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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Hi Colin: 2.8mb sounds as though the images were straight out of the camera. PTE can handle that most times (unless doing a lot of animation etc), but as you found out the issue is with sharing your show. The file just gets too big. We all have different rules, but I use images at about 500kb, lots of folks use smaller ones. Not sure if your Microsft Office Picture Manager would have allowed you to re-size the images in the same folder keeping the same name. If it does next time you won't need to copy the show. So long as the file names don't change PTE will just go with the files as reduced. You might want to do a zip back-up before doing that just in case the names somehow do get changed. Just a thought
  2. So near and yet so far...... BTW there is a software update for the Camera you might want to check into Dom when you get it back
  3. Dom: I am looking forward to your creations with the new "toy" both in still and video photographs. I suspect that Igor will be bring video clips to PTE sooner than he had perhaps originally planned on.
  4. Peter: Amazing!! WOW!! I hate to think what the next challenge will be ! Thank you for doing this
  5. Peter: All I can say is WOW !!!!! Congratulations
  6. JRR


    Jimbob: Attach one of your MP3 files to a posting on the forum and some of us can take a look at it for you. I seem to recall that itune files need to be converted before they can be used, but don't quote me on that. New edit at 7:26am: Jimbob see here for file types permitted
  7. Carol (and Fersigo) I realize that you have already switched away from AVG Anti-virus, but for others using AVG and finding it slow opening .exe files, see: here See postings #8, 10, 12, 13
  8. Manfred: You could use PROJECT OPTIONS > ADVANCED > MOUSE BUTTONS > Left - pause > Right - next slide That will let you use a mouse to control, and with a wireless mouse, the control could be done from a distance
  9. A simple question (too simple perhaps) when you made the changes to the show did you save the project again ? I am not sure how you could not save it again, unless you never closed the window. Does the .pte file have a new date on it ? BTW are you the "real" birdsasart ? (Not saying that you are not real, just that "birdsasart" is used by rather well internationally known photographer/instructor.
  10. Dom: Most of my shooting is Nature (Wildlife or Macro) as well as some scenery and occasionally people. All my lenses are Canon (that I have acquired over the past 2-5 years): 10-22mm (EFS lens, can not be used on full frame cameras) 24-105mm (L lens) 100mm macro (I am thinking of buying the 60mm EFS macro in its place) 70-300mm (don't get the 75-300mm it is an inferior lens) 100-400mm (L lens) plus a set of non-Canon extension tubes. The 24-105mm tends to be my main lens for around town, point and shoot etc. For nature shooting (birds/animals) I use the 100-400/70-300mm and the macro. I don't have experience with the 18-270mm Tamron, but an "all in one" lens like that would be nice as you say. I tend to put the 100-400mm or the 70-300mm lens on one body and the 24-105mm lens on another body if I think I am going to be changing lenses frequently. Saves time and keeps dust off the sensor. Plus ensures I have my back-up body with me. That gives me the same range (and more) as the 28-270mm, but at more weight and cost !!
  11. Now that at least one person has confirmed the issue I mentioned in the PTE general forum it would be nice to see this resolved in future versions. It would not be an urgent "fix", but a "nice to have" fix
  12. Peter/Dom You two amaze me with the ease (although I know it was not "ease" so maybe I should say how quickly )you put those Rubik's cube demos together. I know I need to crank up my creativity to be able to use just some of the new functionality in PTE effectively
  13. Dom: Again I am no expert with video (wouldn't even call myself a beginner) You might want to Google for Canon 7D reviews, one is here: dpreviews but it is more of a description of what camera settings are available. You may have to wait for more informed reviews. I shot a short video the day just to try it, but my PC couldn't handle it. The video spluttered its way through. I shot at the max size 1920x1080, 30fps. Obviously until I get an upgraded PC, I will have to reduce the parameters. I know your computer won't have that problem. It sure was a nice sharp (spluttering) image though. But again you are better to talk to people who know video
  14. My PC is operating on XP and I am using PTE ver 5.60 I was using the "Hawk Method" see FAQ forum when I discovered that I could not fully copy selected collections of files when I was using CTRL + SHIFT + left click to add to an existing collection. I lost the previously selected collection and was left with only the latest grouping of contiguous slides that I was trying to add to the collection. Actually I was left with one less slide than I was trying to add, the one at the end of the intended selection. I verified that I could do this in Windows Explorer/Explore to make sure I was not expecting too much. I was successful in Windows XP Explorer/Explore. To fully explain: I use CNTRL left click to make a collection of individual slides in PTE (or EXPLORE in Windows) I use SHIFT left click to select a contiguous grouping of slides in PTE (or EXPLORE in Windows) In EXPLORE when I use CNTRL left click to make a collection of files and then want to add an additional grouping of contiguous files, I keep the CNTRL key down and also hold the SHIFT key when left clicking and all the files I want are selected. But in PTE, I lose the first collection and actually lose the last one of the intended selected grouping. The same characteristic is there in PTE ver 4.48. I have not tried it in ver 6 beta. It is not a major issue, but it slows down copying selected images from one sequence at another
