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Everything posted by Miles2go

  1. Ken, Thanks. Ha,ha! No boots. All shot with zoom lens. Ning
  2. I visit Thailand often and used to commute regularly for work in the 1990's between Bangkok and Singapore where I live. However, it was only in the last few years that I started to shoot flora in any country I visited. This video is just about two aquatic plants: the lotus and the water lily. These were shot mainly in Bangkok and some in San Francisco Botanical Garden. You can download at Beechbrook.com. Thanks for hosting, Bill. Ning
  3. Living in tropical Singapore amidst orchids, cannas, bougainvilleas and lots of greenery but few flowers , seeing tulips, irises, daffodils, pansies and azaleas in Europe is visual medicine for me. My wife and I visited Monet's Garden in the spring of 2006. Up to now, we cannot forget our short visit. In the meantime, this slideshow serves as a reminder that we must return. Please download it from Beechbrook.com. My thanks to Bill for hosting. Ning
  4. Bert, Thanks. I used The 3 Jewels by Simon Lovelock. This is from the royalty-free music album, Inspirational, from http://www.beckhamdigital.co.uk/ Ning
  5. Hi Dom, Thank you for your very kind comments. I hope you survive the heat, rain and humidity in Japan at this time. Ning
  6. I haven't been making PTE shows for a while. But with the aid of Barry Beckham's tutorials, I quickly rediscovered my footing to produce this new version of two autumn trips to Kyoto, Japan. I hope you enjoy watching it. Rgds. Ning
  7. Hi Roger As a courtesy to me as the creator of the show, I wish you had contacted me first to give me your feedback instead of merely posting your comment in the forum. In Beechbrook my email address is there, next to my Gentle Women in Kyoto icon, for you to click on. Be that as it may, it is not easy in my country to find traditional Japanese music that is "lively" enough to accompany my slide show. I had to settle for the French music from Les Choristes which, whether you understand the lyrics or not, projects the joyful mood I experienced when I was in Kyoto taking the pictures. Do bear in mind that music is a universal language. There are time and money limitations in looking for the perfect musical accompaniment and making the right match when you are a hobbyist, not a commercial PTE producer. It was only this week that I finally found an authentic Japanese composition that fits in perfectly. Unfortunately I do not want to replace my current version of Gentle Women of Kyoto at this stage since Bill will soon be taking down the shows that are more than a month old. I look forward to seeing eventually your PTE presentations too. Ning
  8. Hi Bill so kindly posted my first presentation entitled Cha-no-yu The art of Tea in his pte website at Beechbrook Cottage. My wife and I were in Kyoto, Japan last autumn for slightly over a week. I had been feeling very disappointed because I could not find and shoot any of the genuine geishas in the city. On the eve of our departure, we stumbled into a tea promotion event just outside the main train station. And then we saw two maikos (apprentice geishas) preparing and serving tea. I spent half an hour shooting them from a fixed position--too many people in the audience so I couldn't really move about too much until the ceremony was over. That scene made my one week visit all worth while. You may wonder why in a number of shots, I showed the napes of the maikos. That's because in the geisha world, the nape is considered one of the most beautiful features of a woman. I hope you'll enjoy my first presentation. Ning de Guzman
  9. My ISP won't allow me to send an attachment of more than 10 MB. I will have to split my pte presentation into two or more parts. I have no problem removing slides after Part 1 and then starting Part 2 with the next bunch of slides. However, my music synchronisation is giving me problems. Part 2 slide 1 transition starts at Timeline 0.00.000 instead of say 2.30.555. Ive tried starting Slide 1 of Part 2 at 2.30.555 so that the slides and music are synchronised but slide 1 refuses to busge at 0.00.000 timeline. Can anyone help? Thanks.
  10. Dave, thanks for the interest. I finally solved the problem after starting a new project from scratch and following your advice to Richhaas.
  11. Yes, I did follow your answers to Richhaas but some sildes ended up with no space for transitions at all. It looks like a highway accident, with one car smashing into the one in front.
  12. I'm a new user of this program. I have a problem synchronising slides and music. Regardless of the duration of the music file, even when I click autosynchronise, the duration that each slide appears is about 1.5 seconds. So my 30-40 slides get used up very fast and no more slides to show for the rest of the music. I end up having to lengthen each slide individually. I'm sure this is only a newbie's problem and there is a quick and easy way to space out equally (or almost) the slides for the duration of the music. Can someone help? Thanks.
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