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Everything posted by alrobin

  1. Bernard, Amazing presentation as usual! Those volcanic formations are really spectacular, particularly in 3D! Just a small observation - the red filter in the analglyph glasses obscures the scrolling yellow credits at the end. Perhaps it would show up better if you used 2 colours slightly offset from each other, or else a different more "neutral" colour like white.
  2. Ken, When I tried to open the screenshot, I received this notice: "<b>IPB WARNING</b> [2] readfile() has been disabled for security reasons (Line: 309 of /sources/classes/attach/class_attach.php)<br />" Must have been added by IE7 for some reason, but it seems like a strange message.
  3. Hugh, Welcome to the Forum! Are you running version 4.48 or 5 beta? You can only do this with version 4.48 at the moment. Simply set up the mouse buttons in "Proj Options / Advanced" to pause and/or advance the show. You can set up a longer duration time in "Customize Slide" to hold the slide you want to manually control if you wish. You can also set up a navigation bar in "Project Options" and program it to contain the options you want. All of these will eventually be available in v.5 too. If your show is synched to music you will also have to check the option "Permit control of show" in "Project Options".
  4. Carolo, You might try creating a short, simple sequence in v 4.48, without any objects, navigation bar, music added in "Customize slide" or "Sound" line, or any of the other features not activated yet in v 5 to see if it will load in PTE 5. Synchronization itself should not prevent your show from loading as it is available in v.5 - it just gives inconsistent results. However, since JP reported he was able to create a video using v.5, then everything must be OK with the show.
  5. I haven't experienced this problem. Everything seems to work just fine, including the spam.
  6. This is a switch! Usually people complain here about not receiving their key. Nice to hear about a positive experience. Glad you were able to set everything up so successfully for your friend! Make sure he or she knows about the Forum!
  7. Gerard, You have hit the nail on the head! This is the only way to deal with saboteurs - they require something more drastic than the "normal" disciplining of valid members.
  8. Hi, Markus, You can synch the show in v.5 - however, you will have to adjust it by 1/2 second to 1 second by "trial and error" in order to get it to play exactly the way you want it. The main preview playback and the "exe" file playback are slightly different from the timeline preview. This will probably be fixed in the next beta 9 due out shortly. You can preview a show in both versions, starting from any slide, by clicking on the "piece of toast" icon at the right-hand side, just under the main slide preview window.
  9. As long as it is possible for hackers to break in and register so easily, banning them is useless. They are "one-time wonders", and can easily come back in under another pseudonym. What we need is a better system of registration and control over who can post messages.
  10. Markus, Are you using PTE version 5? Music synchronization is not completely implemented yet in this version.
  11. Ronnie, This was a very old thread (from 2003) - it was resurrected because a spammer posted a message to it.
  12. My email server isn't really suitable for large attachments. Nothing over 1 or 2 mb in size. However, perhaps you can bring me a copy when you pass through Ottawa in September! Or, maybe you could send it using "yousendit.com" or "dropload.com". My email address is alrobin @ sympatico.ca. Audacity, Audition, and Cubase are all sound editors - you can find more about them if you do a search on Google. A "plug" is a "compliment" or "a recommendation in favour of someone". "Flattery" means "compliment" or "cajolery" in an extreme sort of way to gain someone's favour. We have a saying in English that "flattery will get you nowhere". In other words, "don't bother flattering me, because it won't make any difference to how I feel about you". I was turning this phrase around in my reply to Brian. (i.e. "Flattery will get you everywhere". ) This is a very pretty part of Canada that time of the year. However, the colours seem to be later now than they were before "global warming". Around here they last from mid-September to mid-October now. However, every year seems to be different. Let me know when you will be in Ottawa, and I would be happy to show you around some of my favourite locations. I can also give you a last-minute report on how the colours are shaping up if you like.
