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  1. Hey Brian, Good news, (at least for me) I was able to download the software with some help from the folks at wnsoft. Now, however, after following the instructions to embed an autorun file into the slide program I am unable to get the program to run on its' own. This sounds like an easier fix. I am typing in [autorun] open=nameofprogram.exe icon=nameofprogram.exe and then saving the file into the slide file, but thus far no luck. Sure would appreciate another assist. Thanks, Chris
  2. Downloaded PTE into the folder, put the folder on the desktop, opened the folder, dbl clicked on the program and got the same prompt. The "program" icon is "question mark". Still a no-go.
  3. Hello Brian, Thanks for the reply. I run Norton software and as far as I know it is up to date. I have had problems in the past with .zip files. I don't listen to Web Cast, ipod Tunes, etc. This is the message I get when trying to open the file: apr.zip is not a windows help file, or the file is corrupted. I really appreciate the helphere, thanks again. Chris
  4. I get a prompt indicating a corrupted file when I attempt to download the software. Any fixes for this? Thanks, Chris
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