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Everything posted by 2EZ

  1. Thanks for the advice... Pic2exe is what i currently use as my clients "Image Viewer" . Basically, i have encountered a few slideshow programs that can use and display an array of formats. (BMP, GIF, JP2, JPC, JPG, PNG, PSD.) Basically i was wondering about the implementation of the .jp2 format into pictures to exe as one of its picture formats. All my shows total download sizes (currently jpeg) are @1000mb. Having the same shows on the server, but using the .jp2 format, weighs in at around 340mb!!! Pic2exe has more going for it than most hope to be, but a compromise over Quality with Ability is iminent.
  2. I have used pik2x for a while, its been an investment. Lately, I have started using the latest state-of-the-art compression format .jp2 for my pictures, as it has Xlent size:to:quality ratio. Is it a licensing/cost issue for using this jpeg2000/.jp2 coding, or isnt there a universal mainstream code for this jpeg2000/.jp2 yet?
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