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Everything posted by jeffgoodwin

  1. Thanks for the reply's Davegee got it correct you were right. Cheers Jeff
  2. I have a network disc called the K disk, I store all my pictures on the disc. I have two pcs a lap top and a desk top the disk is attacched to the desk top. When I am in another part of the house with my laptop I want to edit a show I have done on my desktop, but all the pictures are on the desktop networked disk, therefore I can not see them because they are not indexed to the laptop pc they are all indexed to the K drive on the dektop PC. Is it possible to rename all the files such as the K:\My pictures\xxxxxx\yyyyyy so that I can see them on my laptop. I can see the network disc on the laptop, but because of the routing I can not see the pictures on my slide show?? . I have shared my pictoexe files on the desktop with the lap top. Any ideas out there.
  3. Now I am back to square one again. I have completely made a new presentation of my old presentation and now have got rid of the sound error files, but today, when I tried to make a new DVD i got the picture attached while I was trying to make the mpeg2 file. When I try to make a DVD of a file not made under 6.5, it works properly and does not fail at the MPEG2 phase. Also I have now remade my very troublesome file under 6.0 and it now works. Just in case any one is interested out there, I discovered when I was making the title sequence the PTV file that the picture I was using as the header which was at about 1 min.22 secs into the movie when I selected it, it was 1 min 18 secs, and every time I brought in the PTV file the picture selected was not the picture that should have been selected. I still think there must be a bug in there somewhere
  4. I take it all back it has now stopped working again. By the way I am using Vista operating system. But I have made quite a few DVD's so I know it is meant to work ????? and it used to work !!!! Can any one out there help me please. I found that I had a sound error on all my pictures so I have modded the sound error with Add Sound but I still have 2 sound error files after I try and save the project it says Project file has been saved but one or more files could not be found. Press <OK> to view files. I press OK and I get another block that says: Sound files not found Sound:Error Soumd:Error Now I can not do a preview because this error comes up all the time. There is definitely something wrong here now??
  5. I may have done something wrong because it now works, what I did different was create an mpeg2 and iso image, I don't ever rememebber having to do that the last time i made a dvd, and the whole thing went off perfectly
  6. I have just down loaded 6.5 and am now trying to make a dvd. as the system is doing the mpeg2 conversion when it gets to about 30% conversion the display goes black it then locks up. Any ideas what is occuring. I have rebooted etc. but it still does it
  7. I have the latest version
  8. I have just had the same problem, I paid for an update key because I could not put my new wedding on DVD which I am trying to give to my customer this weekend 10/7/2010. I bought the key on 6/7/ 2010 at 19:11 and have not had the key yet 50 odd hours later. I have emailed support at wnsoft and no reply today 8/7/2010 so now I have emailed a lady in orders, this is my first major wedding and I was expecting a key yesterday but do not have one. We are getting very close to the wire now. Tomorrow is Friday and then I am ********, because no one will be there at the weekend. I have used PIC TO EXE now for many years and had a great deal of pleasure out of it, but now I am not quite so sure. I did not know until I was told this week that I had to buy another key. I always thought that once you had the key you had it for life, but not it seems if you want make a DVD This is very very frustrating.
  9. Cheers but I've got 2 gig ram and am running Vista Home Premium,
  10. Think I have found the problem may not be pic to exe but microsoft have you seen anything like this before?? http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=fffc5dd...04e75f6e8ebb871
  11. Thanks Ken do you ever go to bed?? Here is the link for the file http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=fffc5dd...04e75f6e8ebb871 I hope. It is just a test pte purely meaningless, it is the problem with the mask that I have. Jeff
  12. But it is a 5 meg file, sorry if I am being a bit stupid, but you can only upload a 2 meg file here
  13. Do I have to upload the pictures as well or just the pte file. I have a small pte that I am trying to mask on Cheers Jeff
  14. I've tried making two masks one circle white in centre and one black in centre. Then I have put them over a couple of pictures but the mask seems to be all broken up, very difficult to explain I agree but it does not seem to work as in the manual. What could I be doing wrong. I am using Vista home and am now confused
  15. Thanks Ken that did work, then I reformatted the RW and that worked. Cheers
  16. I have burnt quite a few DVD with wnsoft video builder and today I have had the error burn.exe does not work Using 5.50 deluxe and it has worked very well upto now. not doing any thing else with pc while it burns, cos i know that causes problems, using dvd_rw disks pte file is 80k video file 293 mb. can any one help please
  17. Thanks that seems to work now. Very appreciated. Jeff
  18. Mine was a DVD +RW
  19. I have just done a dvd burn with Pictoexe 5.5, which by the way is excellent, and the dvd plays on my pc and home dvd player and my friends dvd player. But when I try it on another dvd player I get the message bad disc on the tv screen or unloadable disc on another DVD player. Can I finalize the disc so that it will play on any DVD player. I am trying to sell this DVD to people so it has to work on all DVD players. Cheers Jeff
  20. Will we ever be able to make a flash video so that we do not have to keep downloading the exe files. Now there's a good idea, it will also make it easier to put on our web pages for marketing and the like, and even sending them to prospective customers?? Cheers Jeff
  21. I have been trying to do a dvd burn and it has worked ok until now, at the very end of doing the burn I get a run time error, the disc does not come out of the computer and it has not recorded. About ten minutes ago it worked and now it is not. I am using pictoexe5.03 and Vista home premium.
  22. Thanks you were right
  23. How do you get rid of the this file was created with trila version when I have bought the license??
  24. I have just bought the rel 5 and also paid for the dvd burning, i go through the menu and put a brand new dvd-rw 4.7gig disk in the drive press start and it says no disk inserted. if i look in the d drive my computer seems to think that there is one inserted. am I missing something here please
  25. So you did not use PTE for the text??
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