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  1. How do I go about getting my license back? I switched computers and need pte on my new computer!! Thank you!!
  2. I used pte.key and it worked. Thank you guys for such quick responses!!! BTW Fred...I love your avatar
  3. LOL I'm just going to link to it and have them download it like everyone else does Why re-create the wheel? LOL
  4. Actually, don't worry about responding to this! I just found a very useful post on here Thank you, tho! Michelle
  5. I'd like to have the presentation just 'run' instead of having others to download it. Has anyone tried this? Or is it just easier to have it downloaded? Thank you again! Michelle
  6. Fred, thank you...I forgot I'm using Firefox and sometimes things just don't jive Thank you for your helP!!! Also, once I merge it into the registry, I'm done?
  7. I'm trying to register my program, but can't open this page to give me the directions. I've looked under Help also, and there's nowhere to register. Can someone just give me the direction to the registration process? Thank you, Michelle
  8. I just want to say that I've enjoyed this program to no end!!! I wish all the programs I had to use were this easy! I want to take this program with me on an extended vacation, so I need to put it on my laptop. Is this infringing on anything if I first take it off my desktop? I know if I have it on two computers, I need two licenses. If it is okay to take it off my desktop and download onto my laptop, how would I do this? Thank you in advance ! Michelle
  9. Okay, I took out the space and replaced the pte with exe. The error message says: "Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access this item." Does this sound like a common error?
  10. I created the autorun.inf file with [autorun] open=Lily 3.pte icon=Lily 3.pte as the body. This is not starting my presentation. What am I doing wrong?? I feel like such a fathead! I'm sorry
  11. Is there anyway to put a blank page at the front and end of the presentation with text and art? I've combed help and can't find anything on it!
  12. Not an intentional blond!
  13. Okay.... I had 322 photos and only 2 songs. I set the slideshow to be sync'd with the length of the songs and it was freaking out because there were way more photos than the music had time for. So I added a couple more songs and took out some photos. Now it works great. But I have another question, so I'll put it in a new post. Oh wait! That was my second problem! The first was that I had to use my work email instead of my Yahoo address. I kept looking for the emails in my Yahoo account...doh! Thanks for your help!
  14. Thank you. I won't tell you about the mixup because I don't want anyone to know what a screwball I can sometimes be But all is well now and I LOVE this program!!
  15. I just purchased the non-commercial version of P2E and haven't had an email back. Do I need to contact someone or does it take more than a day to be able to use the program? I have the unregistered program downloaded. Another problem was that my machine froze up when I tried to view and save my receipt. Thanks in advance, Michelle
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