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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Walusa: In theory (if I understand your problem fully) so long as the OBJECTS point to the .exe files (even if in subfolders on the PC) then if you put the .exe files (all you need) in the root of the CD, it should play on all PCs, eiother from the CD of by copying the CD to one folder on the new PC. I am jnot quite ready for my 55th highs school reunion, but I guess I am closer to it than I thought I was.
  2. walus: Welcome to PTE, seems you have caught on to one of the advantages of PTE quickly ! Try putting all the files in the root of the CD. I use "Run application and exit" in many presentations and even if the various .exe files are in different (sub) folders on the PC, there has never been a problem running with everything in the root of the CD Hope that solves it for you
  3. Wilf: Sounds as though one of your issues might be PTE unexpectedly adding transition points for new slides. If that is one of the issues, got to TIMELINE>VIEW and click off "auto adding of new transition points for new slides" Others have reported this on the forum that this "hidden" action have created problems for them.
  4. update July 19th: I dropped by a store in town today and found out the name of the other system. It is Fender's passport line. The p150 is more similar to my Peavy in terms of sound quality/strength etc, the P250 is slightly better. But in both Passport models there are no wheels, and the speaker stands have to be carried separately. I don't think the Fender systems have microphones and cabling unless you buy the "D" line (Deluxe)
  5. Lifeshots The usual cause of that it is the transitions are too close. Are you leaving about a half second between transition ending and the next one starting ? Another problem can be that the image files are very large, optimally they should be 200-300kb, but some people use larger ones on more powerful computers. The third issue is that if you are reading the show off a CD rather than a hard-drive, the CD and CPU might not talk fast enough. Do any of those help ?
  6. Hi Fried: Some advice from somone who carts around all the necessary equipment to present AV shows 2-3 times per week in the winter.... - you are better off to get a commercial quality screen as it is less prone to damage while being loaded and unloaded. I have a non-commercial one that has a very thick padded case (home made) that helps protect it, but... - look for a white matte screen at least 60" if not 72". - I looked around for speakers and amplifiers and a suitcase to put them in for ease of lugging in and out of venues. Then I found the PEAVY system that has a sound system all in a wheeled case - speakers, speaker stands, amplifier(mixer), wiring, microphones etc etc. I have a PEAVY 2000 and have found it more than enough for me. There is another system, that I forget its name right now, (see reply below) that has the amp and speakers in one cabinet - no wheels, and the speaker stands are carried separately. The Peavy is not quite as good as the other system (hopefully someone will come along with its name) but to my ear it is not different enough to make up for the lack of convenience of no wheels and separate speaker stands. Both systems are not the lightest. I have an attache case with extra wiring, duct tape etc etc. My laptop and projector have extra heavy padded cases as well because of the abuse they take.
  7. This issue has come up recently a few times. BOXIG, a forum member, has a utility that will recover your images. I think it is called RESTORE PTE, you can find it on his website which you can get to clicking on MEMBERS at top right and look him up see also here
  8. k123mmm: You can use the SEARCH feature (top right) and come with many references Try this one here and see if it helps. Many of put the text in via PhotoShop or other image editor and then it stays
  9. Hi Tim: I am not aware of PTE having issues with sample rates, but then I always use 44.1 (for no other reason than in mixing sound bites from the web, they mix much better if they are all the same ) I realize that you are much more "up" on sounds etc than I, but I am not sure you have to burn the MP3s to a CD to change the sample rate. dbPowerAMP will do it for you (free) website here: dbPowerAmp Hope your Mum-in-law enjoyed the show !!
  10. Ray: If I understand what you want, you can do that now by using a one page (Launch page) show with the one page having OBJECTS that will launch the individual show and perhpas a seventh that would start a daisy chain of all six shows Your viewer would simply click on the show they want to watch, then it returns to the "launch page" and they choose again. PS to Guido: Maybe directions as to how to create a one page "launch" show should go on your great website, as this comes up somewhat frequently.
  11. Kevin: Welcome to PTE !! Try PROJECT OPTIONS>COMMENTS>customize comments Will that give you what you want ??
  12. I have used the "daisy chain" option a number of times and noticed the problem you mention, but I use a black slide at the end of all my presentations, so it might well be happening, but it never shows. Logically I am not sure why it is happening, but unless someone comes up with a better solution, would that be an option for you?
