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Everything posted by alrobin

  1. Thanks, Granot. I don't know how I could be so blind - even after you told me, I was looking at the bottom of the page instead of at the bottom of my quote. This must be a relatively new feature, because I don't remember it being there earlier. I'm not sure it's such a good feature after all, though, as it puts other quotes out of context, and could lead to ambiguities in certain situations. Also, if someone quotes a post, the author wishing to delete has no control over that quote. Maybe the forum should permit the ability to edit, as at present, and to post a message to that effect, but leave the structure of the post intact.
  2. Granot, How did you do that??
  3. Just send an email to my personal address, alrobin@alrobinson.com, and attache your ".pte" file. I probably don't need any of the images or music files as the "pte" file will open without them. I'll have a look at the file with "Adjustor" to see what the transition and slide times look like, and check for any incompatibilities. Even better, if you "dropload" me a zipped copy of all the image and music files for the show, too, I can test the whole show for you too. You can find dropload at www.dropload.com .
  4. Woah! Let's slow down the histrionics for a bit and put things back into perspective. Brian, do you have that saying "The law is an ass" over in Ireland? Charles Dickens was one of the first to say it. ( 'If the law supposes that', said Mr. Bumble, 'the law is an ass...'"). I think that is all we are talking about here. Of course neither Granot nor I is advocating the disbanding of Oxfam, UNICEF, etc. ! I think we were originally saying that sometimes certain laws are on the books because certain powerful interests or certain religious groups, etc., lobbied to put them there, and that eventually certain laws have to be re-examined in order to serve the interests of the majority. Case in point: the ridiculous copyright laws which certain countries are in the act of invoking to protect the fat-cat music industry. Sometimes the majority even have to "take the law into their own hands" - case in point: Romania, Poland, Ukraine, Lebanon, Czech Republic, E. Germany, etc. etc. We in the "West" are not exempt from bad laws. All in all, it's been a good discussion, though.!
  5. BJC, I was wondering if it would be possible to show two different PTE shows at the same time, one on one projector, and the other on the other projector (like in the old days when we used to use 2 projectors in order to achieve a fade/dissolve transition). This would be one way of superimposing titles or text, for example, without the extra work in Photoshop to combine the text with the images, or for providing an extra level of control over certain effects such as having one transition overlap another. One wouldn't have to make two completely different shows for example, in order to have text in different languages for different occasions. There may be other possible applications, too. I can start two shows running at the same time on my pc, but I don't know how to direct one show to one projector (or monitor) and the other one to the second projector without using "windowed mode". That would be one way to do it, however. Of course there would also be some problems as to which show was controlled by the mouse and keyboard, etc.
  6. Hi, John, Welcome to the Forum! If you think you are doing something wrong, then you would really have to ask WnSoft about it as they own the program. However, there is nothing illegal with showing your copy of the program to other people, particularly those who are potential customers of WnSoft. It would be illegal to give someone else your key so they can open the program, but if you are just demonstrating the software, then you are really doing WnSoft a big favour. I demonstrate my copy of the program quite often at our local camera club.
  7. I noticed that Dell have a new native SXGA projector out now - the 5100MP. 3,300 lumens (pretty bright, but has a power-saver function). Uses DLP technology; density range: 2500:1. $4,499 (CDN) - per their latest flier. Anyone have any experience with this one?
  8. Who, me? Sorry, Mysty, I didn't see your question until now as I was away on vacation for a few weeks and am still reviewing past posts on the forum. You post a PTE file on your web site just like you post a jpeg image for one of the pages, or, indeed, the page "htm" file, itself. If you are using FrontPage, just click on the PTE file name in Win Explorer, and "drag and drop" it over to the list of files on the file list on the left-hand side of the FrontPage window. Then use whatever FTP program you use for uploading htm files and jpegs (or even the FTP capability of Internet Explorer, itself, if your Web host allows it - mine does) to upload the "exe" file to your host's web server. In order for someone to find the file there, you will also need a hyperlink to some text or an image on one of the web pages, just like you would create a link to a favourite website, except all you need is the name of the exe file (and it's associated folder name, if any, too, of course). Here's a tip - it's best to "wrap" your exe file in a "zipped" file first, and upload that, as some people have problems downloading bare "exe" files. This will set up your slideshow so someone can download it and run it on their own pc. Now, if you want it to run directly from the server without downloading, in "streaming video" fashion, you need to follow Lin's excellent advice. By the way, Lin, I purchased "Riva" today and am looking forward to trying it out. I believe ProShow has a streaming video capability built in, but I prefer to use PTE. Hope this helps.
