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Everything posted by timsa

  1. I hope that this topic is the correct one to make new product feature suggestions... Firstly, I really like PTE V3.8. I started using it a month or so ago to create slide shows of family photos. I sent out about 20 of them and everyone really loved them. I put in a few videos (started via buttons), added music.. the works all on an autorun CDROM.... thanks to you and the development group.. I've few suggestions that would've made the job of creating this show a bit easier.. if you don't mind constructive suggestions... 1) I often wanted to start my preview at some point other than the beginning. I had over 340 slides and getting to the 276th slide to preview how my edit and transitions worked was quite a problem. Is there a way to do this?? I couldn't find an answer in the forum... 2) I also wanted to add text to my slides but without the white box around it. I couldn't figure out how to do this if it is possible. 3) Another really neat feature that I was trying to figure out how to do is scrolling text. I know this would probably be pretty complicated to add.... but I envision using the text capability with all the current settings except add a scrolling capability (bottom to top). This would be a wonderful addition. 4) I created two shows and allowed the user to select which one they wanted. The initial show had the "loading...." box come up but the ones I called from the button did not. I know I had the appropriate setup selections checked because it worked as a standalone show.. Not sure why the loading... box didn't come up when I started a slide show from a button within a current slide show? 5) It would be a great addition to your product if you could add the capability of "jumping" to a particular slide. For example, say I create one slide show that had 4 entry points. An initial slide could allow me to start any of these without creating separate shows. Ideally, there could also be the capability of "jumping" to the end from a slide. That would allow you to set up multiple shows in one EXE and have different starting points.. Hope these suggestions prove useful... I do love PTE. Thanks for all the work. I'm looking forward to new versions. thanks, Happy Holidays, Tim
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