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Everything posted by alrobin

  1. Oleg, You and Olga make a good audio-visual team! Olga for her phototgraphy, and you for your engineering magic!
  2. Harvey, You put a lot of work into this show! I found it very interesting and informative! By the way, what screen resolution did you create it for? I tried it in everything from 800 x 600 to 1600 x 1200, and in every resolution, even the highest, there were at least one or two images where the detailed text objects did not completely fit the screen (they overflowed at both edges). Maybe it's just my pc setup? When Igor adds automatic scaling to objects this should no longer be a problem. Anyway, being a former amateur astronomer myself, I still enjoyed the show!
  3. Matt, Welcome to the forum. You haven't given us much to go on. What version of PTE, and where in the show does this happen?
  4. Olga and Oleg, I just watched your beautiful show, "Olga Boritsch - photographer", and what a beautiful show! The images are superb, the slide show is amazing, and the music is a perfect fit. What a beautiful production! You both must be very proud of it!! Olga, you are a very talented photographer, and judging by the photos on the web pages, you must have been doing it for a long time. Hope we see more of your fine work.
  5. Igor, I just tried to create a slide show with the new version 4.12, using a .wav file, and PTE won't recognize it. When I try to preview the synchronized show from the main window, I receive a message saying the music length is zero. I created the music file with Adobe "audition", as a ".wav" file, from an original midi file. Operating system Win Me. Edit: Woops again - wrong wave file. My mistake!
  6. No, DBPowerAmp Music Converter is freeware - no reminders!
  7. David, I tend to agree with you! People are having enough problems with ordinary CD's! Remember the "KISS" principle!
  8. Hi, Keith, Welcome to the Forum! What operating system are you using? There are two possibilities: either your pc is set up not to show the .jpg extensions, or they are not there at all. In the former case, PTE will recognize them automatically once you point it to the folder where the jpegs are located. This is done by selecting the correct drive letter at the top left of the main PTE window, and double-clicking on the folder where the jpegs are located. You should then see a list of image files on the left hand side which you can then select for the show by adding them to the right-hand slide list. And they have to be jpegs, not "tiffs". You can tell if the files have jpeg extensions by turning on the option to show them in the Windows Explorer window (not Internet Explorer - MS is so sloppy when it comes to file names!). In Windows "9x" or "Me", you do this by selecting "Tools / Folder Options / View" and unchecking "Hide file extensions for known file types". Then, back in "Explorer", select menu item "View / Details" (why don't MS put a little button on the main window to do all this in one swell foop???? ) Hope this helps. Don't hesitate to post again if you are still having trouble.
  9. Alba, You are so right! It takes a lot of time, and the more creative and discriminating you become, the longer it takes. It helps when preparing a show if you start with a "story-board", the same as used in preparing commercials for TV. This consists of a series of thumb-nail sketches showing roughly the sequence of images you plan to use, and notes about the sound and/or music, transitions, etc.
  10. Igor, Hope you have a good vacation - you deserve it!
  11. Kurt, My DBPowerAmp Music convertor won't open .wma files, either. Edit: Woops! Just realized there is a special codec for it - I was under the impression that if one had version 9 of DMC, one didn't need the wma codec, but that applies to just one part of it. My mistake!
  12. Ted, My copy of Audacity 1.2.0, pre 1, won't let me load a .wma file. Did you actually try it?
  13. cc, I have found, too, that if there are too many images fading close to each other, or images trying to fade before the transition for the previous image is completed, regardless of the type of music, the "esc" will be slow in acting.
  14. Igor, That didn't take you very long!! Are you sure you had a holiday?
  15. Win Me: C:\Windows\System.
  16. Hi, Ted, Adobe "Audition" will convert them.
  17. I would say the answer is probably "yes", as long as you didn't have other autorun files on it for autostarting a DVD movie. I don't have a DVD burner so cannot give you a definite answer - maybe someone else can help out here. Theoretically, it should be no different from autostarting from an ordinary CD-R.
  18. Hi, David, You are correct in assuming that ordinary cd-rom drives will not read DVD's. You also need special software to read DVD's from pc DVD drives. Pinnacle is a good place to start when searching for DVD creation software - check Google and you will find several more. You could also do a search here on the forum for "video" (you cannot search for "DVD") as there have been several threads on this in the past. PTE as yet has not been made compatible with video, as this is a "giant step" from a program design point of view. It is not a video program - just the best "still photo" AV software in the world.
  19. At least most of them have web sites! I find it hard to understand why, in this digital age, a digital photo magazine, especially one so highly-rated as Digital Photo, doesn't have it's own site!
  20. Rainer, Let us know how you do. By the way, I really enjoyed your Nepal slide show. It brought back a few memories of our trek in the Khumbu region in 1996.
  21. Rainer, If I did that, you would have even more problem understanding it! Seriously, though, I am afraid I can't do anything about that - maybe someone else can translate the instruction notes. Maybe if you run it through one of those software translators??? But your English is very good here on the forum! However, you just have to jump in and try. After playing around with the model, it will probably start to make sense. You can't hurt anything as long as you don't save anything. And even then, you can always download it again and start over. All the best!
  22. That was the problem in making PTE 4.1 compatible with mp3 on Win2K, dual-processor mode.
  23. Hi, Rainer, Sounds like an interesting project. FWIW, here is the way I would do it if I were you, since you said you want each slide to remain on screen for the same length of time (I assume that since you are not concerned about syncing the show to the beats of the music, that you also do not care if the slides do not remain on screen for exactly the same amount of time): 1. Decide ahead of time how long you want each slide to remain on screen. Say "Y" seconds. 2. Multiply "Y" by the number of slides to get the total length of music required. 3. Find some music for the first section which is approximately 5 x Y seconds in length. 4. Do the same for the next section, 15 x Y seconds, and so on. 5. Put these music selections together in Audacity with the appropriate fades added and make one file. 6. Add the music selection to PTE. 7. If the music selections are exactly equal to the number of slides x "Y", choose Project Options / Customize Sync / Automatic Sync / Add Arranged Points. 8. If the music selections are not exactly equal to number of slides x "Y" (i.e. if you adjusted the length of the individual music selections a bit in order to find the best-sounding transition point), then "drop" each slide manually on the timeline every "Y" seconds, where "Y" is now the calculated time on screen for each of the individual music selections. 9. Go back and preview the show on the timeline, adjusting the slides to fit the music transition points more accurately as you play through the music. 10. You can use "pause" and "play" to stop the music while you make fine-tuning adjustments to the slides and then resume without having to go back to the start each time. If I were I, then I would use Adjustor to spread the slides over the lengths of the music selections, and "pin" the times for the end of each music selections, and automatically spread the intermediate slides over those intervals. I know this sounds like a complicated procedure, but for my objectives, there is really no easier way, and it is not really so difficult when you have done it a few times. Of course it all depends on how fussy you are about where in the music you want to put the transitions. Myself, I believe that the transitions should match the beats in the music, which is a whole new story and new procedure. Hope this helps.
  24. But who would watch a slide-show that long???
  25. OK, glad it's not just me having problems. I'll try again!
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