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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Janet: Welcome to PTE ! I have not hit this issue with my shows so I not sure I can help, but let me speculate that it maybe you have music inserted in more than one place. For synchoronizing shows to music, you add the music in via PROJECT>OPTIONS>MUSIC. I can replecate your problem if I add more music through CUSTOMIZE SLIDE. Remove the CUSTOMIZED SLIDE music and you should be OK.
  2. Barry: As I understand it, CTRL=W will open the image in whatever software the file type has been "assigned to". In your case, as with barksworld, it seems you have assigned the jpg images to open in PhotoShop. There are many advantages to that in PTE, but there are disadvantages when opening other jpgs in PhotoShop unless you keep PhotoShop always open.
  3. The quick answer is that you can't save PTE as an .avi file. When preparing the output for a DVD, there is a temporary .avi file created, but it is only a temp file. You are not the first person to mention this, I think there has been a request to make it a permanent file, but with all the other more urgent requests we have burdened Igor (the software designer) with, I doubt if this is a very high priority. In the meantime an .exe file works for most occasions, but there are those other occasions.... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Obviously this answer is incorrect, sorry about that. See below
  4. Ken: Glad we have a resource like you !!
  5. Fred: The issue of some questions coming up time and again is not any easy one to solve. I suspect just as many newly registered users as non-registered users ask the "repetitive" questions. There are a small core of users that watch the forum religously, most users don't, so they don't know if a question has been asked before. I suspect many of us in using all software don't read the manual/help and will ask someone a question before searching for an answer. Part of that is due to "laziness" (to which I plead guilty at times) and part of that is not knowing where to look, or not being able to find/understand it even if you do know where to look. Ken Cox is THE master at being able to search the forum and find the previoulsy provided answers. I have used the search function many times with about a 10-15% success ratio. I am not sure how Ken does it, but perhaps we should appoint Ken to deal with the repetitive questions - I am sure he would enjoy doing that...... <grin> Guido's website is a great place for newbies to look, but they don't know about it. The FAQ via HELP on PTE needs to be expanded and indexed, but for what we pay for the software, I am not sure we can expect much else.
  6. I agree Ken, I have my data backed-up too many ways, but don't ask what happened when my config.sys file got corrupted somehow the other day..... Now I have another back up procedure in place..... And of course a few months ago, one of my external hard drives, part of my too many ways of backing stuff up, messed up and I had re-format it. Fortuinately the corresponding internal hard drive did not act up.....
  7. nelonb: This has come up many times and the short answer is yes. BOXIG, a forum member, has a utility to do the trick. I can't find the references to it in previous threads (Ken Cox can find things so well) but if you click on "members" at top right and look for BOXIG and go to his website, you should be able to find the utility As many of us have learned over and over again, nothing beats a good back-up of everything on your hard-drive
  8. Paul: If you want them to fade nice and smoothly, then you should pre-mix them in sound editing software before putting them into PTE. You can put multiple separate tracks into PTE but they won't necessarily fade nicely at the "joints". For sound software, see Guido's excellent PTE tips site click here You can synch the slides to the music using the TIMELINE function. Just add the music through PROJECT OPTIONS>MUSIC and click custom sunch on PROJECT OPTIONS>MAIN Hope that helps
  9. Bob: Only after Al finishes running what is to be a very sucessful leg of the SUPER-CIRCUIT (in Ottawa)
  10. Ken: Thankfully the facilities where we hold out Photo Club meetings are covered by an agreement with the appropriate copyright police, so we won't get raided. Now if the police come after me when I am showing AVs to retirement homes and nursing homes.... I do use some royalty free music, but not always
  11. Ralph: I am not sure exactly where the music is that you can't hear it, but if you put it in on the SOUND LINE on the MAIN PAGE and then try to watch the show on the TIMELINE, you won't hear the music on that slide. You have to use the full preview Is that the issue ? Igor has said that he would fix that in an upcoming release (not sure when though as he is quite busy with pan and zoom as you know
  12. Don't forget the FREE royalty-free music provided by Guru here
  13. OK Igor, Aleksey gets vacation when his work passes the beta tests But you make sure you go no matter where things are
  14. Igor: You continue to tantalize us !!! Glad you are taking the stepping stone approach and doing it piecemeal. But you still haven't told us where you went on the vacation you were to take !!
