I’m beginning to wonder if it is due to the machine I’m working on (although I can download other files just fine). This is getting to be very frustrating. Would some kind person do me the favour of attempting to download this file and let me know if you have the same problems? File location: (right click > save target as) www.wildsight.co.uk/pfolios/slideshows/living_land.zip Thanks.
  12. You may wish to check your spelling of disappoint.
  13. Hmm... When you create a presentation PTE will by default create an .exe file of the same name as your project file. Is it possible that you are actually zipping the .pte file by mistake? Try using file>create presentation as - this will allow you to save an .exe file in a completely different directory. This should avoid any confusion between your files and make sure that you are dealing with the .exe file. You can confirm that it’s an .exe file also by clicking on it in My Computer and checking that its description is “application”. Note that you should only need to zip the .exe file, so I’m not sure what you mean by WinZip opening a few folders.
  14. Mysty Once you have built your presentation as a project (.pte), you need to go file>create presentation. This will create an .exe file of your presentation. Now you have a stand-alone application that will run on any Windows operating system. You could send this as an attachment to an email if you wish. To put it on a web site: Zip the .exe file; this will give you a file with a .zip extension. Now upload it as you would any picture file to your website. The next step is to put a link on your website just as you would to a picture or a page, but with the address of your zip file. A page address might be: http://www.mywebsite.com/page.htm A picture address might be: http://www.mywebsite.com/picture.jpg Your presentation address might be: http://www.mywebsite.com/presentaion.zip A visitor clicking on the link should then be able to download the .zip file from you web page.
  15. I’m probably not the best one to try and answer this but putting it simply. You need to upload your file to your server, just as you have done with any pictures that are on your web page. Some servers don’t like exe files so it is probably best to zip the file first. Then you place a link on you web page to the file. When someone clicks on it a download box will appear and away they go.
  16. I’m with you Fred. I’ve even noticed that folk will make a first post, ask THE question and then disappear. They don’t even have the graciousness to say thank you. I understand that some security measures will be built in to future versions of P2E so that only the creator can strip a presentation at a later date. That can’t come soon enough as far as I’m concerned. Steve.
  17. I enjoyed your presentation - but I love mountains, looking at them, walking among them and climbing them. I felt as if I was coming along with you on your adventure as you passed through the different vegetation zones. I even felt worried when I saw someone climbing up a snowfield in soft-soled shoes with no ankle support – a definite no-no where I come from. The black screen at the beginning seemed to be on for a long time to me, but the vocal intro kept me looking. As a counterpoint, I found the end a bit abrupt and felt that a short outro would have been appropriate. Twenty minutes is much longer than I would normally expect to watch a single presentation for, but you kept me engaged all of the way through. Nice hike, wish I’d been there.
  18. Ron, Thanks for that hint, I had'nt given any thought to the possibility of tampering between shows. Steve.
  19. Exploring this topic a little further: - I’m planning on giving an illustrated talk in the form of a classic slideshow; there will be no music – just my dulcet tones for accompaniment. I expect there to be a need for a short intermission about half way through. So here is my question. Have folk found it best to create a single presentation with an “intermission” slide in the middle, and just hold the presentation where it stands until it’s time to proceed or would it be best to create two separate exe files, one for each half? I would be interested in reading your views. Thanks. Steve.
  20. When I had this problem I found that my slides were sync'd to the timeline but some were closer toghether than the length of the transition that I'd selected (basically they were overlapping). This caused all sorts of strange things to happen. Steve.
  21. I'd really like to have a transition where the current slide is divided into two, and both halves slide off the screen in opposite directions, like sliding doors. Revealing the next image underneath. Thanks.
  22. Thanks Al. You know what they say: Make something idiot proof and a bigger idiot will come along! Steve.
  23. I am experiencing problems with actions as assigned to objects (buttons etc.) or mouse buttons or keyboard keys. If I build a presentation and custom synchronise the slideshow to music duration none of the actions work. However, if I don’t custom synchronise (and modify the slide times individually to get the durations I want – a real pain) then they do. Has anyone else experienced this?? Any suggestions of something I’ve missed? (Probably something simple knowing me). P2E ver 4.41 Windows 98SE Steve.
  24. Thankyou! It was the frequent mentions in the forum that intrigued me - this mythical effect that was talked about, without really being defined. Now I know and I can appreciate just what all those postings are on about. Steve.
  25. Okay, I’m prepared to admit my ignorance here and wave the white flag. For my benefit and others like me would someone please explain what the “Ken Burns Effect” is? Steve.
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