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Everything posted by JRR

  1. Brian: This looks good for people worrying about their shows being copied. One question though, many shows do not run well from CD drives (depending on the show and/or the computer it is being run on) I assume there is something that stops the file from being transferred to the HD, or does it get transferred with all the encryption? (I plead guilty to not having gone to the website yet, just musing based on your notes.) thx
  2. Jeff: I agree that it behaves the way you say it does, but I don't think it is a bug. I think you are asking the software to do something we had not thought of asking IGOR to set up. To my mind, when you set up the default times WITHOUT the music, there is no "active" TIMELINE, the software just advances the images as you dictate, either through default or CUSTOMIZE. Once you add the Music, there is an "active" timeline and the DEFAULT TIMES are no longer in play after initial set up without customization. You have to set the screen time manually on the TIMELINE or let the software spread them out evenly. Based on my expereince I am happy with the way these aspects work, but with PTE being so flexible there are different ways of setting up shows and you obviously feel there is a need to do it the way you want to. I can see some logic to this when using the SOUNDLINE to add voice-overs - I just never did mine that way. If there are others in agreement with you, I am sure Igor will sort it out for you. PS: You may have noticed that the voice-overs added by the SOUNDLINE can NOT be heard when running the images in the TIMELINE, you have to preview in the PREVIEW mode to hear them. I asked Igor to change this. I believe he said he could in the next release. If you have the SOUNDLINE voice-overs playing when viewing from the TIMELINE, please let me know how !!!
  3. Jevans: I have done at least two shows in the way you describe, voice over on the SOUND LINE of the main page and background music (or a silent track in one case) and it worked well for me. When you change the DURATION in CUSTOMIZE SLIDE you are not chaging the "slide duration" (time on screen) but you are changing the EFFECT DURATION, the time it takes to transition in the next slide and transition out the old one. So only the grey bar on the TIMELINE will change, not the spacing between slides. I have never had the NOT SYNCHED box checked "ON" so I am not experienced with it, but I am not sure why changing the NOT SYNCHED box to "off" and the SYNCHED BOX (one of them) to "ON" should move your settings around. I just tried playing with and there was no movement, but maybe I did it in a different sequence than you, or have missed something. But manually moving the sldies around is the way to resolve the issue. You might want to confirm the "unsolicited" movement of the slides when ticking the Synch box and let Igor know how/if it does happen.
  4. Hi barksworld: I don't think the .pt folder can be "directed" elsewhere. Personally I am happy about that as I always know where to go and find it. Otherwise it might end up where I saved the last one for whatever reason and not remember where that was You can zoom in and out on the timeline two ways: - stretch the dialogue box out more (grab bottom right coner and pull) - use the bulit in short cut keys (see VIEW) in the Timeline dialogue box
  5. I was not dreaming ContaxMan came to my rescue. I was looking for pre-sets to adjust the tone.. answer: (EFFECT>FILTERS>GRAPHIC EQAULIZER) I wanted to do volume adjustments on the main screen without have to go via the EFFECT dialogue boxes Answer: use MULTI TRACKING SCREEN and make sure two options are on: SHOW VOLUME ENVELOPES and EDIT ENVELOPES Thank you ContaxMan !
  6. Bill: One way to fix the problem is to pre-mix the music into one track before adding them to PTE. There are several sound editing programs that are good. AUDACITY (Free) Adobe Audition ($$) But I have not heard others mention this issue with multiple tracks in PTE so someone might have other solutions.
  7. I suspect your file size is the issue We usually size them at 1024x768 and 200-300kb each. Not everyone does, but that is the usual
  8. Could someone who is familiar with Audition send me an e-mail. I have a couple of questions to ask off the forum. I either dreamed, or have forgotten, how to do a couple of things. Thanks (If I was not dreaming, I'll post the answers for others use)
  9. .EXE files are viewed by many softwares as dangerous and won't send/receive them. You could zip the file. But most files are WAY to big to e-mail. There are several services you could use: www.dropload.com (it is free, but you can only send your file to one e-mail address at a time) www.yousendit.com (It is also free and will allow many e-mail addresses. The receipients have to put up with POP UPs though during the download) www.streamload.com (It is an excellent service for sending large files, plus storing your backups, but it is not free) You should also be aware that UPLOADING is very much slower than DOWNLOADING !!! (About 4 times slower)
  10. Piksells: Another way is to FILE>CREATE A TEMPLATE, that creates a folder with the images and the .pte file captured in it, you can move the folder to any drive you want and all will be OK so lkong as you use the .pte from from the template folder. Or you can move the original picture locations all you want and you won't have a problem.
