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  1. I think I've resolved it. In the project options under screen, there is a Hardware Acceleration (D3D) option set by default, and when this is disabled the timing is fine. Looks like I have a display card driver problem now, but I've always suspected something when games crashed too frequently. Presumably the PLAY in Timeline doesn't use D3D, but the full screen PREVIEW does. Thanks for all your help guys.
  2. Hi Barry I am trying to keep it simple, cos simple usually works. I am using the latest version of PTE5, downloaded yesterday. I've converted the WAV to MP3 and its now 3mb in size, but the problem persists. There are currently on 24 images in the show (more to be added), but the timing problem is in the first 10. The slides are put together in the timeline so as to change at a specific point in the music. When the PLAY option is used from the timeline, the slides and music are exactly how I want them (slide 5 starts after 8 seconds of music, slide 9 after 16 seconds). If I select PREVIEW from the timeline, or from the main screen, the music plays as expected, the first slide starts on time but subsequent ones are out of sync. After 8 seconds slide 4 is still on screen and about to change, and after 16 seconds slide 8 is just starting. These are the same files but the Preview seems to load slower? The JPEG images were converted from RAW files and average 900K in size (but this size has never been a problem before).
  3. The PC is an Athlon 3200+ with 1gb memory. Video is Radeon 9600 pro. The JPG images are 200K-900K in size (but this has never been a problem when portraits are shown). The music is standard WAV 34Mb file (first time using WAV). I don't understand what you mean by "Do you have a lot of objects added in O&A?". All I do is create JPEG files, drop them into P2E, select some for the show, and add the music. Nothing fancy, only 1 transition type, and nothing else is running at the same time. I'm still surprised it runs at different speeds in 'timeline' to 'preview'. :
  4. Hi again I've upgraded to version 5.0 now and the same issue remains. How close do you regard as 'too close'? My images are 1.5 seconds apart with a 1 second transition.
  5. Hi I'm using P2E ver 4.48. In the synchronization screen I have set it to customized, and then all my transitions are set manually to the music. If I press play then all seems perfect so I say OK. Then I preview the show and the timings are all off by 2 or 3 seconds! This has never happened before, any ideas?
  6. Thanks, Opening ones eyes does help...
  7. Can anyone tell me how to customise the help screen please? The P2E help shows a 'customise help button' but I don't seem to have one of these in the project options. Version is 4.4
  8. Thanks, that worked and I've bookmarked the tutorial
  9. I'm new to this so excuse the simple question. I know there is a timeline to allow the images to be sync'd to the music, but I can't seem to turn it on in ver 4.31?
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