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Everything posted by alrobin
Pete, I use exactly the method you are describing to convert old vinyl LP's to cd's, and don't have any problem with hearing both stereo tracks. I input to the sound card's "mic" jack, too, as, like you, I don't seem to have any success with the "line" input. Maybe the mini-plug isn't setting properly into the jack on your pc. Or, there could be a loose connection within the pc. Do you have the same problem inputting stereo from other sources? Maybe you could try another plug in case there is a loose connection within the plug itself. More likely the pc, though, or the sound card, if the plug works OK elsewhere. Good luck!
Just a note to let you know that thanks to Bill Gates, the new beta for Adjustor (revised to be compatible with MS Excel 97) is posted on Adjustor . Happy Valentines' Day!
Linda, No problem with PTE on my laptop, equipped with XP (home edition). Can't offer any suggestions as to what might be wrong. By the way, has anyone noticed the little slice of bread at the bottom RH corner of the main slide image window yet? It works now even with synchronized shows!!! Tremendous improvement, Igor!
Sorry, folks to bother you with another glitch. I just realized that the method used for searching for PTE files in the new automated beta version of "Adjustor" was implemented first in Excel 2000. Users of Excel 97 will have to stick to the "old" manual method for loading PTE files into the model and then saving them to ".prn" files. I hope to correct this by using the previous method for file searching (i.e. by using the "Dir" function instead of the "FileSearch" object.) Will advise everyone when this is available. Bill Gates says he's sorry for the inconvenience!
Oldie, One other important consideration, as you may already know (it has been discussed here in this forum before) is that all processor- and RAM-intensive programs open in the background (e.g. Photoshop, automatic email-checking programs, screen-savers which kick in before the end of the show, etc.) should be closed out before running your PTE show.
Just scroll to the top! Thanks, Leif, I knew the old Beta 2 was there, but I was wondering if that was now the link to the new beta, instead. The reason I was wondering was that when I re-loaded that file, and tried it again, the "zoom out" still "zoomed in". Igor had said in his note to Guido that the zoom problem was corrected in the new Beta. Also, the grey bars still show on the timeline for "cuts"
Thanks, Igor! Is that version of Beta posted somewhere now?
Looks like Igor just wiped it out and started fresh with the new beta .
Thanks, everyone, for scratching your memories for me. Sounds like I had better stick with my existing Win ME problems until something better comes along. Sorry, Guido, for changing the topic on you. Meanwhile, hope your background colours are resolved.
Igor, Would it be possible to have two boxes (or alternatively, sliders), one for "default" transition duration times, and one for "customized" (Personalized) settings. If the slide is not already "customized", then just ignore the entry until one goes back to the customize menu for that slide and sets up proper "customization". The main requirement is for a way of editing the length of time for those slides which are already customized, to avoid going back and forth from one window to another. This can be very time-consuming. Thanks again for a great program, and all your work in perfecting it. It's looking really good!
Igor, Thanks so much for the new beta. There are some very nice new features. I particularly like the dual scroll options, and the "Ctl-P", "Ctl-R", etc, capability on the timeline. Also, the zoom capablity makes the synchronization previewing very smooth!! Just a couple of negative observations, if you will allow me: - the new beta still comes up showing "beta 1" - I don't see how to change the duration time of a transition effect from the timeline screen (I can change the time of the start of the transition, but not the time of the end - i.e. the duration time). - when you set a customized slide to a "quick change", there is still a grey bar on the transition line equal in length to the default duration time of the transition. However, the preview does "cut" as it is supposed to. Overall, however, lots of very nice cosmetic changes. Thanks again!
Sorry, Bob. You are right, I forgot to put on the ".htm"! (Thats what I get for working too late!). Glad you were able to use the old one. Here is the correct one for anyone else who is stumped: Adjustor Model Ciao, Al
Thanks, Guru. If you liked the previous version, you will love this one! I have automated the fle loading and saving procedures and uploaded a new beta, 2.05, to my site, Adjustor Model Enjoy! Anythng else you would like it to do? Cappucino anyone? Ciao, Al
Hi, Trudy, Pete has laid out the basics very well, and you could probably create a "wave" file from your CD based on what he has described, and run with that. However, there is just one other thing you should know that may save you some effort. It's called "ripping". This is basically the process of extracting the data directly from a CD and into a "wave" or "mp3" file. With this process, you won't have to wait for the duration of the CD playback for each song you convert as it's all done digitally. For this you need a CDROM capable of "data" mode (most of them have this capability today), and some simple software which will extract the data for you. The information on the CD is already in data format, so it's simply a matter of extracting it and transforming it, using this special software, into a "wave" or "mp3" file. There are some excellent programs available, both as freeware and shareware, that you can donwnload. One that I use is "Audiograbber" (shareware, but you can download a free trial version), but there are others equally as good (I'm sure some other members will reply as to which ones they recommend). Audiograbber can be found at: Audiograbber If you don't have a data CD, or "ripping" software, you can input the CD's line output into the "microphone" input of your sound card (there are usually three jacks at the back of the card), and then use a program such as the one that came with the sound card (e.g. Creative Labs, etc.), or one such as Cool Edit 2000 from Syntrillium, or one from Acoustica, to convert the analogue input to digital "wave" or "mp3" format. Hope this helps, and good luck! Ciao, Al
Hi, Trudy, I replied by separate email, but thought I would post it here too as it looks like there are a few others interested in your problem. I looked at your file, and there is only one image. I added another image, and everything worked fine. If you want to cycle only one image, you need to add a black slide. Then you can customize the black slide for say 2 seconds, and the other one to whatever you want. Hope this helps.