  13. You present some interesting options here that I would be all in favour of if and when they could be designed into v.5. I suspect Igor has enough on his plate for now, but they would be worth pursuing once the current development is complete.
  14. Lin, I'm curious as to why you included the white screen at the end of the demo. Not to take anything away from this excellent effect, I've posted an ending HERE which I prefer to the one in your example. Let me know if I'm missing something.
  15. John, The mouse controls are not activated yet in v.5. However, you can pan in v.4 using the "push" effects and a panoramic image cut into 2 or more slides.
  16. Hi, Rudi, It's all possible thanks to "Version 5". Good to have you back again - there has been a lot of water "under the bridge" since you were with us before! I seem to remember some excellent AV productions from you a long time ago - maybe we'll be treated to some more in the new version 5??
  17. Manfred, It's too bad, but you'll have to wait for Igor to add that feature back in for PTE v.5 before you can use it. In the meantime you might consider amalgamating all your sound effects and narration into one file using "Audacity" or better still, "Audition" or "Cubase". In any case I would be interested in seeing your show - any chance of posting either the version 4 show or a re-created version 5 show on Beechbrook or your own website? Brian, Thanks for the plug - flattery will get you everywhere! Maybe even a draught at Davy Byrnes! But I can't post "Upendi" since, as you mentioned, it uses copyrighted music - wouldn't want to tangle with Disney!
  18. Dave, Igor has suggested that we not use the "original" option, particularly in the "root" of the object list. It is intended to be used to retain the "original" resolution of an image, regardless of the monitor resolution. If you do use it, it is suggested to make it a "child" of another image (probably the "main" image) which itself is set at "fit to slide". Then things should retain their proportionality under different viewing conditions.
  19. Dave, I haven't tried to burn your example, but I suspect it has something to do with the fact that your text images are treated as "original", whereas the plane images are "fit to slide". Try setting everything to "fit to slide".
  20. Manfred, It depends a lot on which features your v.4 show uses. You can open a v.4 show in v.5, but you will most likely need to make some alterations before it will run in v.5 the way you want it to. You have to remember that v.5 is still in "beta" mode, and many of the v.4 features are not yet activated yet in v.5, such as music via "Customize slide" and the "sound" line, true synchronization via the timeline, the navigation bar, mouse actions, and the "Object editor" buttons and text, to name but a few. If your v.4 show is synched to music, the synchronization will be retained in v.5, and the duration for each slide will appear to be "customized". However, as various members have already pointed out, the synchronization is slightly different when previewing or playing the show than the way it appears on the timeline.
  21. This is not a problem. Just pass everything on to your friend when you get it, and he can install it on his pc.
  22. Keith, Unfortunately, this option is not available in version 4 - only in one of the v.5 betas.
  23. Yes, this is true - to achieve extremely short slide durations one has to use the "quick" transition or "cut". This is why I suggested Gary email me a copy of the pte file - so I can look at it in my "Adjustor" model and see exactly what parameters he is using. By the way, I just completed a short "intro" slideshow in v.5 using 470 slides with "fade" transitions of 5 ms in length, and each 35 ms apart. It runs smoothly on my desktop, and on my laptop, too, if I first remove all non-essential processes and shut down my virus checker, email, etc.
  24. Gary, Is your show synched or un-synched? If you want to, send me the pte file (no music or image files), and I'll have a look at it. Email address: alrobin @ sympatico.ca . But do as Brian suggested and remove the music (unless it is synched to the music), and also try it with a different music selection. It is possible to run shows with slide duration times 1/10 of a second, so there should be no problem with your average time of 2 seconds per slide, unless some of them are extremely short.
  25. Brian, Welcome to the Forum! I don't use Vista so can't help you too much. However, if you try removing the music from the second show, will it exit properly? V.5 might work, but you couldn't use it for the first show, as the external application feature is not activated yet. You can however put such a link in a v.4 sequence and use it to start a v.5 sequence. Will the second show exit gracefully on it's own?
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