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Everything posted by alrobin

  1. John, Thedom's suggestion is a good one. Having a boat go under the bridges would really make your audience sit up and take notice!
  2. Thanks, Igor - I knew you could do it! Thanks for taking the time to add this to your many priorities. It will make programming the objects and moving them around much more consistent. I also support JP's request for the option to have all the "children" objects be able to inherit all of the characteristics of the parent, including opacity.
  3. No, I didn't realize that - neat! Thanks for pointing that out.
  4. Sorry, Ronnie, I thought it was a well established acronym by now, as it's already been used a half a dozen times in various posts. I like it better than "KBE" ("Ken Burns Effects"). Perhaps we should call it "PZRO", to include "Opacity".
  5. Hi, Joe, Welcome to the Forum! The "create as" option is still there. I don't remember it ever saving all the source files. However, the create option does package everything up as an "executible" exe file, and this option still works. The "exe" file can be burned to a cd for giving to clients or friends and relatives. Maybe you are thinking of the "template" option, which is also still there, and will put all your files in a "template" folder for you to transfer to a cd if you wish. There is a new option now in v.5 called "Create backup in Zip". This is a very handy option as it creates a zipped file with all the source material in it, as the name implies. Hope this helps to solve your problem.
  6. JP, You have shown us a few more clever ways to use the new PZR effects in PTE. Thanks so much for sharing. You have added another dimension to the use of frames. Your photography of Versailles is great too. We didn't go there when we were in Paris a few years ago as there wasn't time, but it looks like we missed seeing a beautiful place. Next time!
  7. Thanks, Igor. Much appreciated.
  8. Gary, In PTE v.5 mode, I see this view by default, with "Desktop" clearly visible:
  9. Personally, IMHO, I would rather have the capability to hear the sound while "scrubbing" the timeline in the "O/A" window to enable placement of the objects, but it would be good to also be able to associate sound clips with objects. Maybe someday!
  10. Thedom, Did you see the "nuclear" version? (see above). It's just the "ellipse" show, but speeded up so that the persistence in your eye makes it look "multi-ellipsed". Shows one more capability with PTE.
  11. John, I suspect that Igor will get that sorted out, too, in time. In the meantime, we should be able to add individual sound bytes to each main image on the "sound" line in addition to the background music via "Project Options". (once Igor finishes adding the rest of the existing features to v.5.)
  12. I think the latest is 9.0c.
  13. Hawk and I noticed that titles seem to stutter while the transition between main images is underway, and found that it helps in these cases to wait until the end of the transition (as shown by horizontal gray bars on the "Objects/Animations" timeline) before adding any objects, and to make sure any object activity ends before the start of the next transition. This might help smooth out the music too. Barbara, Are you using mp3 files? Also, how large are the images (both main images and objects) that you are using?
  14. John, If you wish you can send it to me I'll put it on my website for you for a few weeks or so. Then you simply refer everyone to the link where it can be found.
  15. Thedom, You can also "clone" a keypoint within the same object, but I don't think you can copy a keypoint to another object. However, you can copy the object, along with all it's keypoints, and then just change the file address of it to that of the object you want, and it will retain all the keypoints of the object it was copied from.
  16. Lin, That print would be something to see! We're very fortunate with PTE now in being able to apply similar techniques to AV format. We now have the technology to view a high-res image through the monitor without shrinking it down to something less impressive. l'm looking forward to seeing some really spectacular photography like yours in various members' shows. I hope Michel Verhoef) comes up with some large-scale cityscapes similar to the ones he has posted on Beechbrook in the past, once PTE v.5 is oficially released, and I'm looking forward to more of Andrew Busst's impressive panoramas from NZ.
  17. Lin, An interesting use of PTE! You mentioned hi-res photos - do you use a medium or large-format camera for the original photos, or are they from a multi-megapixel 35-mm camera? I found that for panning purposes I can stitch several 35-mm photos together to approximate the result I would get from a hi-res scan of a 4"x5" transparency.
  18. Even a zipped file containing a large show will be too large to email or, for sure, post here on the Forum! As others have suggested, try "dropload" or "yousendit", or upload it to a website where your friends/relatives can download it themselves.
  19. Igor, Just a picky detail: In the O/A window, if one right-clicks on an object, there is an option to change it to "cover screen" mode. However, there is no similar option in that menu to select "fit to screen" or "original". Also some more detail on the other problem I reported: I indicated that I could work around the problem by using an image instead of a rectangle. Well, I have discovered that if that image is square, I get the same result as copying all the objects to the square rectangle. Might it help, therefore, if the default size and aspect ratio for the rectangles were the same size and aspect ratio as that of the whole show?
  20. Robert, I don't know if there are other applications that would be affected by this anomoly with the rectangle, or if mine is the only one. It's one of those things you run into when programming where logic is everything, and if this breaks down, then use of this feature is unpredictable. And, it is not possible to test one's show for every aspect ratio and for every image size to determine whether there are any incompatibilities or not. The rectangle, just like an image object can be used for grouping other objects together. It should be relatively neutral (i.e. invisible, un-moving, and benign) until the maker puts it in motion or gives it a gradient, etc., unless, of course, it is a sub-object of another object which is, itself, changing over time. However, at present, the rectangle behaves differently than a 0-opacity "image" object, which makes one suspicious of its "reliability" in a complex object-grouping. I have noticed that many, if not most, of the demos submitted so far do not use rectangles, and even where they do, they are used as "stand-alone" objects, without any sub-objects "attached". So, the effect which I experienced in my experiment with moving titles would not be involved. The instances where this would occur may be small - but no one knows at this point. It is just one of those things that could trip us up down the road, and end up being a nuisance. The purpose of a "beta" program is to flush out all of these little "anomalies" (Igor doesn't want to call it a "bug"), and this is one which should be fairly easy to correct. Re your specific questions, I've already described and thoroughly demonstrated what I am unable to accomplish with the rectangle and indicated that for this particular moving title application I have found a work-around. I don't know if it would be a workaround for everyone with a similar application. Having been a forum member for many years, you know all about workarounds - they work, but it would be nicer if a feature had been designed for this when the program was developed. I don't know for sure, but I doubt that this workaround would be superior to the use of a rectangle in these situations as the rectangle adds minimal if not zero kilobytes to one's show. (and we've already heard from at least one forum member about how important that is. ) There's also the consideration of processor and video card resources, and whether an opaque image might be more processor and video RAM intensive than the rectangle. Conversely, the results from use of the rectangle in many complex title applications could be unpredictable, depending on whether there are any images as "sub-objects".
  21. This is what Alta Vista Babel Fish gives me when I translate it back into French: "n'allez pas au delà des capacités de votre mémoire de carte vidéo, mais gardez dedans un peu sous le 'champignon'". Don't know if it has the same meaning or not. My "Collins" dictionary doesn't list any idioms.
  22. Michel, I have no idea what that means!? Something got lost in the translation. Qu'est-ce que c'est en français?
  23. I, too, would find this helpful. They can always be renamed if the file name is too long. I bet Michel would find this useful, too!
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