  13. Bill: I think that is a new one. I don't recall hearing of this issue before. Someone will likely come along with an answer for you (hopefully other than the one I am about to give... ) I always feel it is better to merge all separate tracks into one so you are dealing with one sound track, that allows the merging of tracks to happen on a controlled basis, no jarring transitions between tracks etc. Plus you can give a nice fade out at the end. There are lots of good sound editing softwares out there. See Guido's great webpage for advice here
  14. Claus: I understand where you are coming from on this, but to my mind the issue is not the image (pixel) dimensions, but the file size (kb) The simple way to reduce the file size is to save at a lower quality jpg (sometimes in combination with pixel size as well) I really prefer to do this manually as some pictures (fireworks haze, clouds at night) need a higher quality jpg than a normal daytime shot with lots of density. If you only want to reduce the pixel size, PhotoShop can do that for you automatically using "fit image" or you can use Russell Brown's Image Processer 2.3 found here
  15. Bill: I can understand how you must feel, and if you, in time, opt to discontinue your great "public" service and fill the time that has taken with new challenges/enjoyments in life, then we will understand completely. If, after a hiatus, you decide to come back "on-line", we'll all be waiting with our shows. Thanks for the great job Bill (and your great shows that make it onto your pages from time to time.)
  16. Pinquin Just to mention that you can do your #1 now. When you custom synch your show, click "Permit control of the show" on the main page of PROJECT OPTIONS and then use (or not) the navigation bar, or simply mouse clicks or arrow keys, to scroll around through your show.
  17. Phil: You might want to post this note on the PTE DVD form here You have stated quite clearly what you want to do and I am sure there are good reasons for doing it that way, but just musing why not use a laptop and the projector ?
  18. Pardon Brian, I didn't hear you Thanks for the explanation
  19. Igor: I know I said wish one through seven was for the OBJECTS not to move with varying resolutions. But I just remembered one request I made via the forum a number of months ago... Can .png files be permitted as image types for OBJECTS. This would allow the use a feathered image as the image from which to start a show from my single "launch" page that I use for presentations. Currently I have to make up my launch page with feathered layers from thumbnails and then put invisible .gif files behind them in the OBJECT EDITOR to achieve that look. .png files would allow me to use a one step process for creating the OBJECTs from which to start a show. The .png files was the only route that seemed would work when I raised the question a few months a go on the forum. thx
  20. Had a weird one tonight. I am adding sound clips via the sound line and in one case (out of 24) the sound has seemingly changed at the start of one clip. In the sound editor, it quite clearly is "I could be busy....", but PTE makes it sound like "we could be busy...." There is no sound for the slide before this one, and there is 0.6 second silence before the speaking starts. The fade in on this slide is 2.5 seconds, essentially the same as the other slides with no problem. There is a music track playing in the background via PROJECT OPTIONS>MUSIC tab Anyone else run into a situation like this ? Edit: False alarm ! Turns out it only sounded like that in my head set, when I played it on the speakers it was fine. Guess I had better get a new head set (or head )
  21. Unless I am doing something wrong, it would be nice to be able to insert a number of images at one time after deleting a series using the timeline. For example, using the TIMELINE function "delete slide" with four sequential images selected, I can delete all four. But when I use the "insert slide" function in the TIMELINE, I can't add four selected images back in, even at the default timing. I realize group "insertions" only make sense when done in a sequential group, but it would be nice to be able to do it, rather than adding the insertions one by one. (My real life example had more than 4 being deleted by the way)
  22. Igor: Number one through seven for me are all the same: Objects stay in place regardless of the screen resolution. (But I think you have heard that from me before..... Don't forget to take a vacation !!!! Thx
  23. Woolie: While wav files are the "best", if you use mp3 at 128 or 96 kbps, I doubt if anyone can tell the difference. WAV file sizes will overtax PTE (and most other AV software) The other question is what file size are your images. Many of us use 1024x768 pixel images with a file size of 200-300kb See if that helps. If not, the next question is what are the specs for the computer
  24. Another Option is to send your show by www.dropload.com, a free service. Click here
  25. Johnrees The simple answer to that should be that the .exe file loads so fast with the new versions of PTE that the "loading" message does not get a chance to come up. But since you asked the question are you experiencing a blank screen for what you feel is too long and thus looking for the message ? What size is the .exe file ? One of my more recent shows is a 43mb file. It loads instantly.
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