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Paul H

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  1. I am new to digital AV but have produced numerous professional AV shows in the traditional multi-projector format. 90% of my transitions would be 'custom' dissolves that accessed projectors independently, either allowing an image to fade up while holding the original on the screen, or fading out the original and delaying the incoming image. Although the transition timing is very sublte in most cases, it permited marvelous transitions, adding another dimesnion to the show. This technique took advantage of the 'third image' effect created by the overlap, or softened a harsh transition by beginning an early fade of the existing image on the screen. I do not see the ability in this software to do that, which is vital for these artistic effects. The opportunity to access images independently, provide separate dissolve rates, and separate access times to the images would be a marvelous improvement to this otherwise competent software. For example: Begin 6 second fade-in of incoming image and four seconds into the disolve, begin a three second fade-out of the existing image. I would be interested in any comments.
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