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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Jean-Pierre: Great little demo you did with the cube !! Lin showed us how to make the cube with a great tutorial, so pushing the envelope I asked if a 6 sided cube could be done. Seems you did it It would be nice if you could let us know how when you have a chance Merci
  2. Lin: Thx for the video tutorial, they were great !! I shouldn't ask, but what the heck.... Can a 6 sided cube be done ??
  3. Lin: I for one really appreciate your tutorials, and all the other free advice that we give/receive. That is what the forum is all about. You are a very talented generous forum member
  4. I suspect you are referring to a slide show .exe file. The answer is sorry, but no. If you still have the .pte file and pictures, then the answer is yes.
  5. Ron: Thx for tutorial. It confirmed some of my playing aorund and opened my eyes and understanding to other functionality
  6. I seem to recall a suggested size of 2000pixels on the long side, but don't quote me. BUT if you don't have a competely up-to-date video card doing that can create problems with ver 5.(based on my VERY limited trials) In my workflow for creating an AV, I take the images I think I want to use straight from the "as is from the camera" (@2-4mb) and copy them into a new folder and then start working on the show. (I end up with the final slides at 1280x960 (@400kb) In version 4.x I had nice smooth transitions even with the 2-4 mb files, but with ver 5 they splutter their way through transitions until they are reduced to the final size. If I want a p/z/r I have kept the file as large as I can so there is not too much jerkiness, but at the sametime making sure the picture does not fall apart too much on the zoom. (Of course having a cranky video card is helping to prevent me from over-using the effects in ver 5 in my tests )
  7. Jeff: have you tried using the SOUND LINE for the sound bites of the narration? I do it that way. I understand the way you are doing it and can see some pros and cons (pro: in ver 4 you can't hear the sound bites when watching the TIMELINE PREVIEW, but Igor will be changing that. con: moving the start point of any image during the presentation preparation/design does not require moving the sound bite in audition) I suspect it is partially what one is used to. I'll try it your way next time Thx (Of course Adobe première with bulit-in multi track sound editor is the easiest, but there are some cons associated with that besides just the cost. I'll stick with PTE thanks)
  8. Gee Igor, I finally catch up (well almost) to you with ver 5.3 and you throw 5.4 at us I hope you had a summer vacation in there some place Thanks for ALL your work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Igor: Just to let you know, I did save another ver 5 show as a template this morning with no problem. The images were copied into a new folder just as they were with the other example that I ran into problems with yesterday. I tried it again with yesterday's example and still could not create the template. I tried adding one of the files that caused the problem yesterday into the new example and the TEMPLATE still created.
  10. I just started playing with (er... studying ) ver 5 and slowly sorting things out. (been too busy creating other shows) One question for now: I have a habit of copying the images I want to use into a single folder for use in preparing the PTE show. As I work up the show I crop, edit etc the images and they get another name. But at the start there will always be another copy of each image elsewhere on my drive. In the case in point, I copied in my images for the trial show into the new folder, I did not re-name any files. I wanted to send a .pt folder to a helpful friend with my "show" to ask some questions. But I was not allowed to create the template file as it said there was another copy of one of the images eslewhere. (Actually every image had another copy elswhere) Do I assume that when ver 5 is implemented I will have to change my workflow so that when I set up the folder with the images for a PTE show, I should re-name all of them in the folder ? (That can be done via a PS Action of course) I am sure I will have to change other workflow habits as well, but let's deal with them one at a time
  11. Bill just loaded our latest Florida presentation on Beechbrook: "Florida Animal Adventures" This is the third in a series of presentations my wife and I have done based on a Florida trip in Feb of 2006. The second presentation: "Pampered Plumes" is still available on Beechbrook. The first: Feathered friends" is no longer on Beechbrook. Once again, any and all constructive criticism is more than welcome.
