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Greg Beasley

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Everything posted by Greg Beasley

  1. This problem is driving me crazy. I burn the P2E show on DVD using ulead. It looks good on my TV but when I insert the DVD in a computer, the image is blurry. It sort of looks like a very low quality jpeg. Someone suggested that the software is compressing the image for TV resolution. It it possible to burn a DVD that looks good on the computer and the TV????? I need help....fast. Thanks, Greg
  2. I have Microsoft Plus and it is hard to work with. You can't sync the show to music and you can only use one music file with it. I DO LIKE the zoom effect on the images. The software slowly moves into the image and pans across the next image. Then it will pull back slowly on the next image.... Can this be done with PTE? Can I request an enhancement? How do I do that?
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