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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Our Club has used ThumbsPlus for this type of competition/judging ThumbsPlus
  2. Bart: I didn't expect you to be making anything available that was not safe, but I felt I had to check.
  3. My virus program (Kaspersky)is warning me about the high cost of gasoline download Says it is a back door TROJAN anyone else getting this warning, or is it a false reading ? Thx
  4. Geoff: You might want to look at the May 5, 2008 post here to get another person's view on AVG v8 You'll find he has a 27 page tutorial for it. (I do not use AVG, but I am thinking of moving to it)
  5. Jena: (I will likely be the subject of many nasty thoughts when I say this ) If you don't need the pan and zoom facilities, then why not keep using the old version, or at least upgrade to 4.49. Pan and Zoom are great tools (when used artistically ) but if you don't need them, stick with your current version.
  6. Jim: Following up on Lin's good advice.... A few years ago I re-created my family tree (1650 to date) using PTE. I broke it into many segments and created a PTE .exe file for each segment. Then using the OBJECT EDITOR (in ver 4.x that was the current version at the time) I set up the Family tree using inter-linked menu pages. I recorded current family voices telling stories about their lives (those that were not too shy to do so), had copies of family letters, grave sites, newspaper articles, pictures of family heirlooms etc etc I think it ended up being about 100 pte files, but it worked very well. It would take many many hours to go through it all, and while I felt it was important to do, and was glad I did, I have to be honest and say not a whole lot of use is being made of it now. BUT DON"T LET THAT STOP YOU !!!
  7. Filip: Not sure if this is what you want, but in Ver 4 we could "daisy chain" shows so that they ran one right after the other. PROJECTIONS > ADVANCED > run application after.... Ver 5 seems to still have this option. (I still tend to be back in the dark ages and still use ver 4 most of the time :rolleyes: ) BUT this means that each show has to have this option turned on and the correction application to run after specified. We did this technique in our Photo Club when three of us would put together what was really one show with three parts. In your case I suspect they are independent shows and this might not make sense for your situation. When our club runs an AV night with independent shows we use the "menu" screen approach. Yes you need an operator to start each show, but it is clean start with no going back to the desktop, or file folder each time. Xavier's solution is a neat one that I wish I had thought of in times gone by.
  8. I think I just found the answer thanks to Peter Appleton in a recent thread here I had not updated my ver 5 to ver 5.1. Peter pointed out the "Wait for a key press or mouse click to show next slide" on the Main Tab of Project options. Seems to work like a charm Will have to play more to be sure. Guess I should get back to staying more current with the forum !!! :(
  9. I did a quick search of the forum for this topic and found a thread from a year ago on this topic. I would like to re-visit this topic to see if things have changed at all in Ver 5 since that time. I frequently use a manual show when doing presentations, particularly tutorials. In ver 4, it is simply a matter of de-activating DISPLAY SLIDE FOR x SECONDS and then setting the Mouse buttons for next and previous slide. I have been asked several times in the past month how to run manual shows. I explained it to the first person who then informed me it didn't work. Then I found out they were using ver 5. I tried it and agreed. They followed my suggestion and downloaded ver 4 and used it. Subsequently I have played a little and can make ver 5 work manually, by setting the DISPLAY SLIDE for 5000 seconds and then setting the mouse buttons. This seems to do the trick (unless of course you want the slide up for longer than 5000 seconds in which case I guess you would have to introduce a PAUSE control and or increase the 5000 seconds. (I know 50,000 seconds won't work as I tried it ) There is no problem continuing to use ver 4 for me, but I know some people are reluctant to keep more than one version of a software active on their computer. Is ver 4 still the route to go, or has there been some minor tuning that I have missed in ver 5 to provide the same functionality as ver 4 ? Thanks
  10. Brian: WinCare-Personal2 did not find much rubbish. We weren't expecting it to find much (that is we were hoping it wouldn't ). The computer is rarely hooked up to the internet, and the usuage of the computer is "controlled". The WinCare is running on the computer to alert us to any issues Thx again
  11. Just a final (we hope) follow up on this topic. We ran two ver 15 minute shows, and an 8 minute Ver 5 show on the New User account this morning and all shows went to their conclusion, as did two test shows from Lin Evans. So we are assuming we were hit by a gremlin the other night. But to be safe we ran Advanced WindowsCare Personal Edition as suggested by CONFLOW (see above) and did some repairs etc. Thanks for assistance, always helpful as usual ! Jim Robertson
  12. Thx Brian You've given us a few things to look at Jim
  13. Ed/Colin: It was plugged into a fuse protected extension cord. I didn't notice anything unusual in terms of extra brightness etc in the lights in the adjacent room. Jim
