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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Lin: Very helpful !!! Maybe you should post it on the regular forum too ??
  2. Amy: PTE creates a .exe file that is the slideshow. If you are trying to create a DVD version, then you should read here
  3. I have been using the template as my back-up files and I don't sem to be having the same results as Michel. When I have a .pt file of my show and I change the presentation, I go: FILE>TEMPLATE>CREATE TEMPLATE>say yes to the name>say yes to overwrite I get the new .pte file and any new images written into the .pt file. BUT what I also get, that I don't need, is that any images dropped from the slide show are still in the .pt file. I would just as soon have a clean version of the .pt file, which I can do by changing the .pt name, but I prefer to keep the .pt name lined up with the presentation name
  4. JRR

    My website

    We all know the internet is free, right ?? <grin> WRONG !! Someone has to pay, either the creator of the site for the server space, and/or the user wanting to download or even access material on some sites. One forum member produces freeware and shareware for us all to use. While I am sure they are people who have used his shareware without contributing, I am sure there have been more than two who have contributed towards his costs. Another forum member produces tutorials and offers Royalty Free music, but users have to pay before they can access the offerings. Beechbrook hosts many of our shows and asks for donations. In fact you may have noticed in the past year, the visibility of his donation requests has increased and there has been cut back on file retention times, due to lack of funds. Guru has contributed tremendously to PTE over the years, as moderator of this forum, as advisor to Igor, as advisor to many of us. He has put up an excellent website that contains tips and hints for PTE users plus royalty free music. (The only site I know of with no charge Royalty-free music ! ) All this Guido has done at no charge to us. Guido does have a small note re possible donations on his music page, but it seems only two people have made donations. It is important that we support those who spend a lot of time and effort supporting us. Guido needs a small contribution of each us who use his website and he will be able to continue, so let's all pitch in and help this great website and great guy ! A little bit will go along way. Thanks
  5. JRR

    My website

    Guru: We certainly don't want to lose your website and all the work that you put into it. I have sent you a private e-mail with a suggestion.
  6. Chesterfox: Boxig's utility is the only solution that has come whenever this topic has been raised in the past
  7. JRR


    JP: merci pour vos responses, j'ai vous envoye un e-mail pour expliquer mon point du musique. (Thanks for your responses, I have sent you an e-mail (in broken french to explain my music comment)
  8. JRR