  15. Dom: Both my wife and I recently bought the 7D Not so much for the movie mode (I am still using very little animation in PTE and am really not into video) but more a replacement to our older Canon dSLR back-up cameras (a 10D and 20D) We each have a 30D which now become our back up cameras. I am NOT knowledgeable re Video, but since you mentioned the cost of the 7D (It isn't a cheap camera) you might want to look at a unit that Ed Overstreet mentioned on our Camera Club Forum here
  16. Xaver: Not answering on behalf of Ed, but as I have been involved with the original posting to this thread, I thought I would add my two cents worth. PTE is the centre of the universe for some :rolleyes: We all have our own biases. Based on experience we have had with other software, PTE rises above the others. But I recognize that some of that is a function of the producer, not the software. My wife has done a number of very nice shows with software that produces .avi files. I know the Canadian distributor of the software you mentioned, and I have seen many wonderful shows from the software, but if people think they have computer requirement problems with PTE, it is somewhat worse for the "normal" producer with that software.
  17. Barry: I know exactly what you mean about shows being jerky when shown at judging (and other places) PSG we have found is frequently the most guilty of this. But even for PTE, the projector can also create problems (this has been discussed at great length in another forum posting), but most frequently it is the computer running the shows. To my mind AV producers should always check out the computer/projector combo their shows are going to be shown on ahead of time if they are to be presented publicly. That is one reason I am still back in the dark ages using bare animations if any at all. Where possible I try to only show my AVs on my own equipment (laptop/projector) or at least on equipment I know and trust. Of course the fact that my creativity does not extend much beyond bare animations is part of this equation :D , but I have seen enough other examples to suggest always testing out shows ahead if possible.
  18. John: It has happened to me a few times as well In my case I always traced it to have created the file with some rogue frequency. Once I corrected it back to 44,100HZ everything worked fine. Can't promise you will as a simple a solution though
  19. If I remember correctly, go to EXPLORE > TOOLS > OPTIONS >VIEW and ensure that "hide extensions for known file types" is turned off. The file extensions will then show. You can then rename the extension to whatever you want (only for the purpose of sending a file - it has to be changed back to its proper name to be opened and used
  20. Anthony: Yes that certainly sped things up !!!! I checked with a computer service person, who recommends AVG to all his clients, he has no issue with the settings you opted for, assuming of course that you have done an initial virus check on any files that weren't yours (downloads, copies from friends etc etc)
  21. Eric: Glad that worked for you. I have cases where the E-mail client rejected the zip file that contained an .exe file. One way around it is to change the extension to something other than .exe and just have the recipient change it back at the other end. I frequently use .P2E as the extension
  22. I have noticed the issue too with slow "loading" of .exe files when in EXPLORE. I don't remember the issue when I used to use Norton for anti-virus, but I have it in spades with AVG. I have tried turning AVG off while opening the folder, but that didn't seem to help. (I had fewer exe files when I was using Norton) While I tend to keep the exe file in the folder with each show, I have one folder with all the exe's in it for quick copying of individual shows for a presentation of a group of shows. There is no problem with the one .exe per folder, but the all encompassing folder is an issue and as I have less patience as I progress in age, I solved it to some extent, by grouping them in subfolders with 4-5 .exe file in each subfolder. Sure hope someone comes in with a simple "fix"
  23. Thx Dom Support added to posting in "Ideas and suggestions" In meantime I will carry on using PhotoShop for my titles. It allows me to have perfect registration when I use the same text on one slide to the next.
  24. See: posting here Hopefully the above change would look after using the drop shadow more effectively as well. Thx
  25. Thanks Dom I had a thought that maybe if I dropped the opacity of the drop shadow to zero, when the text was set to zero opacity that would solve it. But then I discovered that changing the opacity of the drop shadow for one keypoint in the O&A changes it for all keypoints. I have attached a quick example. test text_Sep19-2009_18-08-40.zip
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