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Everything posted by jeffgoodwin

  1. How do you make the words that appear as titles on pictures move in an animated way such as Concerto puor un ete. I think that is really cool Jeff
  2. Also Al I do not have "Play new background music files" in "Customize slide / Music" for any slide in your show. On my Projetcs Options screen
  3. When I try and run the show I get the same error message back again, but I'll give it a go. Cheers Jeff
  4. Al it does not seem to work for me I'm afraid, it is 23:59 here in uk so i'll be logging off soon Jeff
  5. When I have customised a slide and added a bit of commentary and therefore taken the music off, I can only play the show in non sync mode, because it tells me "you should disable personailsed music slides to activate sync by music". Surely this can not be right. I am running 4.4 Jeff Goodwin
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