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Big Kev

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Everything posted by Big Kev

  1. Hi Gary, If you look back at what I posted - see above - you will note that I said the Windows+G did not do anything.....therefore I used the windows key to open the side pad and then searched down to 'S' and clicked on 'Settings'. When the settings opened there was an icon marked 'Games' Inside there is the 'Game Bar' switch.which says record games, screenshots etc....and mine was by default switched 'on' so I switched it off and that switched off all the other options too. My sequences and those that wouldn't play correctly before now seem ok. Hope that helps. John (Alias Kev)
  2. O dear..... this is a new gaming laptop with a Nvidia 1060 graphics card and it is there....... wonder if it was lost when you removed Nvidia G Force Experience where all the new drivers come up. Maybe the blind leading the blind as this Windows 10 is somewhat new to me!!
  3. Not too worry - I have just been to check what I did again and it doesn't quite work as the link advises pressing 'Windows + G. Try this open the Windows by clicking the Windows Icon, scroll down to find the 'settings' Click that and then find the 'Gaming' Icon Click that and then see if the 'Game Bar' is on or off - if its on switch it off
  4. This is the bit that refers to it and the link tells you what to do if you have a Windows 10 machine
  5. oooooh I wouldnt have deleted the Nvidia Experience!!!!!
  6. Please don't use it if you are entering competitions - we have had one that had been proofed but had then run out of time the day before the competition was due to be judged!!!!
  7. Hi I had the same problem with a new Windows 10 machine which uses a 1060 Nvidia Graphics card with 6gb ram on board. I followed Igor's instructions and the problem appears to now have been cured by switching off the 'game DVR' feature which sends reports on all gaming Try removing that
  8. I use it to run a multiclub competition where the competing clubs can select their second and third round images on the night from their declared bank of 13 images! To do this each club is given a reference letter and their images are numbered 01 to 13 so say A09 A07 A01 A12 could be selected. The images are selected from the F3 lightbox view by double clicking in the order that they are to be projected so it might be A09, B12, C03, D07 etc till all the clubs have had their first image shown and then A07 B03, C01 etc etc. The scoring has to be done manually on paper....now if there could be an easier way of doing this and keeping the scores for each image - that would be very useful. Dicentra is used by a lot of clubs but each competition has to be set up prior to the evening but PTE gives a better picture and is easier to use for our type of competition.
  9. The Great Northern AV Festival which has been held for the past 19 years at the Wilmslow Guild has moved to a new venue in Manchester, England. The event is being held from the 5th - 7th December and is being organised by a new Committee. To encourage newcomers to take part, as well as the Great Northern Competition itself, we have introduced an inaugural 'New Horizons' competition - open only to entrants who have not received any award (1st, 2nd, 3rd, HC or C or Special Category) in any National or International Open level Audio Visual Competition. Full details, a booking form and further information can be found on the website: www.gnfestival.org.uk We hope to see you there.
  10. Hi All, If I am demonstrating moving text around, panning, zooming or any other movements I never, ever, look at the figures in the PAN or ZOOM box (in fact thinking about it I never look at the slide or dissolve times on the individual slides in the 'Slides' view!) As we are not viewing mathematically an image or a piece of text it is much simpler to use the bounding boxes and just drag the text or image to the place you want it to start and then add another key point and drag the text or image to where you want it to finish. The size of the text can be increased by the bounding box and the number of lines of text can be changed in the Properties box by making a return. If you wish to transfer the various keypoints to another slide - just copy and paste the slide. Despite our freely given help, we do seem to try and make things complicated for beginners. Best wishes John
  11. Hi Rober, As Barry suggested Settings/preferences/toolbars and tick the 'preview from current position' box The 'loaf of bread' will appear in the top left toolbar. Maybe this is not where you want it or are used to it being. You can move the various elements into whichever position you are used to them being by dragging them within above box. Your settings can then be saved using 'save profile' Hope that helps John
  12. Joint Editor of AV News