  14. Thx Igor We'll hope it was a one time instance
  15. Recently we ran a ver 5 PTE show prepared by an experienced PTE producer. About halfway through the show it quit and returned to the desktop, as though someone had hit ESC. (We know no one hit ESC as I was at the keyboard ) We ran the show again an hour or two later and it performed flawlessly. We are trying to determine what the cause was. It might have been a gremlin, or..... We were running it on a WinXP machine that has run 100's of PTE shows (ver 5 and 4) without error. The only difference was that we had just set up a new User Account on the computer. Is there something in the user account set up that we might have missed that would cause this problem ? We had the screen saver set to none, but that would not have caused the ESCAPE anyway. We are putting it down to a one time gremlin, unless anyone has any thoughts. Thanks Jim
  16. Igor: Once again great service from you (and Kapersky !) Thanks Jim
  17. Igor: I have the same issue with KASPERSKY anti virus. Being told about the same virus in one of my shows. http://www.kaspersky.com/ Any chance you could do the same with them please. Thanks Jim Robertson
  18. Old John: I use a custom pre-set amplify envelope to lower the volume of the music behind the narration. I am not sure if you can set that up in Audacity or not. Audacity is quite a strong package so I suspect you might be able to. I use Adobe Audition. Yes I have separate sound bites for each item. Sometimes they pretain to just one slide, sometimes they run over a few images JFA: I agree that starting at "preview from Current slide" is a bit of an issue as you say, but if I need to I scroll back to the last slide that has a file atached in the sound line
  19. Hi Jeff This goes back a year or two. I do a good number of shows with narration and I frequently add the sound bites of narration via the SOUND "line" on the main page of PTE, rather than via PROJECT OPTIONS > MUSIC > ADD a sound track. This saves me time in setting up a show as to use the Project Options route, I do the narration first, and "synch" it via the SOUND "line". Then once I happy with it, I then create the music track via PROJECT OPTIONS. This saves me having to constantly go back and forth and adjust each sound bite to get the timing right everytime I make changes while synchronizing the images to the music track. In short shows of 5-8 minutes, it is not too bad, but I am working on a 25 minute one with over 120 sound bites. So using the SOUND "line" is a quicker option. (although once I have everything synched, I then mix in the 120 sound bites and lower the music volume behind each bite.....) Hope this is clearer Jim
  20. I have been away from the forum for a very long time due to other priorities getting in the way (but still a continuing avid producer of PTE AVs) I hope this has not be raised elsewhere and I am repeating a query, but I could not find a reference to it. Some time ago, I had suggested that it would be very helpful to be able to hear the sound line audio when previewing via the timeline. Igor indicated that it would be incorporated very soon. Guess I thought (hoping ? ) it was going to be in Ver 5, but I just tried it using beta 12 in a show I am working with and it does not seem to be working. Is it me, or is the change still in the "hoping/planning to implement list" ?
  21. I hope I am adding something new here as I have not be following the forum as closely as I used to as I have been busy doing shows and planning trips. In the past we have talked about how to transfer our .exe files for others to see our shows. Dropload was the old stand by, but over the past several months some of us have been having problems with their not sending e-mail messages to recipients. YOU SEND IT has become a favourite that many of my counterparts use quite effectively. There many others out there, but two that have come to light more recently are: MEDIA FIRE this service allows indefinite retention of of files and no restriction on downloads. Be aware though that some people, myself included have had issues uploading files over 10mb, but others have not problems at (including myself using another computer on the same network) Pando allows for a 14 day file retention. It also requires software to upload and download the files As I say there are many others out there.
  22. Thanks Brian This issue has been happening intermittenetly for a while, but moreso today. But I will certainly give SPYBOT a try
  23. Thx Igor It didn't make any sense for PTE to be communicating to any network. I will send you by private e-mail a screen shot of the log entries
  24. Sorry to bring things back to version 4, but I have had this issue a little now and then. But it just happened twice within 10 minutes while previewing a new show I am working. My FIREWALL is telling me that a file (seemingly connected with PTE that is running) has changed and is trying to connect to an outside host. I stop it from doing that and here is part of the message I get: "Application has changed since the last time you opened it, process id: 3024 Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\JRR\Local Settings\Temp\p2e_prev.exe The change was denied by user" I suspect file p2e_prev.exe is an internal PTE file as I never created such a file. My PTE shows are all resident on Drive D, with the software being on C drive in Program Files. Can anyone tell me what they think is going on please and thanks. I have checked for viruses and spyware etc Thanks
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