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  1. Hi there, Sure enough PSP has all the whistles and features of what a slideshow prog should ideally have. No doubts about it. But ... But... the one thing that PSP cannot match PTE is the most important feature of any slideshow i.e. IMAGE QUALTITY, IMAGE QUALITY AND IMAGE QUALITY. Period. And in the event if PTE has the ability to incorporate all the features and whistles of PSP, then it will be no doubt be the uno numero or mother of all slideshow progs out there. I rest my case. Regards Azmi
  2. Hi I also use XARA 3D for the titles which can be saved as png, avi, etc. See Xara.com for more info. Regards Azmi
  3. Yes. I did use MMB some time ago and use it to create the type of hotspot you mentioned. I believe they are sample of templates to that effect either posted at the web site or by MMB forum members. Just surf the website & try your luck. Regards Azmi
  4. LumenLux Try this software. It does as what you require above. Multimedia Builder @ www.mediachance.com Regards Azmi
  5. Igor The ability to resize picture keeping the proportions intact. TQ. Azmi javascript:emoticon('') smilie
  6. Dear Igor, Well done for version 4.3. Now for version 4.4, here is my 3 top wish list :- 1. Option to fade out music at end of show. 2. Ken Burns Effect ( pan & zoom) 3. Ability to resize picture in Object Editor. Thank You and keep up the good work. Azmi
  7. Igor, My wish list in simple words : 1. Light Table to sort pictures 2. Fade out music at end of last slide 3. Zoom In and Out Transition 4. Ken Burms Effect (Pan and Zoom) That's All. N.B. : All the above are now available either one or the other in competing products. Regards Azmi
  8. I would also like to reply my opinion on the other program that Guru mentioned i.e. Slide Show To Go. I have used it but finds that PTE is a bit better in terms of its fade transistion. The size control of images is also better in PTE. There is also another program which is as good as PTE where fades are concerned i.e. Album Viewer & Generator at www.xydot.com. It has 4 distinguish transistion that is not available on other slideshow programs i.e. spot fade, zoom in and out fade, paint drop and flare. These combination of transistions makes a WOW! presentation. I would again suggest Igor look at this transistions as there are cinematic in nature and would make a slideshow stand out from the rest. It also has the ability to automate a 2, 3 or 4 picture layout on one slide but its screen size control function needs further improvement. In my opinion there are only 4 slideshow programs out there in the market which is worth taking a look and comparing their capabilities and from this healthy comparison and discussion, suggest to Igor which of the best features from the other 3 programs could be integrated into PTE to make it the overall number ONE 1. Pictures To Exe 4.20 2. Album Viewer & Generator 3. ProShow Gold 2.0 4. SlideShow To Go 7.10 Azmi
  9. The program ecps was referring to is Proshow no doubt . Based on their latest release , the developer obviously had came out with a lot of new features which I feel Igor should take a look. The Pan and Zoom Capability ( "Ken Burns" Effect) is the latest feature besides the DVD creation function. Also video and audio compression options have been added to control the size of the final output depending on the users requirements. But with all due respect to PROSHOW, PTE too has features which other slideshow programs do not have or match up to the standards set by PTE i.e. interactive buttons, run external programs, screen size control of images, start show from desktop etc besides not forgetting one of the best fade transistion available in the market today. Having said that, in a globalised IT environment where digital photography and images are the norm of the day, new and better features are being churned out by slideshow developers around the globe to compete with one another and maybe for this reason members of this forum should continue to give practical suggestions and improvements to Igor and his team so that PTE could continue to be the top choice for slideshow creation. Again , some forum members may not support the idea of product comparison due to the fact that this forum is solely for discussing PTE issues but I personally believe to continually improve PTE and to ensure that it is not left out behind competiton, topics about the new and latest features the competition has offered can be discussed in a healthy manner (maybe without mentioning the competitor's brand). Azmi Faithful PTE User
  10. Granot Will sure try out your suggestion as I cant have my "swf masterpieces " stolen all the time And about the road signs in Kuala Lumpur ... Well they are in English because it is a international language and will help tourist find thier way in city. By the way, English is a major spoken language in Malaysia besides Malay ( Official Language) , Chinese and Indian. Azmi
  11. Hi Granot, Welcome back. I have used your PTEVideoFlash sucessfully in my show Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which I have uploaded at Beechbrook. Thanks again for this helpful utility. Regards Azmi
  12. Boxig Many Thanks For Your Effort and I'll be trying the new scroll about utility tonight. Shall keep you posted of the outcome. Once again a big thank you . Regards Azmi
  13. Boxig This is the RGB code for the 2 types of colors I wish that it can be included in your new version of Scroll About Utility Color 1 : R - 218 G- 233 B-242 ( Light aqua blue or something to that effect) Color 2: R-210 G-210 B-210 ( Light Metallic Grey or something to that effect) I hope the color code given is sufficient information or do you need further codes for OpenGL, HSL, Programme Color for Delphi. WIN API etc. FYI , I used a program call Color Pick from Meiller Media Solutions to obtained the color code from my PC Screen. Regards and happy churning out new utiliites. Azmi mdazmi@treasury.gov.my
  14. First congratulations to Igor and all forum members for the final release of v.4.10. This request is still on my wish list although some forum members do not think it as necessary - The choice to automatically fade out the background music gradually on the last slide before the show ends. This feature is available on two of PTE's competitor programs. Well. I hope Igor can still look into it in his future releases. Regards Azmi
  15. Dear Boxig I have been using your About Scrolling Utility 2 and many thanks for this helpful utility. Is there also a way I could change the background color of the box to say melallic grey ( As in PTE's About Box) and also control the font color to match the background color ( i.e. other than the choices you have given). Also, is there a way to do away with the slider control at the side of the box if it is not required. Many thanks if you can look into my humble request. Azmi
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