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Everything posted by Jeanne

  1. Thanks for the nice words. And thank you voor the wonderful software PTE 5.1. Y have an lot of fun with PTE 5.1 It isn't easy in the beginning but after many try's Y can playing. Y don't know everything of this program, but y learn. Sorry, my englisch isn't very good. Regards Jeanne
  2. Thanks Steve, I have also a website, when you like it to look at that, you can klick on, or type. http://home.hetnet.nl/~j.snelders/index.html Jeanne
  3. Thanks for the nice words. The nexs time I let the signature away. Jeanne
  4. Hello, My name is : Jeanne Snelders. My englisch is not so good and I apologize. I had have a very good time to make Circle of Nature Greetings Jeanne
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