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  1. I just put together a very quick slideshow just for fun. I'd like to add a title...is there a tutorial or somewhere I could look to find instructions on how to add a title screen? Thanks! Jamie
  2. I got it! There was a problem with my e-mai!
  3. I ordered the program earlier today and have been unable to get it to download. I received an e-mail that said I should "Save the attached file to any folder on my computer", then I'm supposed to open that folder when prompted to register when installing the program. There was no attached file in the e-mail. There's a series of numbers and letter at the bottom of the e-mail, but it will only allow me to copy and paste...not actually save. So far I've installed the free demo version, but that's it. I'm REALLY frustrated because I need to complete my video tonight! Thanks! Jamie
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