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Everything posted by Richhaas
No, I went through the ususl process with P2exe to create a Video DVD disk of a slideshow and opened Roxio to do the actual burning. I burnt the first disk. Then without going out of Roxio and without starting p2exe again as I have done before I just took out the first DVD which works just fine put in a new disk and clicked the BURN button in Roxio to make a second disk. This is the first time I have tried to make multiple DVDs from a single running session of p2exe. I usually just "Copy DVD" the first disk if I want more than 1, I don't keep opening p2exe to make copies. I just did this once and to answer a previous question I have already tried to do other kinds of burning and on other computers. The drive won't burn an error free disk since trying to use p2exe twice. Richard
I have burned about 50 DVD's in the last 2 years and maybe 300 CDs. This hardly seems excessive. I did not mean Pic2exe sent code to the DVD, Roxio does that. But has anyone made several copies of a slide show to several DVDs and been sucessful? I only have this one 'experiment' to go by. Richard
About a week ago, using the procedure that has worked before, I burned a DVD and when it finished I changed the disk in the Iomega SuperDVD and clicked BURN again in the Roxio program I use to make DVDs of slide shows. This is the first time I tried to make 2 disks. The second disk would not play. I can no longer burn any kind of disk with out errors using Roxio and my laptop. I DID reinstall Roxio, no change. I then hooked up the Iomega SuperDVD to my desktop and I can not burn even a simple audio CD any more. So the problem seems to be in the drive. I belive this because Pic2exe does not generate a real AVI file. Pic2exe's temp avi "file" disappeared and Roxio did not have a proper file for the second burn. Any ideas what Pic2exe did to the drive and how to get it working again? Richard
I have been using Audacity but have been getting clicking sounds every minute or so in the recording. I have been using Harddisk.exe to record then work on the file in Audacity.
So copyrights only apply to Blockbuster and Clearchannel? I can set a flag on jpegs so "in therory" they won't be printable down a the local Qwiky-Mart. So, what DO you guys selling weding dvd's do so the customer comes back to you for more "prints" as it were?
After having waited 3 hours to burn a DVD of a couple of slide shows I would like to use a DVD recorder to make copies instead of tying up my computer. I've looked at a couple of PDF manuals and can not tell if any of these recordere set the Copyright flag so the DVD's I sell can not be copied. Is there any one here who has had experience with a recorder in this regard?
Thanks for the help. Okay, now I have a DVD of one slide show. How do I make a DVD with many slide shows if PTEXE only has one "workable" avi at a time?
I am NOT clicking "Finish" I am however copying the avi file to the laptop with Roxio on it. I do this without EVER clicking "Finish." After more testing the PTEXE temp avi that it erases plays okay on Win Media but the copy doesn't even on the desktop it's sound only!?! I only got the temp avi to play right on Win Media after setting PTEXE to Custom AVI AND changing the settings to 1024 by 768, same size as the media used and 30 frames per second. But again this is only the first temp avi file that works not the copy. Why is PTEXE erasing the avi files anyway?
Sorry if this has been covered but I've just spent 2 hours trying all the combinations possible to make an avi file ROXIO Media Creator likes. Roxio sees PTEXE avi files as bad and when previewed in Roxio there's just the audio. The files "Preview" okay in the PTEXE process but the avi does not have pictures in Windows Media Player either. The panel creating the avi says it is encoding the audio then the screen for going to a DVD burner program shows up with the "Finish" button in it. Isn't there supposed to be a video encoding too? Any help...thanks Rich
With the thought that others might need an answert to the original question I first asked in this thread, not a co-opted discussion on object editing more usefull in it's own thread... Setting the Screen options to Windowed mode, setting No Border and the size of the window to the size of the background image has solved the problem91024 by 768 in this case). Not well, as the slide show is always the same size, it does not take advantage of larger screens when it is displayed on them and the desktop is still visible around the edges but this work around at least presents the show as it was intended to be seen. The ratio of the background image and exact placement in relation to the slide is preserved.
Are there any conversion programs to make the slide show exe's work on an Apple? All we get now, when clicking on the file, is a panel asking for the ADOBE reader program like the slide show is a PDF file???