    1. Big Kev

      Big Kev

      Joint Editor of AV news

  13. Well done that man - you know it makes sense!!! Best wishes, John
  14. We all answered together!!!!
  15. Hi Chris, Click your mouse onto the thumbnail itself of the slide that you want to lengthen and all the images will move along together until the slide you want to lengthen is the correct time. Hope that helps, John
  16. Hi Willem, Jill Bunting and I go around the country visiting camera clubs and in a matter of minutes can teach club members who have never delved into making an audio visual sequence how to produce a basic sequence. They select a folder containing their images and all the images appear as thumbnails in the the box at the side of the viewing screen. Viewing them there can be difficult as you can only see a few. Therefore select F3 and all the images appear on a lighbox. Double click on the images you want in the order that you want them and when you close the lightbox down - all your images will be on the slide tray in the order you selected them. If not quite right or you change your mind, drag them to another position, let go and they go in to that place. You can also drag them in and place them exactly where you want them in the timeline view. Drag a sound file onto the bottom line in the timeline view and you have made your sequence. A complete novice made a sequence in that way during the tea break at a club and we showed the 'finished' sequence after the break!!! I see from what you say that you are more concerned about videos - for 'slides' read 'video'. You can more or less do exactly the same - they can be worked on in the same way and all the transitions work the same from a simple cut to a 3D change.....it is therefore easy to place two different videos running at the same time in a V shape on one frame. I recently attended a demonstration of 'Final Cut Pro' and the person demonstrating it spent 40 minutes making an arrow move across a frame exposing text as it passed. Total time in PTE - about 5 minutes on a bad day!!! Stick with it - we haven't found anything better!!! John
  17. A PTE promoter and instructor

  18. Try typing 'Creative Commons' into Google - you will then find lots of sites that offer free use or even modification of music however whilst all are free to listen to, there are varying degrees of restrictions in their use which are shown in the license tab on each track. See the latest edition of av news http://www.avnews.org.uk Have fun John
  19. HI Everybody, Many thanks for all your suggestions which I worked through - but too no avail. After three very helpful emails from the Zoom Corporation suggesting various remedies in their last email they sent a picture showing a finger holding the toggle joystick in the input/menu position....but pushing it from the other side!! I tried this....and of course it worked - silly me!! Hopefully this might be of use to anyone who attempts the same update. Thanks everybody, John
  20. Hi Peter - I have followed your suggestion and tried to update my zoom H4 - and it doesn't do what it says!!!! How on earth did you get yours to do??? I have used a new SD card and installed onto it the Bin file both both directly and via a card reader - and then put on the power supply, switchd on whilst holding the menu key.....and it went to the file saying no data....nothing like they said it should do. Any ideas would be appreciated. John
  21. Hi Brian, Thanks for the suggestions although the sound fault is nothing to do with the 'signal to noise ratio' of the recordings. The noise comes from the circuits within the computer and is not dependent on the volume. Similar problems can be caused by 'earth loops' and at first I thought it was that however when this fault occurred whilst doing a demonstration at Wrexham, I removed the earth braid and the fault remained - although the sound remained fine!!! The problem seems to occur more with the Canon range of projectors. I wondered at first if it was due to the projector resizing the images...but again switching over to battery power sorted the problem out hence my suspicion of the laptop switched mode power supply. Best wishes, John
  22. Occasionally when demonstrating PTE at clubs and seminars one of two problems have been known to occasionally occur: - lines appear on the projected picture when an animation is taking place but these do not show on the laptop screen. - the sound track is affected by the addition of noise generated by the computer circuits. Either of these faults can be immediately cured by running the laptop on the battery and so the switched mode power supply is the suspect. Has anyone else encountered this problem and more importantly have you discovered a cure!!! John
  23. Apologies for the none capitalized Peter and the odd typo - I have a dyslexic keyboard too!! John
  24. Excellent explanation peter - it is a good reminder to all of us although when I explain it I usually use slices of cake !!!!! By the way - have tyou ever had a problem with the waveform on one of the stereo channels being not centred on the 0db line?? I think the problem is being caused by this extremely old computer with a not very good sound card - any ideas??? John
  25. Hi Ant - no as I am half Yorkshire it is the free version!!!! Will have a look at the settings and see what I can find. Have a nice break down under....and see if the water rotates the wrong way down the plug hole!!!!
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