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  1. Never mind, I figured it out and I've successfully copied it to a CD. Now hopefully everything will go smoothly when I load it onto my laptop!
  2. I worked hard on my slideshow and I have it just the way I want it. Now I'm trying to save it to a CD, and I'm getting a message that says 'I/O error 103'. I have no idea what that means! Please help,,,I need to have this completed by tomorrow! Thanks, Robyn
  3. So far my very first slideshow is turning out pretty well in the preview, but now I've reached the point where I'm sort of confused. I need to save the slideshow, then copy it to a CD so it can be viewed from my laptop and shown to the community via an LCD projector. I read the instructions for copying to a CD in the FAQ's but it seems very confusing to me. Where it says: 'This file ("autorun.inf") must be copied to CD disk with your presentation',,,is this the name I use to save the slideshow. Sorry,,,I'm not too good with computers. Can someone please give me step-by-step instructions on how to successfully save, copy the slideshow and play it on another computer? Thanks! Robyn
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