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  1. No, the only files on the CD were the pictures - everything else was on the hard drive. The difficulty is that I wasn't wanting to work on that project, but to make a new one, but P2E wouldn't let me! It seems to assume that one is only working on one particular project, and doesn't open at a blank page ready for you to choose "new" i.e. start on a new file/project or "open" i.e. open an existing one, which is the standard opening procedure for Windows programmes, where you choose what you want to do AFTER starting the programme.
  2. Very many thanks, Michel. This looks to be just what I'm wanting. And a very interesting collection of utilities, too. I shall certainly bookmark this site.
  3. I'm running a PC with XPpro2. I've struck a problem that, when a previous project included pictures from a CD, the next time P2E is run, it demands a CD in the drive. The screen then gives three options - "Cancel/Retry/Continue", but they all refuse to work! I found that if you didn't insert a CD, even Alt+Ctl+Del was absolutely impotent. Only hitting the PC reset button has any effect. If one DOES insert a CD - and obviously the one "wanted" can't be found, P2E then proceeds to give a long list of pix it cannot "find". Surprise! This sort of behaviour harks back to the "bad old days" of MS computing! Its as bad as the time of DOS when "Abort, Retry, Cancel" similarly never worked. And Word used to complain bitterly and play up rotten, if the last file used was on a floppy, and you haven't got one to hand to appease it! Talk about giving a baby a dummy to suck..... Please, can something be done to fix/stop this "hiccup"?
  4. Is there any way of putting video clips into a P2E presentation? I did it with Arcsoft's Videoimpression, but would prefer to do it in P2E as the result, and the process, are much better. I have some video clips from my (still) digital camera, and want to incorporate them with its still images into a P2E presentation.
  5. Thank you to all for your suggestions. I was totally despairing. 1. I've manually deleted everything relating to wnsoft and p2e. 2. I've manually edited the registry to remove refernces to the same. 3. Disconnected from the router. 4. Rebooted. 5. Switched off virtually everything except Explorer (!) 6. I've defragged the D:\ partition. 7. Rebooted. 8. Checked again for any more wnsoft & P2E references - found & deleted 3 more! 9. Unzipped yet again the 4.40 zip file. 10. Ran setup - this time for the C:\drive - and it worked! I still don't think the uninstall is a workable thing - it may do for XP, but it didn't for 98SE. It SAID it had uninstalled, but that was not true - it left nearly the whole programme, folder, icon, etc, in-situ. I suspect it may not be able to cope with a programme installation that is NOT in the C:\ drive, but in a multi-partitioned drive. I cannot rely on the UOB Computing Service for much now, as I have been retired for some years now. I DID have some trouble a while back with not being able to defrag the D:\partition - all the others defragged OK, but scandisk did report a problem. The CS suggested what I'd already decided to do - copy the D:\ onto a couple of CDs, wipe the partition clean, reformat it, and reload the software, and it worked perfectly, as did the defrag just now. This Maxtor hard drive is only about 3 years old, and I think most problems come from Windows itself, not coping with too many applications being run one after another. It just doesn't release memory etc, and so runs out of resources, then starts to fall over. Is anyone going to write Pix2Exe for linux - PLEASE? I sick of Microshaft......
  6. Things have now become infniitely worse. I cannot uninstall this 4.40 version. If I try to get the programme unisntalled, all I get is :- cannot copy d:\wnsoft\uninstall.exe to c:\windows\temp\gunist.exe This is utterly insane so I've deleted the whole darned set of files. I've also deleted everything referring to them in the registry. I wish I'd never bought this wretched software.
  7. Well, that was a waste of time! I uninstalled the 4.31 version, downloaded the 4.40 one, unzipped it, and installed it. It reported that the old apr.exe was STILL there! I told it to over-write it, and it completed. The programme refuses to start - "ACCESS DENIED" This is where I was before.
  8. >1) Try to completely uninstall old version and install newest version 4.40. Wiil uninstall remove the existing Registry keys, and presumably, my licence? Will this mean I have to buy it all over again, and will it mean I lose any projects etc that are still in it? >2) Please check up your PC with ScanDisc and with some antivirus software. The antivirus is updated and run daily. Scandisk doesn't work properly nowadays - I think it is damaged itself! It reports errors on one partition but cannot deal with them. >Most likely when PTE doesn't start, it means that the program file is damaged. Highly likely, but I cannot do anything about that - P2E is on the partition with problems. I have been recommended NOT to use the win98 defrag by the Univerity Computing service. So, how do I upgrade without loss of data, or money?!
  9. >if you installed your license properly - double clicked the reg file it is now in your registry I'll try this - thanks! >so make sure you have saved the original file c/w the covering letter when you purchased it - put on a >couple floppies -- make sure you can read the floppies and uninstall reinstall the program Too late! The email got deleted back last year. I'll take a look at the registry and then try and update to the new version. speedy2
  10. My P2E has refused to run! It cannot even be started from an icon/shortcut, or from wnsoft\apr.exe - a notice appears immediately with "File Access Denied". I CAN run the "Help" for what its worth, but any attempt to access any options reports report an :- Access Violation at Address 004B92EB, or 00537449 or 0055D4A9 etc in Module "APR.EXE".Read of Address FFFFFFFF. I'm running a 1GHz P3 with Win98SE having 512Mb ram. I've thought of uninstalling the prog, and reinstalling, but then It will have lost its licence! Of course, I can't refer to the licence code as I can't run the programme.... catch22 I've reported this to support, but so far, as its Easter, not had any reply. speedy2
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