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Everything posted by JRR

  1. There might be a potential problem downloading the file Ed referred to in the above post from: http://www.mediafire.com/?ymwmyurgvik Ed used the ZIP utility in WinXP and that retained two folders that had the test PTE shows in them. However, I use WinZip and that removes the folder separation in the file and threw everything in together in the ZIP file when I opened. That might create problems when running the two show (1024x768 and 1400x1050) as the image files have the same name but are different sizes. So to be safe, if anyone hits that problem with the download, we have broken the original zip into two files (both have the pdf files in them). One for the 1024x768 show and another for the 1400x1050 show. They are available from: 1024x768 1400x1050 Sorry for any confusion
  2. Tony: In addition to the good advice above, you might want to check out: Projector Central
  3. Peavey's website indicated a strong UK presence through manufacturing facilities etc . Guess my assumption of the availability of the Escort in the UK was incorrect
  4. Mike: I use the Peavey Escort system here I had a small boom box which worked fine until I showed up to a presentation that was supposed to be for 25 and 150 attended. The next day I went looking for a replacement. It is certainly bigger (and more costly) than the Aego M speakers that comes up in the link Ken gave associated with Maureen. I haven't seen the Aego Ms in action but I understand they are fine and VERY compact. The Peavey gives me total flexibility for any size crowd, and everything comes in a wheeled case. Our Camera Club (150 members regularly attend meetings) use a similar Fender system. It has slightly better sound than the Peavey, BUT it is not on wheels and the speaker stands are not contained in the case and have to be carried separately. Just another option.....
  5. interesting idea You might want to post this in the "ideas and suggestions for next versions" forum. Got to PICTURES TO EXE FORUMS and click on the 4th forum
  6. Lin THANKS for all your help (e-mail et al) I installed your recommended codecs (took a VERY long time and I actually stopped its virsus checking part,) but install went OK Your .avi shows are working fine now and the images on .avi file from the pte show are much better than they were before. Still not as good as the .exe images, but passable if I have a need to use them on an uniformed audience
  7. As we often see here on the forum, many computers react differently.... I have had no problems with viewing .avi files, but was having problems creating .avi files with PTE. So I downloaded and installed the package recommended (see above) It did not add any CODECs in the PTE "create avi " And Lin Evans' tutorials no longer work on my machine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another .avi file I use frequently does still work but I get a warning screen which I have to close. As I say different computers react differently, so be careful
  8. For us luddites.... How do we know which codec to use ? What one does Windows Media Player like (Although Lin doesn't like WMP and uses different software )
  9. I have a Nivida 6200 card and the pans were quite smooth for me. There was a very slight "bump" when the previous object finished its transition. But nothing like what I see in another "gold" software that I won't mention I have 4 gb of RAM
  10. Thx Xavier I thought it might be that, but I wasn't sure Better to ask than......
  11. Pardon my naiveté (Luddite-ness), but where does one type this command line ?
  12. Igor: Thanks for your help. Not sure why I seemed to be the only with the problem, but thanks for pointing out the problem to Invision
  13. Maybe should not say anything, but fingers crossed, but as of 4pm everything seems to be back to normal. Something happened somewhere between 1pm and 4pm.... Thanks
  14. JRR


    Igor: We really appreciate your dedication and hard work, but you do need/deserve a GOOD break, so do as I say and not as I do and take a break from the forum as well Have a great vacation
  15. Hi Ken I checked The Dom's forum, plus two other forums I am a member of and no problem. Not sure they use the same forum software though As I say, everything else seems to be normal I have rebooted twice just in case... I am on Firefox
  16. Thanks Peter: Thanks for the tip re the auto-save (The default seems to be set to "off" so I was OK) I understand now what you are saying. I had expected from what you were saying that the last slide to move back to 5:48 time point, but the end of the music marker moved to the (proper) 5:50. So yes, doing that extra little step and all appears OK. I will have to experiment more as time permits Thanks again
  17. Thanks Peter Not sure I want to that with existing shows. For one thing that would throw off the synchronization at the end of the show. It seems the synching is fine up until that last two seconds. When (if ) I switch to 5.5, I'll have to add two seconds to my sound track I guess ??? Maybe Igor will find a solution for it
  18. Is anyone else having problems reading the forum ? 75% (or more) of the time when I click on a posting, I am told I am forbidden to go there. Hitting the refresh key triwce usually brings the posting on screen, although some of the buttons are missing (REPLY, REPORT, TOP etc etc) I haven't had any problems with others sites on the Internet Here is the message I get: "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /forums/index.php on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache/1.3.39 Server at picturestoexe.com Port 80"
  19. Hi Lin Don't think that is the case here see attached screen print
  20. I just downloaded 5.5 and started exploring it a little (A very little) I opened an existing show (done in 4.48) but noticed the music was 2 seconds shorter on the TIMELINE in 5.5, but 5.5 shows the duration correctly on PROJECT OPTIONS>MUSIC So I opened the same show in 5.1 and the music length was still OK Music track is an mp3 file. Anyone else hit this ? Thx (I normally use 4.48 as it meets my needs but Hawk suggested I try 5.5 with the hardware accelerator turned off PROJECT OPTIONS>SCREEN to be bale to use all the great new features)
  21. Mark: Not sure if this site has been mentioned. But there is an interesting article and then go back to the home page and there are lots of reviews as well
  22. Lin: You must have been cross eyed doing this one !
  23. Dave: I have an Edirol R-09 which I have used successfully with wildlife. I also bought a RODE NTG-02 shotgun mic with a dead cat the block out some of the wind noise.
  24. I had Kaspersky check the file and as expected it was a false positive
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