Trudy, If you email me the ".pte" file (no need for the images or music files), I'll have a look at it for you (maybe put it into "Adjustor" to see what's going on.
Guido, Just to change the subject for a moment, do you (or anyone else) happen to know whether PTE runs satisfactorily on a pc running under Windows NT, version 5? I'm just about to give up on Win ME and go back to my NT 5. I have a dual processor setup, so Win NT would also give me some speed advantage (i.e. 800 Mhz instead of 400). Or should I upgrade to 2000? Good luck with your backgrounds. Ciao, Al
Harold, the installation was instaneous in my case. I just downloaded it, and there it was, as part of "Cool Edit2000". It's just a plug-in, so Cool Edit just goes out and finds it if you install it per directions, which are very simple. By the way, you can also overlap pieces to smooth the transitions between them. Ciao, Al
OK, Bob, I just uploaded the latest corrections to the model to fix some glitches in the "non-synched" version. (see beta 2.04 on my web page, PTE Items . By the way, it's still noon in parts of PTE-land! As before, be my guest, but please inform me of any more glitches or improvement suggestions. Ciao, Al
Harold, "Studio" lets you load a number of wave or mp3 files onto a 4-channel "storyboard", and play around with their placement with respect to each other. It lets you control (to the millisecond) when one piece of sound or music starts after another one ends, for example, or combine a number of sounds with a longer background piece, and then mix everything down to a single wave or mp3 file. (Guess that's why they call it a "mixer"). It's a "must-have" if you are using a number of different selections in a show and are the least bit fussy about how they merge into each other. "Acoustica" will also let you sort out different files, too, but it is more limited in the control one has over the placement of the pieces, and mixing of different sources. And it's GUI is not as attractive, either. "Studio" has only 4 "channels" whereas the mixer in the "Cool Edit Pro" I believe has 120 different "channels". However, you can put several selections (either mono or stereo) on each channel, so I find 4 more than enough for my requirements. Ciao, Al
Basically, I'm on your side, Mike. I agree with trying to preserve the integrity of one's art and that timing is important for the proper impact, etc. However, I also appreciate the desires of some to have more control during the show itself (after all, not everyone is using PTE for the same purposes). Someone a few days ago wanted to deny the user the ability to move objects in the final production. I feel that the more control, even in the final production, the better. Something like basic freedoms, I guess. Also, quite often during a movie on one of those no-commercial channels on TV I have wished for at least an intermission, but better still, a way to "pause" the show, so I could answer the call of nature, the phone, doorbell, etc. (The former seems to be happening more and more often these days. And I'm not even as old as the Guru! ) Ciao, Al
Cool Edit Pro: $250 US . Cool Edit 2000: $ 69 US, or $98 for both "2000" and "Studio" multimixer, a must if you have "2000". (From Syntrillium). Both "Pro" and "2000" are excellent sound programs. "2000" is sufficient for most digital recording, converting, mixing, and editing for background music and sound effects. "Pro" gives you more channels, more effects, and more transformations, etc. Ciao, Al
Just for fun, Michel, I loaded your excellent "Travail" demo-effects show into "Adjustor", and it showed red all through it, indicating timing conflicts. Knowing that this could not be so, I did a few simple measurements, and realized that for non-timeline-synched shows the measurement of the times is different than for "synched" shows. i.e. the "delay" starts at the end of the "transition" time, so there can be no conflict in the case of these types of presentations. So, unfortunately, it's back to the drawing-board this AM to correct this. My apologies to anyone who has been frustrated by this glitch. I will let you know when the new version is posted. I can now sympathize with Igor - at least he tests out his software more than I do before releasing it! Ciao, Al
Rod, My RealOne player has a pause function - most other players I have seen also use it. Ciao, al
Picman, You can also use IrfanView, a freeware program, to add text. Don't know how crisp it is, though, as I use Photoshop. Ciao, Al