Thanks for the info Dadou, that tutorial centered well on the 1280 by 800 screen but it locked up my friend's computer and pressinfg the power button for 6 sec was the only way to turn off the laptop! Frankly, going through my slides and and by pasting make every slide complete WITH background is alot easier. Thak goodness I have Photoshop and can make this semi-automatic. Now the other problem is even though click "make slide 90 percent of screen size", once again that appears to only work at the same screen reosution as PTE was in when it created the exe. I have since noticed that on the 1280 by 800 size screen that the slide was NOT 90 pe cent of the lap top screen but seems to be 90 percent of 1024 by 768, the resolution of the screen I happened to be in at "exe creation time". It has just occured to me, would setting "Display In A Window." fix this? I am just to busy to try this this till Monday. I have never created a show specifing Windowed display. Do you get to force a window size?
My slide shows work great on my computer AND any other that is 1024 by 768. I tried some shows on a friend's lap top with a screen size of 1290 by 800 and my background image was "tiled" although the main image was centered as it should be. I am not using tiny repeitive images for the background but things like picture frames that don't work if they are over to the left and not centered on the image area. Stretching the background image would be a very poor solution to this problem but better than misalignment on every other computer screen I send my show to. If the background image was also centered and black filled in around? The best solution would be to have us use a large image for the background and the exe "displays to fit". The exe is already treating the display instructions for the slide and the background differently( the slide is centered and background not). But for now, how do I force a centering of the background image?
All fonts are TT fonts. All work with MSWord, MS Publisher, Photoshop etc. Windows ME The little boxes are the same ones that show up when a font is not complete, no numbers or no smaller case as in an Initial Letter font. It is easier to list the fonts that work. They are the fonts shipped with windows such as the exciting Courier New... I just tried my laptop with XP last night and it does not have this problem, so the work around is to move megs of music and images to the laptop, complete the project and send it back to the desktop for burning. AND I'll have to do this every time there is even the simplest change to make, thanks again Bill Gates.
Pictures To Exe is not handling Windows fonts correctly. It does not draw the font it just makes little boxes with the fonts it cant handle. That's as clear as I can make it.
After a few tests, yes I can go back to the Starting Arial typeface. BUT it seems only the most basic typeface shipped with Windows work. 1 The "troublesome" fonts work in all my other programs 2 What's the point of the change fonts option if we can't have the fonts we want? 3 The comments option is the easiest way to put lettering on the background image not the main slide in Photoshop. The work around you suggest means making as many background images with different text on them as there ar slides!!! I hope the new version reads fonts better...
I just tried to add comments and which worked at first. Then I changed the font and all I get is little boxes the size of the font and the shadows are little boxes too.
Beckham Digital and your panel say to use version 2. Is 4 okay and will just the standard version work?
Yes I call the next exe from Project Options. And I have though of the black slide answer but I didn't want a black gap but I just realized that I can set the last black slide to 1 or 2ms and it should never be seen. All of this is to make up for not being able to meta-edit a project with multiple seperate pte files, move them around, assign transitions betweeen them, etc. A seperate little editor? A List View? Thanks for the help and once again a great program.
I have 2 exe files. A calls B when done. Every thing works fine after I figured out to unclick Leave Last Slide On Screen otherwise the second exe never starts. I just watched the whole thing and at the end of B the last slide of A fades in again and then there is the fade to desktop that I have set for the end of B. How do I stop this last slide of the previous slide show from reappearing?
1. I have shots from a trip. I have made shows of the trip and the wedding. I would like to just open/add projects to make new larger projects. Some people wish to see the trip and wedding some just the wedding some just the trip etc. This depends on # 2 to work properly. 2. I would like to "grab the relevant soundtrack/music and move the tracks around with all the photos and timings intact. Photos "welded to a music track as it were. I guess a facility to define "GROUPS" like Photoshop has groups for layers. 3. I would also like a check box for PTE to NOT store paths to music and photos. When I have a project done I store copies of music, sound and photos to cd-rom incase I wish to make changes. PTE should just look in the directory where the project file is for everything else it needs. There is a program for doing panoramas called PTAssembler that does this and this is a really convenient feature.
Custom Sync is just grabbing each slide in the Timeline View and moving it to exactly where you want it. I like to let PTE space slides out even then move them to exact points later. I found that just clicking Add Arranged Points respaces everything without the Dekete step.
Bingo! But now after doing this PTE is automatically adjusting the spacing by itself as I add and remove music just as I though it sould do. Bug? Thanks
Great Program first of all. I am just starting to use the program and here's my problem. I add slides. I pick a piece of music. The slides are spaced out according to the 1 st piece of music and they change too fast. I add more music pieces but I can't seem to make the slides space out to the new longer duration automatically. I've just scrap the project and started again new. There must be an easier way. Thanks