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Everything posted by mairijim

  1. When I publish to DVD is there a setting where I can select to make numerous copies? MM
  2. Thank you for your prompt response. I downloaded the free version and you are correct IT DID THE JOB. Thanks again. Mairijim
  3. I have Win7 professional. I tried your method to copy a PTE DVD but was not successful. Can you recommend a software programme which will copy my already created PTE DVD's Thanks Mairijim
  4. Loved it. Thank you MM
  5. I have been absent from the forum for a long time. I am still using version 6.5 Can someone please direct me to a link where I can see a slide show made using the new features in version 7 Also is there a PTE monthly newsletter? Thanks MM
  6. OK Will do, Thanks
  7. I am using version 6.5 When I create a DVD video, is it possible to select ---- multiple copies? I can't see this option as I go through the steps. Mairi
  8. To change the program association, right click on any photo, choose open with, change default,and choose the program you want to use. (In your case CS5) Best regards, Gayland Thank you,why did I forget something so simple???? MM
  9. My question is about keyboard short cuts. I used CTRL W to return from PTE to Photoshop CS3. I have upgraded to CS5 and I forget how to reset the short cut. Can someone help please. Thank You MM
  10. Is it possible to use Nero to create Scvd from PixtoEXE ? I tried but the result was just a black thumbnail with the name of the file.
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