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  1. My images were 5MB I will try smaller -- Thanks! Wish me luck!!
  2. I was having trouble getting my slideshows to not overlap -- so some helpful people suggested working with the timeline. I did that and now the slideshows work ON MY COMPUTER ONLY. If I try to burn it to a CD or "move" it to one of our other networked computers they still do not work. And now not only do I have trouble with the overlapping -- the shows slow WAY down and the music that is supposed to be synchronized to the show ends half way through the show!! I am spending half my day redoing and trying to figure these shows out. I need help!!
  3. I have been using this software to make slide shows since last fall and have been very happy with the software. However, recently it has started overlapping -- like the show is running on top of itself. (like singing row row row your boat in a "round") It started doing it on one to two images and now it does it off and on throughout the entire shows. (random and in different places every time I play it) It has also gotten "stuck" and just went back and forth between the same two images until the song ends. Any suggestions? Please!!! K
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