  12. The second show from our February 2006 Florida trip is now available on Beechbrook. The first "Floridian Feathered Friends" was on Beechbrook for a while. More shows from the trip will come in due course, in the meantime any and all contructive criticism is welcome as always
  13. Igor The WAV file seems to be working fine this morning. I tried it several times last night (Always from the PLAY in TIMELINE) and it was garbled, but this morning it is fine. I have not rebooted the computer since last night and the same sessions are open as were open last night. As always thanks for the quick response but this time it seems there is nothing to worry about. (In North America we always joke that when you take youtr car in to be fixed, the fault you are bringing it in for does not display itself - same thing PTE maybe ? )
  14. Igor: I have still not tried beta 5’s effects as I am busy preparing shows in 4.43. But I did happen to try it today to see if it would help me with the shows I am working on now. I have the voice-over sound bites in the SOUND line on the main screen and the background music in via MUSIC in PROJECT OPTIONS In current versions of PTE the SOUND line could NOT be heard when previewed via the TIMELINE. Last fall when I asked for that to be changed you hoped it would be in changed in Ver 5. When I opened the "in-progress" show in Ver 5, the SOUND could not be heard via the TIMELINE although the background music could. That could mean: - you have not “turned on” this aspect yet in Ver 5, or - that you did not make this change in version 5, or - that it is a bug. BUT when I played the TIMELINE, the music was VERY garbled. Again this could be something not turned on, or a bug. The background music is a 12 minute wav file and the sound bites are all wav files. They will be changed to MP3s in the final version of the show (The rationale for this was discussed a while back in the forum) I just wanted to let you know in case it was a bug. In the meantime I will go back to 4.43 and let the experts work with beta 5.3
  15. For those who do not watch the PTE Presentations forum, there is a new show available there entitled "One Flower". Other than Igor's Flowers, this is the first Ver5 demo that runs 99.44% smoothly on my PC and laptop GeForce FxGo5200 and GeForce 2 GTS
  16. Ignatius Nice ver 5 demo What file sizes did you use ? (pixel by pixel) and kb This is one of the first VER5 shows that runs almost flawlessly on my PC (Other than Igo's flowers)
  17. For those who have a more serious birding interest.... There were a few errors in the presentation: - the black headed vulture should have been black vulture - the bottom right “warbler” at the end is a gnatcatcher - The marsh hen is really a common moorhen - the roseated spoonbill is really a roseate spoonbill - the northern shrike is a loggerhead shrike I will be making corrections....
  18. Igor: Ran better than first version. PC GeForce 2GTS: Still a little jerky when second object starts Laptop GeForce FxGo5200: less jerky than PC, but still a few "shimmers"
  19. Ian: as with all the other demos, sorry but your wonderful show did not run smoothly on my PC (GeForce 2GTS) Title was quite smooth until the end then got jerky. The shuttle was VERY jerky streaking across the sky At that point I stopped watching as I expected the same problems with the other demos Ver 5 is really only effective on the "high end cards" as has been stated and proven to date. The others of us will be bowing out of PTE 5 and sticking with 4.48 (or going elsewhere for less effective effects, but still doable to a point.)
  20. Lumenlux I just tried the three shows on my laptop with a GeForce FX Go 5200 32mb/64mb card (That I understand is a better card than the PC card per above) Results were slightly worse than with the PC. Title was jumpy on all three files Hope that helps
  21. Lumenlux: I tried all three on my computer with GeForce2GTS (memory ??) All three had jumpiness. Title jumped on 9 and 17mb file, but was smooth on largest file There were smooth effects in all versions (same ones generally) Overall, 21mb file was best, 9mb nexxt best and the 16mb file the "worst"
  22. Nickles: All effects were jerky on my computer. It is a relatively new computer but (to make a long story short) with a NVidia GeFroce 2GTS card (I haven't been able to figure out how much memory it has, but obviously not enough )
  23. Nickles: As Igor says, a few years ago the FADE was not fully effective on all but the latest computers. Now the same is happening with ver 5, except I suspect to more of a degree. None of our computers will run any of the samples (except the flowers show) smoothly. Like you, my "customers" won't have the horsepower to watch a ver 5 smoothly. Which means that I likely won't be using the full advantages of ver 5 for sometime to come. But then to use ver 5 effectively - "show off your images, not the software" one needs a lot of creativity and that is something I am lacking. Currently during the testing the latter is happening which is natural and accepted. I suspect once we have a final version of ver5, we will be able to work out what new effects we can use effectively (smaller files etc as you say) and we will all be better for it. (But in the meantime I am feeling "leftout" <grin> . )
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