Thanks. The links within this site didn't work. However, what I did find were several posts that spoke of the program not working or slowing the computer down. So I did a search on the net for this Virtual PC and found that CONNECTIX was taken over by Microsoft. The website no longer exists. This is the information I found on the product: Connectix Virtual PC 3.0 with Microsoft Windows 98 allows you to run the latest Windows programs including business, education, Internet, and home applications-right on your desktop or portable Mac computers, including iMac and iBooks. In addition, you can access PC networks and easily share files between the Mac and Windows environments. Moreover, no additional hardware is needed to get full PC functionality! This is the websites: plus the search I did on google, but this url may not be valid again: Now these were the negative posts: I don't have personal knowledge but others who have tried it have reported it does NOT work. Virtual PC apparently slows up the system and does not run this program correctly. THere are other threads listed in the past about this. Doug April 2003 I have been this morning to a demo of Virtual PC 7 on a Power Mac G5. VPC was settled to emulate XP Pro. First we have tried to run a PTE.exe file of about 20 picture which has been built with PTE 4.01. No sucess, the program stops after the first picture, but the music continue to run. 1,5 giga of memory was allowed for VPC. The microsoft representative has made several trials witout any success. Thereafter we have tried to install PTE 4.30 without success. As a matter of fact we had the same results that I have with VPC 5 on my G4 dual processors of 1 giga. I must point out that everything goes well with the nomade PC of my wife which runs with XP Home. Papybateau. posted in Oct 2004 This website no longer exists: So I will send this information to my friend and I will add a note about the product in my website on the page where I have the Hawaii slide show a friend did for me plus the one I am working on. Thanks (wado) bunches, cherokee40