    JPD: You are getting very creative in your shows (not that they weren't before). VERY nice (and extensive) prep work to get images ready for the shows. I ran the 7 show "package" without installing, so I am not sure why the need to install/un-install. Can you provide us with the "recipe" for your frames. (PhotoShop instructions for making them - I have instructions for making "tighter" frames and have been unsuccessful in making for spacious frames) We have watched two of ther shows so far. (Speaking for myself, I hope the music choice is different for the other shows and varies with the shows.) I am not sure who you put the seven shows in the one .exe file. Can you explain please. I frequently run several shows from a single screen, but those shows are run from separate .exe files, referred to through OBJECTS. I like the idea of embedding the exe files in one file rather than having several .exe files in a presentation. (Sometimes things don't work too well, when the multi .exe files version is transferred to another computer.) Thx
  9. Tim: If you create a TEMPLATE folder of the finished show, that puts the .pte file, the jpgs, and the sound tracks into one folder. Then you can move that folder where ever you want and all works well. I use it as my back-ups. (I manually add the .exe file to that folder) Template is at FILE>TEMPLATE>CREATE TEMPLATE but if you go >MANAGE TEMPLATE first, you can change the default location which is the PTE Program file.
  10. YOU SEND IT also allows for more than one e-mail, but the downside is that the receiver gets pop-ups etc while the file is downloading. I had too many complaints from receipents so I went back to DROPLOAD 100gb is adequate for most needs, but yes there have been times I have sent larger files....
  11. Igor: Sounds as though you are a magician, more than anything else... Congrats ...... But did you get your vacation ??
  12. Barry: A friend of mine does his PTE shows with images right out of his DSLR camera. the images are 2-3mb each. They work just fine in PTE (on his, and several other computers that are relatively new). Based on the experience I have with ProShow Gold (some members of our AV group use it) the pan and zoom is a little shaky at times and the image falls apart if zoomed in too much. They are using 1024x768 - we suggested they use use larger images, but have chosen not to for now....
  13. Obviously, there are two different "camps" here, perhaps they are based on a misunderstanding. We might both be saying something different, but hearing the same thing. Regarding Ronniebootwest last posting that at 1024x768 image is MUCH larger at 300 dpi than 72 dpi... If I start with a 3072x2048 image straight out of my camera and reduce it to 1024x682 (keeping same proportions and full image) leaving it at the dpi PhotoShop reads from the camera (180dpi) I get a file size of 68kb at quality 6 If I take the same 3072x2048 image, change the dpi to 72 and then change size to 1024x682, I get the same file size at quality 6 - 68kb Doing it a different way... If I take the same 3028x2048 image and use the CROP tool first set to 1024x768 at 72dpi I get a 63kb image at quality 6 image If I take the same 3028x2048 image and use the CROP tool first set to 1024x768 at 300dpi I get the same 63kb image at quality 6 image (Obviously the resultant file size, even at the same quality setting, will vary from image to image depending on the amount of detail etc in it) I hope what I have been saying is now clearer Over and out on this topic....
  14. Igor: I was the one (or one of the ones) who asked for png file type. As I wanted to use them as OBJECTS. So what you are saying sounds good !! Thx
  15. Ian/Barry: I was the one who dragged the thread off topic when I replied to Deb saying don't bother touching the resolution when sizing. I expected that I would get a reaction to that statement as we always have in the past, (and I expect we will in the future) but I believe in giving the best advice I can. I am with Ian on this one, forget about the resolution. For the doutbing thomases, do as I suggested in my reply to Ronniebootwest, just try it and compare. When I help someone get started with Digital Photography, my first lesson is the editing software is pixel size, print size, resolution and file size. It is a difficult concept at times, but once understood it will help many times as they work through their images for printing and screen display etc etc Scantips, as as been referred to here is an excellent source
  16. Eric: Does PROJECT OPTIONS>ADVANCED> HOW NAVIGATION BAR give you what you want ??
  17. Malcolm As you say we'll need to see what Igor has crafted for us with the pan and zoom, but I can tell from experience with other peoples' shows using other software with pan and zoom, that yes the image can disintegrate badly. I am sure Igor will have good advice for us when the time comes
  18. Roger: To a large extent the transition parameters used are a function of the individual images and your personal taste. When I give tutorials on AV techniques, I sometimes demo two or three different transition treatments on the same two images. I have never had a unanimous agreement on which was THE right one to use.
  19. Roger: For me it is a question of very careful selection of the two images so as to achieve the effect you want. (often being very careful in the original shooting of the images keeping in mind the transitional use you are planning) I often crop the two images differently so as to ensure I achieve the best transition from one to the other. For example if transitioning two faces as an example, put both pictures in one image as layers, reduce the opacity on one image so you can see both both together on the computer screen in PhotoShop (or whatever editing software) and then adjust one face to line up the eyes, particularly, and other facial features as exactly as possible. I often do this with many images in a show if I am trying to get "seamless" transitions.
  20. Ron This has been discussed many times on the forum and I recognize there are two views. I knew making the statement would get a reaction but we all offer our best advice. IMHO, reducing the resolution is an unecessary extra step for screen presentations. (Changing resolution is used to determine print size.) Why not take an image and reduce the pixel size size without reducing the resolution, and then reduce it along with the resolution, to end up with two 1024x768 images saved at the same compression rate. Review the difference in end result in terms of quality on screen and file size etc etc.
  21. Igor: I'll echo Fred !!!!!! But don't forget your vacation.....
  22. Deb: I have done no DVD work, so I won't touch that aspect. I would size them at 1024x768, I assume one of those softwares has a batch mode to that for you. (I don't use those softwares so I can't give you a definitive answer .. sorry) You do NOT have to touch the resolution, simply leave them at the res they come from the camera and simply reduce the pixel diemnsions. But sometimes you don't want to do a simple reduction in size, sometimes you want to crop them to eliminate some portions of an image, or crop some that will be shown in sequence so as to get certain aspects of each image to line up for the best transition. So don't always do a blind size reduction. With the new versions of PTE I don't worry about the 150kb max size any more, I aim at about 300kb, a little higher particulalry if there are slight variants of colour in the sky, or smokey clouds reflecting night lights. Denser images, can be reduced a little smaller in terms of kbs that "thin" images. Depending on the amount of detail in the images etc, a quality 6 or 7 (out of quality 10) will likely work for most daytime "busy" shots. Less busy shots can go with a higher quality.
  23. Rainer: Try clicking on the first slide, then ALT Click on the last one That should select them all xxxxxxxxxxxx Oops: I meant SHIFT click
  24. John: I am not sure what effects of Barry's you are specifically talking about (have you seen the #1 download on www.beechbrook.com/pte "Olga Boritsch, Photographer" it is a marvellous piece of work with picture in picture) But many of us, as stonemason said, make up the multi-imaged image in PhotoShop and bring them into PTE sequentially. You can use OBJECTS, but you will need to size the picture within the picture carefully and there is a problem as the OBJECT added "moves around" depending on the screen resolution of the viewer. Igor will be fixing that in due course
  25. Lin: I watched your Riva Flash show last night (it came as a streaming file) No problem with the music at all, a few of the pan and zooms were a little jerky, but so have been any ProSHow Gold shows that I have seen with pan and zoom.
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