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Sergio S

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Everything posted by Sergio S

  1. Hi I need a bit of help. I am trying to add 20 seconds of music to my first 6 slides, Then add different music to the rest of the show. In the Project Option I have added the music. I have Customize each slide & added the 20 second of music, Play background music file is Ticked. In the main tab Synchronize music is off. In the Time line Music plays independently is Ticked. Now when I pay the show all I get is the first few bars of music for each slide I looked at the Pte User Guide. Are there any video tutorials on adding music. I have version 5, What am I doing wrong. Sergio
  2. Hi Thank you all for all the info. But I am new to objects & animation so how do I get the curtains to move in both direction ( Left and Right ) at the same time. Sergio
  3. Hi How do you get theater curtains to slide open in a slideshow in v5.1. I think there was a tutoral posted a few years back. Sergio
  4. Hi Can I run P2exe on two computers or do I have to buy another copy. Sergio
  5. Thank you Al A (select all) would be nice. Sergio
  6. Hi I need a little help. I made a sample slideshow with my name on each slide using Object Editor. Now I want to remove the text, How do I do that. Sergio
  7. Hi I have made my first slideshow dvd with P2E, On playing it back all the images come out soft not sharp. I use Roxio 6 to burn the dvd. How do i fix this. Have a nice day.
  8. Hi I have made my first slideshow dvd with P2E, On playing it back all the images come out soft not sharp. I use Roxio 6 to burn the dvd. How do i fix this. Have a nice day.
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