  11. Karen: You might find an answer to this on the DVD forum of PTE click here and you should end up at that forum.
  12. Ron: Click on the underlined "see notes at www.digital......." in Maureen's post It will take you right to her webpage with the description
  13. Mike: Thanks for the "minor" clarification 200kb is certainly a good guideline, I tend to go up towards 300kb when I have night shots with scattered clouds that reflect the city lights, or smoke from fireworks. I found if I didn't the image shows many artifacts when projected. It shows on the computer screen a little, but really shows when projected to a large screen
  14. Brian: I have been doing somewhat the same thing for quite a while now. Another great feature of PTE!
  15. I think using the Custom SYnch will solve your problems. You should use the latest version of PTE as there have been many features added, particuallry with regards the TIMELINE in Custom Synch Making it into a DVD is up to you, lots of people do. You'll need extra software to do it. There is another PTE forum that deals with "DVDing" Click here to go to it
  16. sdonnelly: Welcome to PTE We have all (well maybe I should some of us anyway) had our problems with PTE, some small, some large, many due to our lack of understanding of the teriffic software, some due to our own miscues. But we all (most?) still love it. The timing should (is usually) the same on all computers if you use the CUSTOM SYNCH function. I know you are referring to "synch", but I am not sure you used the CUSTOM SYNCH on the MAIN tab of PROJECT OPTIONS and the TIMELINE. If you could explain a little more how you did your synching we might be able to help you more. Yes it is a good idea generally not to run the show from the CD drive unless you have tested it thoroughly. Some drives read slower than others. The hard drive is always a safer bet.
  17. Lin I think BOXIG has a utility to recover all from an .exe file
  18. Ron: I should have kept the description for those as I posted it many months ago, but of course I can't find it now BOXIG has a utility that will do this too I understand. I just find my method quick and painless, but I have done it MANY times. Anyway, I create a PTE presentation with one image. The image usually relates somehow to the audience I am showing the AV's to (logo, image of building etc etc) The PROJECT OPTIONS>MAIN is set to: "When show ends keep last slide on the screen" I use a 200ms fade, everything else is essentially "neutralized" except I keep the mouse cursor showing (PROJECT OPTIONS>ADVANCED) (Make sure mouse clicks on the same page are set to "None") Then I click on OBJECT EDITOR and set up OBJECTS (as many as I need) with properties set to use either a thumbnail from each show or a button with the show title as the OBJECT. The properties ACTION are set to RUN APPLICATION or OPEN FILE and then point at the .exe file if it is a PTE show you want to launch. Make sure you have the screen res (top left corner) set to screen res you will be showing the presentations on, not to your screen res. Save the one slide shows as a .pte file and .exe file as usual. When you want to present the AVs, simply double click on the .exe file as you would for any show. Just make sure you only click ONCE on the OBJECT to launch the show (otherwise, the show will run twice (on top of each other) it sounds just great !!! Hope that helps
  19. Ron: I use a black page to end with all the time. If I am showing just one show, then yes the black page returns to wherever I started it from, either the desktop or EXPLORE. When I present several shows, as I frequently do, I use a one slide show with OBJECTS from which I launch the individual shows. When each show ends it comes back to the "launch" page which looks more professional. I try to customize the "launch page" in line with the group I am showing the presentations to. It impresses the hell out of many groups. (not all though Does that help, or have I missed something ?
  20. Brian: Glad you are enjoying PTE, I have been for about 3 years now and echo your views strongly I don't think there is a mute on the Navigation bar (yet..... Igor are you listening ? ) But if you e-mail BOXIG, search for him on the member list in top right corner or this page - or look for one of his many postings and click on his name, you can then send him an e-mail and ask if he has a utility that will do it. I seem to recall that he does. If not I suspect you'll have one soon from him. By the way, while I like to be able to control some of my shows, I don't really like the navigation bar on the screen as it is distracting. You can control the shows to a large extent without the navigation bar by using the PROJECT OPTIONS>ADVANCED>mouse clicks etc for partial control (forward and backward). Then PAUSE/BREAK key will pause the show for you. (Igor is thinking about adding the space bar as a pause control too) If you have a sound bite added via the SOUND LINE as compared to background music, the sound clip for the slide you have paused on does not immediately stop, but will carry on until the end of the clip.
  21. dmaillefer Welcome to PTE, I'm sure you'll like it and this forum Ques 1 - I am no techie but I would say it is NOT normal Ques 2 - you'll have to do the audio mixing outside of PTE (Audacity (free), Audition ($$) are two softwares) Ques 3 - I have not tried that particular "action" so I can't comment, but I have not heard of the issue before Not sure I helped much, others will be along shortly with better answers.
  22. Brian: I am a luddite when it comes to computers, give me one that works and am as a happy as a pig in ****...... Re the .NET Framework... You mention that PTE runs much smoother with it. I also noticed that MS says: Note: Non-developers need to install the .NET Framework 1.1 to run applications developed using the .NET Framework 1.1. Does that mean if I install .NET Framework and create more PTE shows, that I will need to advise all and sundry that I give copies of my shows to, that they will need install .Net Framework. ? (Or do I have to do something more than just install it ?) Sorry If I am a little thick headed
  23. Greyhair You are not the only one with this problem, it happens from time to time. It is not fault of the support people. see: here You'll find the support people (who are basedin Russia on a different time zone than many of us are VERY responsive. Keep an eye on this forum and you'll see what we mean. I think you'll like PTE, this forum and support people very soon.
  24. JRR


    Guido: GREAT WORK !!!! All the new material will only add to the great utility of your site. We all appreciate your work and effort in doing this for us.
  25. Harry: Sorry forum posting does not always convey the true feelings. I was not upset, I was trying to steer you to help The thread is still active, comments are being made on it as we speak. It will be only one or two threads away from this one. Look for: "P2EXE on MAC PC" Link here PS: I just noticed there are two active threads, second is at: HERE too Hope that helps
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