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Everything posted by Brooks

  1. Thanks to all for your suggestions. Al, I tried your instuctions and my test program worked perfectly, Thanks! How Valuable! The program will be projected to a group of about 50 guests. My music will last about 12 minutes and will have about 150 jpg images. I have read on the Forum that mp3 is the best format and that images should be 200-300kb. Will these settings give me the sound and picture quality that I need? Brooks
  2. Ken, Thanks for the tips. I will follow your suggestions and write again in a few days as this comes together. Brooks
  3. Thank you, Ken. Where would I find help in the fine tuning process? Brooks
  4. I am new to PTE and need help with my first presentation. I have 3 pieces of music to be used in sequence. I have 50 slides for the first music selection, 70 slides for the second one and 35 slides for the third one. I am OK with an equal timing for each slide within each piece of music. What is the best way to accomplish this task? Thanks, Brooks
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