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About mogendavid

  • Birthday 04/29/1959

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    Tshirt printing (pohtographic), Hiking,going up mountains. campfires on beaches, photoshop, reading, music etc...

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  1. Thanks a lot Al! I'm going to try it out. A lot of changes has been going on PTE since version 4.45. Now a lot of things are added to version 5 and I dont know which one to learn first. I'm very much tempted to do the slideshow in Adobe Premiere but it doesnt have the exe capability of PTE. Guess I have to burn my brows to learn this, thanks again for your help!
  2. Hello! Can anyone please tell me if there's some way I can make the music start at a certain slide? Do I have to make this adjustment in Audition or Audacity perhaps? Thanks in advance!
  3. Thanks to you all guys out there who shared your ideas. May you ever be helpfull, always. Muchas Gracias!
  4. You were 100% right Ralph, I got it the first time I tried. This is also my first time to create a screensaver but it was a request from a friend. I stopped using screensavers a long time when I read an article that they (screensavers) causes much strain on your CPU, is this true?
  5. Can somebody please tell me how I can use my pte show as a screensaver to my computer using the Windows Xp control panel/ display / screensaver/ my photo slideshow feature? Windows can't find my .scr file in my designated folder. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello Roger, I'm quiet new here. Can you please send me a copy of your sample slide menu so I can try it out myself? You can send it to floridaprints@yahoo.com. Thanks in advance, have a nice day!
  7. Greetings! Would it be too much to ask that a text or object animation be an added feature to future PTE versions? I'm mostly interested in simple text animations to apply to long slideshows to jolt my viewers if they get sleepy or bored . I know fancy transitions or text animations aren't enough to cover up faulty presentation and bad photography but at least we can lessen damages by diversion . What do you think eh?
  8. Hello to all! I'm a newbie both to PTE and this forum. I've seen Marco's FlashPTE demo and was quiet impressed by it, it brings more life to the show (my opinion ). I was advised by Boxig (Alrobin was also kind enough to help) to seek assistance from Ronniewest and Marco since they are the more familiar one's with FlashPTE type of show. Can anyone direct me how to get in touch with them or direct me to tutorials pertaining to the subject, pls? Thank you in advance and have a nice day!
  9. Hello there, just registered today March 26 o5, I'm new to pte and I wonder if you were the granot who had a PTE presentation coupled with a Macromedia Flash. I'm intrested in adding animated text to my PTE presentation, hope you would be kind enough to help. Thanks
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