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Everything posted by morturn
Hi BobbyC You have a very beautiful grandbaby there, it’s clear to see your all very proud, and you have captured some very precious moments within your show which are very personal to you and your family. If I look at your slideshow from a technical aspect, the changing format does not do the show any favours and I found that animating every transition does not add to the show, it would have been nice to have a number of static images, and where you have animated, do it within a fixed frame. I think that the quality of the images is really good, and there is a nice consistency through the exposures, great choice of music too.
Dave Thanks for posting this show, which I enjoyed immensely. I particularly like the comments on some of the pictures, as it gave me a name association to some of the places you visited on your journey. One or two of the images lacked a bit of impact, and although the pictures of the signs were a bit hard to read, I am glad you included them. I found that the map at the end was a great summery and made your comments hang together quite nicely, and a good choice of music, is it a favourite track of yours? This must have been an incredible journey for you, I hope you enjoyed it, a very interesting show, thanks
Let’s remind ourselves that Beechbrook Cottage and this forum is the finest Audio Visual resources on the internet. I think that part of the problem here with comments constructive or otherwise is whether or not people feel qualified sufficiently to make such comments. If you enter a slideshow in a competition, firstly it would have to fit certain criteria. The judges will have a great deal of experience in that field (one would hope), and most importantly will confer with each other to present a unified comment or recommendation. This problem is compounded further, particularly in a forum like this where most of these shows mean different things to the many different people. All I know is what looks OK to me, which indecently may not look OK for everyone else. Most people who visit this forum are doing so because of a shared interest and who just like making slideshows. I look at nearly every show posted, some I find quite stunning, some OK and some not so good, but that is a very personal thing to me, however saying that I always appreciate the effort people put into their work, and often email the author direct, although on reflection maybe a comment of the forum would be better. I will go on the say that it is important to make a contribution to this forum to keep it interesting by both posting shows and posting comments, I think I have improved some of my work with the help of some constructive criticism. What I would ask people to do when posting comments is to firstly say something positive, then comment as constructive criticism (how would you have done that, not I just I don’t like it) and then finish on a positive note.
Hi Jim A welcome from me too. A great show for a second attempt, and glad you have come to your senses and started using PTE. I too was distracted by the border and the two pictures with the car in them and I would have held the last photo a few seconds longer before the final titles as this was a great image to end with. Saying that, a great set of really well framed, sharp, crystal clear images, it is clear to see that you are not new to photography, I will look forward to your next one, thanks.
Hi Mary Thanks for your comments. The transition on the first slide is "hour Hand clock wise" witha duration of about 3.5 seconds. hope this helps if not please get back to me
The beauty of using adjustment layers is so you can always go back to them and make further adjustments if required. I prefer to do mono like this because you can vary each channel to get the best image detail and mono effect.
Hi Malcolm Yes the images are all digitally toned in Photoshop and taken on a Canon EOS 5D. I create a new adjustment layer for channels to convert to mono (100% on the red channel), and then create another adjustment layer for Hue and Saturation (hue 45 saturation 20) Then crop to 1024x768 and apply the noise filter
I have just put together this short slideshow following a couple of trips to the continent. I wanted to keep it as short as possible, with just simple transitions. You thoughts and comment would be most welcome Legacy - Aux Mort
Hi Ken yes i think i can recall a setting like that, will have a look into it Regards Dave
Hi if you PM me your email i will send a copy via dropload
Hi Nathan Have just checked and all seems well, downloads in less then 2 mins, and works fine. If the problem continues, I can “dropload” it for you” PS Hi Bill all the best for 2008 to you too
In August 2007 we had a weekend in Rome, so apart form sampling the ice cream several times a day, we did manage to get a look in the Vatican, after an almost strip search, so no tripod, all hand held.
Hi Bill That is a really good straightforward no nonsense slideshow. Ireland is a very pretty place, and you have captured its essence beautifully, underpinned by a great choice of music. Thanks for sharing it with us
As some of you will know I have been trying to get the site of the Purton Hulks recognised as a special site of historical (and photographical) interest. At this moment there is an opportunity to vote for some of Britain’s Historical sites, so am asking if you could click on the link below and give the Purton Hulks site a vote. I am sure that if you have been to this site you will understand how interesting the place both historically and Photographically and deserves to have some protection from vandalism so it can be enjoyed by all. http://uktv.co.uk/index.cfm/uktv/britainsb...teDetail/id/400
Roger That has got to be one of the best slideshows I have seen for a while, and a very fitting tribute to those brave men who gave their live for us to enjoy the quality of live we have today. I think something is perfect when you can nether add or take anything away to improve it, therefore I would suggest you leave the show just as it isWell done and thanks for all of your time and trouble and for sharing it with us.
Hi Phil One seriously good slideshow there m8, great photography
Hi you can get a free copy of winzip from Winzip, if this does not woek, i can send you an unzipped copy via dropload
Hi all sorry for the delay in responding, have been away for a few days have down loaded and run Ely from both Beechbrook and My site too www.morturn.com all is working OK it is zipped using win zip 8.1 so windows XP should open it too. please let me know if you have any further problems, and please enjoy the show. Morturn
Hi John Well if this is your first, can’t wait for the next. Nice show, can see the “Beckham” influence here
I appreciate comments have not been asked for, but what a superb presentation, the back and white images at the start are of a quality I can only dream about. I to keep I think, thanks
Nice slide show, good pictures and a great theme, thanks
A very good first attempt, thanks for sharing it. Again I agree with the other comments, making all the pictures the same size would have help this slide show along
Dusty would you mind if i used your wording on my website?