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Everything posted by alrobin
Igor, Many congratulations on a wonderful product! Where can we obtain an autographed boxed version? I would like to echo the sentiments already expressed by saying I am truly appreciative of all the efforts you have expended on our behalf and for the many new features you have developed over the past couple of years! Now you deserve a looooong holiday! All the best with the new PTE!
Picman, If you put all your music and images in the same folder as the PTE project file, "MyShow.pte", or whatever, then you can still work with the show even though it has been moved to another folder. Sorry, I didn't notice your double-posting. JRR has answered your other post with a good way to arrange everything in the same folder.
Thanks again, Igor!
Hi, Mogendavid, Welcome to the Forum! Is this the link you were referring to? FlashPTE Demo by Marcovelo. It's still available from Beechbrook.
Igor, It looks very professional now! I wish you much success in your new marketing strategy!
Hi, Jen, Welcome to the Forum! Try dBpowerAMP_Music_Converter . It's a free download. Let us know how you make out.
Inna, Just a small detail I noticed - the link to "next lesson" doesn't work from tutorial #2.
Congratulations on the excellent tutorials. These will make the introduction to PTE much easier for beginners to the program. And more advanced members, too, perhaps. I found a new tip myself when going through them. These tutorials will also save me a pile of work!! Thanks, Inna, for all the effort in putting these together!
Thanks again, Igor, for all your hard work for us. The new beta seems to run just fine so far. I hope your holiday, whenever you find time to slip away, will be a good one!
PTE provides all I need in the way of entertainment, Russian or otherwise!
Sorry, Roger I misread your post as "in on" instead of "on in". Guess I was too eager to put in a plug for our AV festival. I hope we see "Day after Day" here in Ottawa in November!
Wait a minute, Roger - this all started with you owing me a beer. However, why not make a real party out of it - you, Maureen, Igor, and Ken (in spirit - pun intended). And we'll set the date for November 10th in Ottawa! And, yes, I'll put you all up for the night - just wait until you all pass out and sweep you out onto the street!
One possible suggestion would be to look into "Swish". I haven't used it myself as I have had some experience with "Flash". Swish will produce a ".swf" file, and apparently it is easy to learn and use. Also, it would come in handy to have this capability as you can use flash files as introductions to PTE in order to achieve fancy spiralling and scrolling titles. There are other AV programs which will provide for streaming "video" from a web site, but so far, this is not possible with PTE. You could send Ian of the Wantage Camera Club an email for further information about this.
I have a bottle of good Irish dew in front of me right now - in commememeration of St. Paddy's day tomorrow! Want to join me, Ken?
Why do you want the pictures off? That's the best part of the show!
Roger, There's also a very popular international AV competition called the "SuperCircuit" - you can read all about how, where, and when to enter HERE. Choose the language of your choice, and then click ahead to the "rules" section. We are hosting a leg of the SuperCircuit here in Ottawa in November (10th to 13th) - this would be a good time for you to bring me my beer! This will be the only time for people on this side of the pond to see some of these award-winning shows we hear about but cannot see unless someone posts one on a web site. We will have a web site of our own up soon where you will be able to read all about it.
I suppose you'll be wanting to stay the night, too, will you? That'll be 2 beers! :-)
Certainly! It may cost you, though.
Thanks, Igor, This fixed the problem I was having. Now I have to work out a good strategy for adding and removing slides and transitions, and write it up so I can remember how to do it. Steve, Try "Shift - End" without the "Ctl".
Andrew, You could always add more slides than transitions in the older versions but not more transitions than slides. As soon as all the slides had been added to the timeline, the "New transition" button had no more effect. I'm not sure what would have happened if a slide were then removed once the timeline was populated. The workaround will do for now, but I really think Igor should bring back the complete original modus operandi, at least as an option. Also, regarding the "new" slide/transition features, since both a new slide and transition can be added from the timeline window by clicking "Insert slide", I don't understand why the converse couldn't also be possible (i.e. adding both a transition and new slide whenever a new slide is dropped into the slide list, and having that new transition appear between those for the slides on either side. The present system is most confusing and I fear that it will discourage people from using PTE for synching their shows. I thought I had everything clear in my mind, but when I tried to describe the new options last night at our AVSIG meeting, I had trouble remembering each scenario and how to deal with it, and I'm afraid that I left the audience totally confused. This is my fault, not Igor's, but I still believe that the system should be made much more intuitive and user-friendly.
Igor, Sorry to be such a pest, but in the confusion over the new way to operate the timeline and slide list, we seem to have lost one of the options available under the "old" method. (someone please correct me if I'm missing something). Before, if we opened the timeline, selected a transition point, and clicked "delete", that transition would disappear and everything to the right of it would shift over one slide to the right. Then, if we changed our mind, set the cursor where the old slide used to be on the timeline, and clicked "New transition", the transition point would reappear at the point of the cursor, and all the slides to the right would shift over one position to the left, leaving everything as it was originally. Now, however, if we click on a transition and select "delete point", that transition point disappears, and everything moves over one slide to the right as desired. However, if we change our mind, set the cursor where the old transition point used to be and click "New transition", the last slide in the slide list suddenly leaves its position at the end of the slide list and positions itself where the cursor is. This is definitely not what we want to happen in this scenario as all the timing gets fouled up, particularly if the transition time for the last slide is long, and now overlaps with several other transitions after it. Perhaps we need yet another button to provide the operation which we used to have in this scenario under the old version of PTE. Or else, have "New transition" operate the way it used to by simply adding a transition and moving everything back one slide on the timeline.
I agree with Steve. The images are very cleverly made, and each one is a masterpiece in it's own right. I enjoyed this show very much.
Please excuse the double-posting.
Fergy, Click on a slide on the slide list, open "Object Editor", select the "button" object, right click on it to open "properties", then select "go to slide #" and enter the slide number on the next line.
Thanks so much, Igor! The new additions to the timeline work very well, and we can now do everything we used to be able to do and more! Even add an extra slide on the slide list without having to have a transition point for it. This allows for programming a button on the last slide to restart the show from the beginning in "synch" mode. I love the ability to add a slide and a transition exactly where each is intended to be, by positioning the cursor on the timeline, clicking "add slide", and selecting the slide on the light-table. Very nice touch. You are the master!