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Everything posted by alrobin
Yes, It's called PTE! Seriously, though, it's a good question - I think Igor uses some utilities that let him see into the depths of these files and test them for PTE compatibility, but I don't know of any specific utilities, myself.
Hi, Ray, The short answer is that it is not practical, at least not with PTE alone. Igor has said he is considering it for a future version, however. The topic has been discussed many times - here is a link to some of the most pertinent postings: PTE to DVD .
Ray, Maybe the solution in your case is to use non-synched mode. Then you can customize certain slides to start playing a new shorter music selection.
Nancy, The old key should always work. Once you have purchased PTE you receive one key and that one is good for life! (what other software program can claim that?? ) Try putting all your existing PTE files in a new separate folder, including the key file (be sure to check that it is exactly 231 bytes in size). Then download the new zipped PTE version 4.10 file, "apr.zip" from the link at the top of this forum, unzip all 7 files to the new folder (being sure to answer yes when you are asked if you want to replace the existing files). Then double-click on the new "Setup" file in that folder, and the new program should install and recognize the existing key as your proof of purchase and run properly. It is possible that there are other files missing from earlier installations, but this installation should work.
Nancy, Welcome to the Forum! The key is contained in a file called "PTE.KEY", which should be in the directory where you keep PTE files since you say you purchased the program some time ago. However, since PTE does not seem to recognize it, it may have gotten lost along the way somehow. In that case, you will have to email support@wnsoft.com and ask for another one. The PTE.KEY file is exactly 231 bytes in size (Win Explorer will just show it as 1K, unless you right-click on it and look at its "properties".) If you do a search for it, it may show up in a different directory than where it should be. Good luck!
Jim, I know this may not do exactly what you want to do, but in the new PTE if you move all of the images into the same directory as the .pte file, PTE will find them there without your having to rename the images. However, if you want the images in their own sub-directory, it won't work, and you will either have to rename them one by one in PTE, or use Adjustor!
Hi, Tom, You can find all of Boxig's utilities HERE . I don't use any of them myself, but a number of Forum members do, and seem to find them very useful.
Hi, Tom, You can set each presentation (except the last one, of course) to "run application ...." and they will all run in sequence. Make sure you also set each to "Close show after last slide". Of course, all this assumes you can go back into the .pte file for each application, change the parameters, and re-compile. If not, then one of Boxig's utilities might help.
Hi, Ron, Strange, but I don't experience the "return to base" like you do. Maybe it is also a function of how close to or how far from the end of the music the last transition is. Or, maybe whether one has a background selected or not. I'll have to play around with the settings to see if I can get the program to emulate your scenario.
Igor, I don't want to drag this out too much, but could you please tell me which bits would represent the "duration" bits (see this Description of an MP3 header file )? I don't quite understand what you are referring to - is it part of the 11 "frame sync" bits right at the beginning?
Just for the record, and info for anyone else plagued with the same problem, I have heard from Syntrillium (actually an Adobe quality engineer) re this problem, and he advised that with most mp3 editors the length of the mp3 file cannot be guaranteed so we should use only .wav files for accurate control over the synchronization. He sent me a "fix" which pads the beginning of the file so that 44,100 Hz sampled files are no longer truncated. Now, in Win Me, my 22050 Hz files have an extra 0.027 sec added to the silence at the beginning, and 44100 Hz files have an extra 0.055 sec added, exactly twice the amount for the former. However, (this is the interesting part), all files perform correctly in PTE, even in Win Me! Anyone interested in this small "fix" file can contact Syntrillium support at support1@syntrillium.com . And, by the way, the new "Audition" by Adobe will still use the Fraunhofer encoder.
Igor, Let me be the first to congratulate and thank you for all your efforts!! We all appreciate very much your patience with us during the beta testing, and all your efforts in attempting to meet ALL of our requests! Now go get some rest!!
We'd all be using PowerPoint instead of PTE!!
OK, Igor, "Let 'er rip" before someone comes up with something else!!
Sal, It doesn't matter where you have them installed - just makes things a little less confusing and neater if they are in different folders. It's also easier to manage upgrades for PTE if it is in its own separate folder.
Hi, Ron, I understand now what you're concern is. Some of these options are mutually exclusive, and so should all appear together. It would make things a little clearer to understand and also less frustrating.
And if what Sal is saying is true, (and I have no reason to doubt your credibility, Sal! ), then they are essentially reselling PTE, and Igor should be concerned.
Harry, I'm not sure what you mean by "highlight" last slide - you just need to set Advanced / "run application after last slide" in Project Options. If you create the "next application" or slide show first, or if you want to open an already created presentation, you can "browse" for it in "Project Options" when you set the check box opposite "run application ....". Or, if you know the name, just type it in - use the ".exe" show name, not the ".pte" name, as you will be running it as a completed PTE show.
Yes, Bill, I meant 400MHz! ( sheepishly! ) However, maybe it is running at only 400 Khz, and that is the problem!??
Sal, Now that you have described what happens I wouldn't touch this program with a "ten-foot pole"! I would be very cautious with this program if it behaves as you describe, because who knows what other problem it might be installing in your pc? However, if this is true, then Igor should be concerned about it.
Ron, You should set it for "close show after last slide" - this may be part of your problem????
Ron & Harry, I just put 10 shows back-to-back, and they played perfectly. (Win XP, using mp3, and synchronized to music.) The only discontinuity between shows was the momentary appearance of the cursor over in one corner. In fact, you could direct show 10 back to show 1, and have them play forever!
Harry, You have to add the third one to the end of the second one.
Igor, Would it not be easy to provide Ken's request and make it possible to add a different "comment" for a customized slide, the same way we can now change the font, etc. for certain customized slides?
Very nice, Igor! Bill, I think the compromise, in the default "windowed" case, to use the file name as caption for both window and taskbar is a good one. Ciao, Al