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Everything posted by pkobes
it's a pitty ... I'm surprised that for such a big p2e comunity no one realy cares ... it would definitely help especially new enthusiast of this cute little program ... and program itself to get more widly spreaded ... Peter
yeap ! thanks Peter
I have on each slide my own controls saying "pause" "next" and "previous" when I let it go it change slides every couple of seconds when i hit pause it stops and hen I hit next it goes to next slide but doesn't continu further not next slides on it's own I'm sure it did work before ... any one else experienced this problem? can it be problem of new beta version?
I downloaded/visited many p2e resources/demos/tutorials/etc. but I can't find any decent documentation ... most of the stuff is from category ... I'd say "bloody obvious" (including p2e help) ... maybe somone collected 'all' tips, tricks and "how to's" (or has a tip where more advanced documentation is)? For example only today i found out that when I use for slide display time '0' it stays there 'for ever' but I didn't find any reference to it anywhere ... maybe there is many usefull undocumented features (or at least I didn't find any) - especially when I've already wasted copule of hours to mimic it with max value of 5000 seconds in that box (however there is still a problem that pressing right keyboard arrow will move it further - for now I added extra farame behind it which restarts whole slide show but maybe in couple of hours I'll find out that when a chek box is clicked and in a box is '123' - keyboard will be disabled :-) And there is about dozen other things I'm still looking answer for ... but I'm tired of dropping it all here (not because I don't like to do so, but because I'm pretty short on time to get my slideshow ready) and maybe also other guys who new and who are trying to create more complicated shlideshows would appreciated such a comprehensive low level documentation
my pictures are way abouve screen resolution so fit always resizes them down (I think that happens anyway if picture is bigger than screen so that fit has no effect) ... as for as the quality result is OKis because all is resized to lower resolution (there is no ugly pixelize effect) I also tryed windowed mode of 2048x2048 with no frame so it looks like full screen an I hoped that it would create big centered window where margins are out of the screen and screen just shws center of it ... so I can avoid p2e stretching (that my picture always fits to the huge window) and therefore there won't be any controls moving around... but p2e creates window of max size of the screen so stretching and controls reflowing occured again :-(
I tryed that grouping and the result is even more disastrous ... now it looks like picture gets resized and controls stay as they where ... they look like sizing is not affecting them any more ... before they at least roughly moved the direction they suppose to ...
I can't use windowed mode it has to be full screen ... pictures are using 'Fit to screen' option ... I din't use grouping because it was harder to to adjust them afterwards
I'm making slide show for artist and they you big monitors and big resolutions ... and right now I'm making a lideshow which is going to be distributed on CD with a book so I don't know on what kind of resolutions it will be viewed and I can't affort to compromise any shift of controls - slide show looks more like some flash stuff with navigations to view artits details, slideshow itelf etc. so there are controls all over the place and they 'have' to be where artist wants them so moving them to the right is out of the question My launcher wors fine only it is quite pain in the neck to adjust 80 frames for 3 different resolutions :-( I still don't understand why it is complicated to move objects the same way as picture gets stretched because scaling factor and therfore offset should be reasonably simple to calculate ... I hope there there will be a fix to this in near future
my slide shows are 80% based on my custom buttons/images to control slideshow but I found out that they look nice only in resolution I used when I designed them. I tryed to use max resolution (2048x2048) and low resolution pictures (800x600) and let them stretch or just ceneterd but controls keep floating arrond in different resolutions :-( Probably this is some global problem in p2e - is there some nice solution to this ? For now I made a small gadget which checks current screen resolution and lanuches proper slideshow (or closes in terms of design time resolution). It works fine but it is an extra work to adjust controls for various resolutions and generate executables for each ... I'd prefer some p2e way of doing it btw If somone would like to use that slide show launcher (it's a standalone 13kb executable configurable by a config file) just drop me a mail
Hi Alan thank you for your answer .. I'll chek forum for "off center" image positioning - I thought that it would be basic setiing of the slide show - but it looks like it's not :-( I'm working on a presentation for some artists and they are very pushy about the look and default navigation bar is not acceptable at all ... maybe I'll have to write some menu system myself (or I'll try to find something on the web) and I'll be simply launching p2exe generated presentations from it ... Right now I'm struggling with switching music on and off (it's a pitty that there is no default command for that) - I'm also little bit disappointed as it handles different resolutions ... Slide show design is pretty quick and cool ... if it would be more advanced on customize navigation cotrols creation it would be a great program ... and if it would generate also MAC presentation it would be an excellent program! :-) by now Peter
I just started to use p2exe and it seems to be just what I need ... quick creation of protected slide shows ... but I found out that I need little bit more than that and I'd like to have some advice on following topics: - is it possible to position image in a slide show (like they should appear in left top corner or at position [100,50] - because by default they appear centered) ? - are there some nice ways to create some roll-over effects? So when mouse moves over an image/object looks alive? Especially for sets of slideshows it would be nice to have nice navigation panel to launch them and I din't find a way to create it in p2exe - I couln't achieve look and behaviour I wanted - I need some fading. I tryed to use some animated gifs but p2exe doesn't play them. Maybe someone used some external program to create navigation which launches p2exe slideshows thankz Peter