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Everything posted by phillcoe

  1. Hi All Looks like all the advice has helped fix the problem. I bought Nero 6.6, burnt a new DVD of the AVI and the resolution looks more than acceptable, on my TV at least. So the client should be happy when he sees it tomorrow. Thanks for all your help. Until next time...... Cheers. Phill
  2. Hi Fred I'm using the bundled software that came with the DVD drive, it's call B's Recorder Gold. I have just tried to ise it to burn the AVI to DVD but when I look for it in the wizard of the DVD burning software it isn't there. It's pbviously looking for a different file type. Any clues or further advice? CHeers. Phill
  3. Hi Fred To answer you question (or at least to try), I have created it as a SVCD so far as I couldn't seem to burn it to a DVD. It's going to be played from a DVD player and I'm just trying to improve the resolution of the 'images'. I am in Spain, as is my client, and I guess his DVD player was bought locally. I have no real idea about the CODEC side of things I'm afraid..... Please excuse my technical ignorance. Best. Phill
  4. Evening All The old (fireworks night) public service announcement in the UK springs to mind...."light the blue touch paper and retreat to a safe distance!" I apologise for starting this small bout of fisty cuffs without being present to referee the fight but having come in during the final seconds of the last round it reminds me why forums such as these are the future and the best to share information, expertise and humour. It's been a long few days so I will review all your (much appreciated) comments tomorrow but in the meantime...THANKS! Appreciative of Mijas The phillcoe
  5. Hi As an avid fan of PTE I hope you will forgive me for this post, it's only out of necessity that I am doing it. I know there have been plenty of requests for a cross platform version of PTE and as far as I know this isn't about to happen any time soon. This is a real problem for me and desparately need to find a solution for Mac that complements (not replaces) PTE so that can please all of Mac-based clients. At the moment, they just give me a withering look when I say "sorry this only works on PC"! Does anyone know of a piece of software that works on Mac and approaches the quality of PTE? I tried Quicktime without success and am currently having to use the web gallery function in Photoshop to fill the gap, which is rather lame to say the least. Hope you can help. Cheers. Phill
  6. hi Andy Absolutely not what I wanted nor expected to hear but I do appreciate your feedback. Excuse my technical ignorance, but I assume the same is true of the fact that its a CD rather than DVD playing on a DVD player? Cheers from Spain. Phill
  7. Hi All I am preparing a presentation for a client that wants to have it run on a loop from their DVD player. I burnt a test presentation to a CD yesterday, which seems to work OK, however the resolution of the images is unacceptably low. They were saved at 120 DPI, level 8 quality JPG's and look fine if I run the show as an EXE on the PC. Does anyone know how I can get around this problem? Are the files being compressed when the exe is converted to AVI? All help gratefully received as ever. Best regards. Phill
  8. For various reasons, Jim. At the moment, it's because a client wants a run a presentation in his sales office window and only has a DVD player to use. Doesn´t want to tie up a PC for this. Thanks for the info. Phill
  9. Hi All I posted the same question a year ago and despite lots of responses I was unable to resolve the issue. The issue is simple, I want to burn a large PTE presentation to a DVD, which can then be presented from a DVD player via an LCD projector. I have followed the 'help' method within PTE and tried the various suggestions I received last year but I still cannot get a good qualoty presentation onto a DVD/CD. Can anyone give me a walk-through as to how to achieve this? I'm running XP and my DVD burnign software is BHA B's Recorder Gold, which came with the DVD drive. Hope you can help. Cheers. Phill
  10. Ron I've been toying with this probelm for a couple of years too and don't think it's possible within PTE. My alternative, which may be a little clunky but works, is to produce the flashy presentation with PTE and then upload a web-based gallery from photoshop to my web site. One of the predefined templates in PS allows for direct client feedback to emailed from within the gallery to me with all the necesary info included. Hope this helps. Phill
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