  15. I was glad Bill gave me a chance to be the first to post to the renewed Beechbrook. He does a great job and I considered it an honour. Yes Ken, we do have a few bird brains up here !! (For non-Canadians, Ottawa is the capital of Canada, so we have a lot of politicians around. Our politicians are just like others around the world. Many good, many questionable, but they all seem to live in their own world at times.) I enjoyed putting the show together, but I keep hearing echoes of it. We have two parrots living with us (or do we live with them ?) While I used the headphones most of the time working on the show, I did not use them enough it seems as the parrots can now mimick most of the 52 bird calls. We never know if there is a real bird in our backyard, or just one of the parrots..... It was surprising how difficult it was to find an existing shot of some of the common birds, such as a crow. No one (including me) takes pictures of them. Finally I had to go take pictures of them myself in winter.
  16. Hey, no problem Its hard to knwo where to look for solutions You'll get a chance to return the favour to others who come along in the forum and have problems
  17. keyboard The problem is caused by your mail server Take a look here and see if this helps PS: Support is in Russia, they, like everyone else, have different time zones
  18. I don't use FLASH, but I seem to recall that BOXIG (a forum member who has utilities for everything but the kitchen sink ) has a utility for incorporating flash in PTE.
  19. Flying Scotsman: I have experienced some "pixelation" with PTE in my early days with it, but I have not had any since I started being so concerned with the image file sizes. I use 1024x768 generally these days, but no longer make them as small a file size as reasonably I can. I used to think under 100kb was best. I used to save everything at quality 5 jpg regardless. Now I tend to judge the sizing on an somewhat on an image quality/characteristic basis and use 300kb as the guideline max (but break it willingly). For images that are not dense (colour in evening skies, smoke from fireworks are two examples) I make sure they stay over 300kb. I have had no problems projecting the AV shows on large screens since switching to these guidelines
  20. Igor: We are all impatiently waiting for this new version. As always, we want it yesterday. But we recognize the amount of work you are putting into it and you should release it only when you are feeling comfortable enough to do so. Now, where did you go for your vacation we asked you to take ?
  21. To add to Ken's reply.... If you are talking about a manual show (without bothering todo a synched show and then have an option to manually control (I do this quite often) simply turn off the Display of images for set times (PROJECT OPTIONS MAIN at bottom) and then use mouse controls (or arrow keys) (PROJECT OPTIONS>ADVANCED>MOUSE BUTTONS. This will work even with cursor hidden during show.
  22. Further to Bethan's reply (sorry I missed that question first time through....) You can preview the show from any point using the timeline (and the small preview window in the timeline). It is a little tricky because the START button becomes a PAUSE button once started and you might not notice that. If you hit STOP, then START is a start button again. So hit START, preview starts at slide one. if you hit PAUSE (Start) then you can click at anypoint on the timeline, the blue triangle moves to that point and click on PAUSE again, to start up the preview. For full screen preview: click on the sl;ide you want to start the preview at along the bottom of the main page, then click on the "Slice of bread" a very small parallelogram at the bottom right of the preview pane on the main page. The full screen prevbiew will start there and run until you hit ESC
  23. Sorry my mistake... Look for TIMED POINTS rather than VIEW POINTS The click on ARRANGE ALL POINTS if necessary "points" are the transition timing on the timeline
  24. Walsa: Glad it all worked. I got you that far, if you go into the world of DVD and have questions, 'fraid I can't help....
  25. Val.b Welcome to PTE If, after adding your muisc and clicking on SYNC SLIDE SHOW TO JMUSIC DURATION, open the timeline (Either TIMELINE at the bottom, or CUSTOM SYNCHRONIZATION and if the transitions don't show, then click on VIEW POINTS and then ARRANGE POINTS, that should get you started
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