  9. Did you leave PTE open after pressing the "video" button at the bottom of the main screen to create the temporary AVI or "PTEV" file? You have to remember where this AVI or PTEV file is located on your hard drive so you can look for it in Movie Factory, and import it in order to render it into video format for burning onto the DVD. You can probably find further help over on the "video" forum (the third PicturesToExe Forum). Post a message indicating in detail all of the steps you are going through to try to burn the vdeo.
  10. Jamie, Are you intending to play it at school using a DVD player? If so, you will need to use the "Video" button at the bottom of the main screen, create a temporary AVI file, and then burn it to a DVD using an external video DVD-creating program. If you are not going the "video" route, then as Roger says, it is better to first copy the "exe" file to your computer at school and run it from there.
  11. Catrick, Are you making a "true" video (using the "AVI" function), or are you creating an "executable" show to run on a pc (i.e. an "EXE" file)? It's not clear from your description above. I have no problem creating "EXE" slideshows from several mp3's added to the list in Project Options, but, not having actually tried otherwise, I suspect you would have to string them together in a sound editor such as Audacity in order to eventually make an "AVI" file for a video.
  12. BJC, you're right, the projectors will work as dual outputs, but I wonder if a second instance of PTE can be directed to the second monitor (i.e. second projector). DaveG, You can't go wrong with the ATI Radeon series - I use a 9600 "All in Wonder" card (with dual RGB outputs).
  13. Ronnie, If you have any transitions close together, try removing those slides or spreading the transitions further apart to see if this makes a difference. Previewing by the timeline, the "normal" preview, and the "exe" file all require different amounts of processor time, so it may be possible that some conflicting instruction is causing a glitch in the "normal" preview. Also, try rearranging the transitions right at the change-points between music selections to see if they might somehow be causing a conflict. Otherwise, I don't know what the problem might be. You might have to give us some more details. You could send me your PTE file (without music and slides) so I can have a look at it and you never know - I might spot something. Do you notice this problem with any other shows?
  14. I wonder if it could be made to work with 2 projectors?? That would be something!! It probably wouldn't work, though, as my PTE always seems to always open on the "main" monitor. However, if working in "window mode" I can move it over to the other monitor.
  15. That's great! This board is getting better every day! A big improvement, Igor, over the old one. Now, if we could just remove our own messages, too, we would have it made.
  16. Even the "Bible laws" are unjust, as they discriminate against euthanasia. Woops! I've just opened a Pandora's box and a flurry of emails and posts by people who won't agree with me and want to get into all sorts of discussion on the basis of religious belief. Igor how do I delete this quote???? Igor! .......... Help! ....................................................
  17. Tim, I suggest you change your sound card, or else try to get drivers that are compatible with SP2.
  18. I think you have to play around with the html and delete what you don't want (this will be a test). .............looks like it worked ok! It would be a good idea to strip off the blank line between the quote and the reply to save space, though. What do you mean? I can still see it!
  19. It's nice to get the quotes working - wonder what the huge set of parentheses on the top right-hand side are there for. Igor, Are you out in Alberta somewhere right now? You replied only a few minutes before I did, and your time is stamped 2 hours after mine. I thought it should be the other way around. I haven't set the option to use local time - if that were true, my time would show as 7:04 PM. But it shows up as 11:04 PM - not even GMT. Also, when I reply to two different posts, my two replies are still combined as one. Ken, Thanks for the tip re the outline - that makes it much easier to sort things out.
  20. Andrew, Welcome to the Forum! That sounds like the one. We have been promised a demo unit to test out at our AV SuperCircuit Festival in November. Thanks for the tip re the laptop. We'll probably use a desktop model to run the shows in order to provide ample processor power. Hey, the quotes worked this time. I clicked on "Reply" instead of "Quote".
  21. Ken, Did the Sens' win last night over the Leafs have anything to do with your decision to change your avatar? Thanks, Ian - that solved it (at least temporarily). Now if we could just get these quotes working properly! They seem to work in some other threads. (see "PTE Presentatons" section) This post was really confusing - I first replied to Ken, posted the reply, and then thought I was posting a new message in reply to Ian. But for some reason, the two messages ended up being combined. ???
  22. Where did all our threads go? I see only 4 plus the two pinned threads.
  23. Fred, I have no problem adding a wherever I want it. However, the automatic "quote" system doesn't seem to be working properly.
  24. I presume you meant "30 milliseconds" between one transition and the next?
  25. You're right, Alan, it didn't! So I've switched brands. It's Guinness from now on. And, by the same token, I can understand why you are hesitant about adding your picture. But it needn't be of you! You can go out on the street outside the local pub, and snap off any old bloke that comes along and use that, you know. That's what I tried to do, but I was so drunk I had the camera pointed in the reverse direction!!!
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